technical publications

[计] 技术文件

  • He used semi-automated equipment that he pieced together after reading technical publications .

    他使用的是自己根据 技术 刊物拼凑而成的半自动设备。

  • In fact large quantities of technical information can be gained from openly published publications either in China or anywhere else .

    事实上, 技术方面的大量信息在公开的 出版物上都能够得到,这些信息不仅中国能够得到,任何国家都能够得到。

  • Information technology ( IT ) governance has assumed a prevalent spot in technical and management publications .

    信息技术(IT)治理已经被认为是 技术和管理 出版物中比较流行的主题了。

  • An unbound printed work usually with a paper cover . Some of these are described in technical publications .

    小册子不装订的出版物,常带有纸封皮其中有些在 技术 出版物发表

  • Most technical publications as well as the science sections of some national newspapers accept a certain amount of freelance material .

    大多数 技术 出版物以及一些全国性报纸的科学版面都接受一定数量的自由撰稿人文章。

  • We have a number of technical publications on various oil products including lubricants bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas .

    壳牌各油品部门,包括润滑油、沥青、液化石油气、燃料等,均备有 产品 介绍 资料

  • Although paperless world is fascinating because of economic technical and habitual reasons electronic and printed publications will coexist for a considerably long period of time .

    无纸世界是美妙的理想,但在相当长时期内仍将是电子版和印刷 文献并存发展;

  • He has also written technical articles for a variety of publications and industry conferences .

    张明峰 经常为一些 杂志和专业 技术研讨会撰写并 发表文章。

  • Establish a secure high availability integrated management system of technical publications which is to establish a sound mechanism for logistics support .

    建立一套安全、可用性强的 技术 出版物综合管理系统,是建立健全的后勤保障机制的趋势所在。

  • Create High Quality Pictures for Scientific and Technical Publications Pictorial Means

    创建高质量 科技 出版物电子插图的方法研究

  • Technical Operations and Publications Service technical assistance and operating outlays

    技术业务和 出版物处技术援助和业务费用