



  • Satan does not have to tempt those who are already doing his evil will ; they are already his .

    撒但不必去 诱惑那些已随从它做恶事的人,他们已是属于他了。

  • He wisely resolved to tempt his fortune no more .

    他明智地决定不再 冒险了。

  • Do you really want to tempt fate by making this promise at a time when promises are easily broken ?

    你真的想要在这种 任何许诺都很容易被打破的阶段许下影响你 命运的誓言么?

  • I hate it when people tempt to know my ongoing stories .

    我讨厌有人 试图了解我正在进展中的故事。

  • I don 't want to tempt fate but none the less you are in good shape .

    我并不想 蔑视命运但你依然状态良好。

  • Don 't let credit tempt you to buy something you can 't afford

    不要因为可以 赊购,就买 超过自己支付能力的东西。

  • Those cream cakes tempt me !

    那些奶油蛋糕 吸引我!

  • I shouldn 't have let you tempt me into talking of the old days .

    我不该让你来 引诱我谈过去的事。

  • Is gonna tempt you to come after me .


  • As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side it is tempting fate .

    你刚说从来没输过, 晦气就来了。

  • There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right .

    总会发生一些困难, 诱使你相信批评你的人是对的。

  • Someone who is already involved with someone else will tempt you .

    狮子 :已经和别人发展关系的人会 引诱你。

  • The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life .

    她有钱了,可这丝毫没 她改变节俭的生活习惯。

  • Having spent so long at a great club like Rangers no other Scottish team could tempt him away

    在流浪者队这样优秀的俱乐部呆了这么久之后,其他苏格兰球队都 吸引 不了他了。

  • You tempt Him to wring them till He forces a cry of humiliation .

    使得 上帝来绞扭你的 和神经,一直到他迫使你发出屈服的呼喊为止。

  • It would tempt israel 's neighbors to escalate their demands .

    它将 诱使以色列的邻国不断把他们的要求升级。

  • They have been for months but I want to tempt our fate .

    几个月前就已经卖完了,但我想 碰碰运气。

  • Flowers tempt me . I will move close to you and whisper .

    花的 诱惑,我会 黏著你,靠近你,轻松细语的说。

  • How many did you tempt into doing such disgusting things ?

    这种恶心的事,你 一共做了多少次?

  • Can I tempt you with a little puff pastry ?

    我能 点泡芙点心吗?

  • A mad scheme like this was bound to tempt me .

    像这样疯狂的计划,肯定会 吸引 我。

  • We dare not tempt them with weakness .

    我们不敢以示弱 诱惑他们。

  • Do you think anything would tempt me to accept the man who has destroyed the happiness of my sister ?

    你以为我会接受一个 亲手毁了我姐姐幸福的人吗?

  • It is the premium and the feast which tempt him .

    现在是报酬和一顿大嚼在 吸引他们了。

  • But no one will tempt me into a plane thank you very much !

    但是谁也别 我上飞机,谢了!

  • She will be offering a package worth about 40 million dollars to tempt the rebels into agreeing to disarm .

    她将提出价值4,000万美元的一揽子条件,以 诱使反叛分子答应解除武装。

  • It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year

    一年 当中这个 时节,新鲜水果 吸引我了。

  • Please don 't literally to tempt my patience I am not so good .

    请不要随便来 试探我的耐性,我不是那么好说话的。