technical panel

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈpænəl][ˈteknikəl ˈpænəl]


  • This paper gives an analysis of the applications and technical development of power supply panel used in railway signal . Suggestions are made to optimize the design of main connection structure to enhance the reliability of modules to standardize its production up to industrial standards and regulations .

    对有关铁路信号智能化电源 的应用现状及 技术发展进行分析,建议优化主接线结构设计、提高模块可靠性,实行标准化生产。

  • Technical expert groups are under the panel 's authority .

    技术专家小组受 专家 的管辖。

  • Comparative Study of Regional Technical Innovation & Based on the Analysis of Panel Data of 17 Cities in Shandong Province

    区域 技术创新效率比较研究&基于山东省17地市技术创新 面板数据的分析

  • Technical standard for construction of heat insulation engineering for petrochemical industry Advisory Panel on Petrochemicals

    石油化工绝热工程施工 工艺标准石油化学工业咨询 小组

  • It was leaded by Top Technical Strategy since foundation of 2006 has been became technical leader in touch panel industry of China mail land formed a whole products system for customer and being comprehensive cooperation with top mobile phone manufactures in the world .

    该公司自2006年成立以来,在技术领先的战略驱动下,至今已经发展成为中国大陆触控 屏幕行业的 技术领先者,形成了较为全面的产品体系,与世界各大手机厂商均达成全面合作。

  • Introduce the high frequency switch technical features of the DC battery panel not vindicated and pay attention to the problems during using it .

    介绍高频开关免维护电池直流 技术特点,以及在运用中应该注意的问题。

  • Interpreting input-output relationship of private technical enterprises by Cobb-Douglas production function and panel data method and obtaining regression equation with different intercept to explain the similarities and differences of every administrate district in Tianjin .

    利用道格拉斯生产函数模型和 面板数据分析方法,对民营 科技企业的投入产出做出解释,并获得不同截距的回归方程,用以解释天津不同区县民营科技企业投入产出模式的异同。

  • This chapter first introduces the main technical points of the Vehicle Tracker ; and then the four windows '( the main control panel window view window warning window and warned the editor window ) functions are described in detail .

    本章首先介绍了VehicleTracker车辆轨迹跟踪的主要 技术要点;然后详细描述了软件四个窗口(主控制 面板窗口、视图窗口、警告窗口以及警告编辑器窗口)的功能。

  • Methods The technical efficiency in 60 TCM hospitals in the country was analyzed using the stochastic frontier cost model for panel data and the influencing factors causing inefficiency were discussed using the multiple stepwise regression method .

    方法运用 平行数据随机前沿成本模型,分析全国60所中医院的 技术效率;运用多元逐步回归分析,探讨低效率的影响因素。

  • In a dispute under this Agreement involving scientific or technical issues a panel should seek advice from experts chosen by the panel in consultation with the parties to the dispute .

    在本协定项下涉及科学或 技术问题的争端中, 专家 应寻求专家组与争端各方磋商后选定的专家的意见。

  • The fundamental construction working principle and main technical parameters of composite instrument panel of the Audi model 100 car are presented in this article .

    介绍了奥迪100型轿车组合 仪表的基本结构和工作原理以及主要 技术参数。

  • The panel furniture design analysed the flow of the root causes summarizes the technical features of panel furniture .

    论文以板式家具的产生背景及发展趋势为切入点,分析了板式家具设计流变的根本原因,总结了 板式家具的 技术特征。

  • Technical specification for construction of partition with steel mesh cement sandwich panel

    钢丝网架水泥夹心 隔墙施工 技术规程

  • The panel furniture is one kind of mainstream furniture type . The technical content is high in panel furniture making . It has obvious characteristic of industrialization and standardized .

    板式家具是一种主流的家具类型, 技术含量较高,具有很多工业化、标准化明显的特征。

  • And a technical note from our panelist Bob : One other thing on the730ES : the front panel MPX switch .

    以及来自我们的专门小组成员鲍勃的 技术说明:在730ES上的另外一件事情: 面板MPX开关。

  • Technical Panel on Electronic Records Management

    电子记录管理 技术 小组

  • Technical Transformation : Rejuvenation of Wood-based Panel Enterprises ── - Technical Transformation Points of Particleboard Mills

    技术改造:人造 企业兴旺之举&刨花板企业技术改造要点

  • The researches of automobile numerical simulation and the effect of the technical parameters on sheet metal forming process are very important in the stamping industry specially in auto panel designing and manufacturing .

    本文通过数值模拟对其成形过程及 工艺参数进行分析,开展汽车覆盖件数值模拟及 工艺参数影响的研究对冲压行业特别是汽车 覆盖 的设计与制造有着深远意义。

  • The present situation of production technical development program and recent technical progress of wood-based panel in Russia are briefly introduced .

    介绍俄罗斯人造 的生产现状、生产技术发展规划和 技术进展概况。

  • The technical features and working conditions of a new type of indication panel were introduced and its software and related technology were also summarized in this paper .

    对新型表示 技术特点、工作状态作了主要介绍,对它的软件和整体技术作了总结。

  • Explains the main technical mathematical abstraction of panel system ;

    论述了 平台系统核心 技术的数学抽象;

  • Technical specification for lightweight building panel wall Code for design of particleboard engineering

    墙体工程 技术规程刨花板工程设计规范

  • Provide the technical support to new product development panel filter material trials and quality traceability .

    负责支持对新产品的开发、 试制产品材料的质量跟踪。

  • The construction technique of collecting light panel can affect the utilization of steel structure directly . Therefore it is an important technical work to prevent the collecting light panel from leaking .

    采光板的施工技术直接影响到钢结构建筑的使用,因此采光 的渗漏防治是一项重要 技术工作。

  • This paper outlined the working principle and technical characteristics of color Plasma Display Panel ( PDP ) a newly developed color display system widely used in video imaging equipment e.g. television advertising etc emphasizing its superiority compared with traditional CRT systems .

    本文阐述了彩色等离子 显示器的工作原理和 技术特性。这是一种新近开发的彩色显示系统,广泛应用于电视机、广告显示屏等视频影像设备,与传统的阴极射线管系统相比具有特殊优越性。

  • The Financial Development FDI and Technical Progress : An Threshold Model Analysis Based on the Inter-Province Panel Data in China

    金融发展、外商直接投资与 技术进步&基于中国省际 面板数据的门槛模型分析

  • In this paper the present situation of development and application as well as the main technical performance and production process of fly ash silicate industrial wall panel in China is introduced .

    本文介绍了粉煤灰硅酸盐工业 墙板在我国的研制和应用现状,粉煤灰硅酸盐工业墙板的主要 技术性能和生产工艺流程。

  • Environmental Regulation and Regional Technical Innovation : Empirical Study Based on China Provincial Panel Data

    环境规制与区域 技术创新&基于中国省际 面板数据的实证分析