


  • Q : Who do you fear more at the start of the season Alonso or your teammate Massa ?

    在赛季初你觉得谁对你的威胁更大,阿隆索还是 队友马萨?

  • To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate .

    传球把球或冰球传给 队友

  • Your teammate attempts to assassinate me .

    你的 队友企图暗杀我。

  • I had to help the team due to a teammate 's injury .

    队友受伤时我就应该 己所能帮助球队。

  • He was your teammate he was a threat .

    他是你的 队友,他是一个威胁。

  • Swedes prefer to have a teammate as a front in support of his partner and he even transposition Age Mancini this is Cruz Adriano is now .

    瑞典人更喜欢有一个 队友作为锋线搭档支持他,甚至和他换位,曼奇尼时代这个人是克鲁斯,现在则是阿德里亚诺。

  • Wang played head-to-head against national team teammate Yao Ming of the Shanghai Sharks in the champion - ship series .

    在总决赛中,他同国家队 队友、上海鲨鱼队的姚明展开了贴身较量。

  • It 's frustrating not having a teammate forward Rudy Gay said .

    “少了个 队友这的确让人很沮丧,”前锋鲁迪盖说。

  • Since I was young I have had a particular admiration for Alessandro Del Piero and I enjoyed watching him play – it 's hard to believe that I am his teammate .

    我还很年轻的时候就特别钦佩亚历山德罗-德尔-皮耶罗,我很喜欢看他踢球-很难相信我现在 成为他的 队友

  • In today 's tournament Chinese international master Jun Xu challenged teammate and international grandmaster Rongguang Ye .

    在今天的比赛中,中国国际大师徐俊迎战 队友、国际特级大师叶荣光。

  • Arsenal teammate Gilberto expects him to be ready for the World Cup .

    阿森纳的 队友吉尔伯托期望它可以为世界杯做好准备。

  • Will not easily be replaced teammate team .

    不会轻易更换 队友,队伍。

  • I 've never been more dedicated to becoming the best player and teammate that I can be .

    我从来没有像现在这样意志坚定,我要尽我所有努力,成为一个最好的球员和 队友

  • I 'm also proud of being a good teammate .

    我也对我成为一个很好的 团队 球员而自豪。

  • You think I 'd frame a teammate ?

    你认为我会陷害一个 队友

  • Have you met my teammate david a newcomer in our team ?

    你见过我的 队友大卫吗? 是新选手。

  • Can you believe that he would do that for his teammate ?

    你能相信他可以对他的 队友做那些吗?

  • Andrew Bynum can go from teammate to teammate leaping high and giving chest-bumps .

    拜纳姆高高跳起,和 队友们一一撞胸庆祝。

  • Q : Your teammate scored a podium in Australia ; what sort of effect has that had on the team ?

    问:你的 队友在澳大利亚站上了领奖台。这对车队产生了什么影响?

  • Blue and green I do not know but White is the team 's teammate .

    蓝色的和绿色的我也不清楚,不过白色的是组队的 队友

  • Picture this : A teammate or worse your boss suggests the worst idea you 've ever heard .

    想象一下:一名 团队 伙伴或更甚,你的老板,说出了一个你认为是最糟糕的想法。

  • Olympic teammate Dara Torres said Phelps has become such a prominent figure that everything he does is news .

    奥运 队友达拉-托里斯表示,菲尔普斯太有名了,他的一举一动都是新闻。

  • He 's a great teammate .

    他是个伟大的 队友

  • After this great year Bergkamp and his teammate Wim Jonk were sold to Inter of Italy .

    在这伟大的一年之后,博格坎普和他的 队友容克被卖到了意大利的国际米兰。

  • He beat his teammate Ma Lin in the final .

    在决赛中,他打败了他的 队友马林。

  • I love chinese I am glad I am a teammate with Yao ming .

    我喜欢中国,我很高兴 能够和姚明 成为 队友

  • Yao the NBA 's tallest player would need big-time help from his smallest teammate .

    但每到到关键时刻,作为联盟中最高大的球员,姚明需要得到小 个子的帮助。

  • The Serie A champs also interested in Ronie 's teammate Deco .

    意甲领头羊同样对小罗的 队友德科感兴趣。