


  • Objective : To study the ultrastructure of the tegmentum vasculosum ( TV ) in chick inner ear so as to obtain important information for its physiology and pathology .

    目的:了解鸡 内耳血管 的超微结构,为其生理、病理学的研究提供资料。

  • SS-positive neuron bodies were localized in nucleus interpeduncularis periaqueductal central grey and the adjacent reticular formation lateral to it nucleus linearis caudalis tectum opticum pontine tegmentum nucleus reticularis parvocellularis formatio reticularis medullaris and nucleus tractus solitarii .

    不同密度的SS样神经元胞体存在于脚间核、中脑中央灰质、线形尾侧核、视顶盖、脑桥 被盖、小细胞网状核、孤束核和延髓网状结构;

  • The cell layers in tegmentum were indistinct .

    被盖 细胞层次不明显。

  • Spinal projections to the pontine nucleus and the caudal pontine ventrolateral tegmentum in rabbits

    家兔脊髓至桥核及脑桥尾侧 被盖腹外侧部的投射

  • Results showed that unilateral transection of the middle midbrain above the ventral tegmentum did not block the synchronized bursts on both sides ;

    结果显示:在腹侧 被盖以上 横向切断单侧中脑中部,不能阻断双侧 催产 神经元的同步化爆发放电;

  • Effects of damage in cat dorsolateral pontomesencephalic tegmentum on sleep-waking states

    猫背外侧脑桥中脑 被盖区神经细胞损毁对睡眠-觉醒状态的影响

  • After introducing HRP into the ventral part of pontine tegmentum numerous labeled cells were observed in the mesencephalic central gray and related reticular formation which is equivalent to the MSR ( Mesencephalic Stepping Region ) ventral to the surface of the superior colliculus .

    将HRP注射至脑桥腹侧 被盖后,中脑上丘腹侧的中脑水管周围灰质和网状结构 交界 (MSR),具有较 密集的标记神经元。

  • Frequency Selectivity of Summating Potential Recorded From Scala Media of Cochlea in Guinea Pig the tegmentum vasculosum ( TV ) sealed off scala media ( ScM ) and separated it from scala vestibuli ( ScV ) .

    耳蜗中阶记录总和电位(SP)频率选择性的实验观察血管盖封闭中阶( ScM)且将中阶与前庭阶分开;

  • Afferent connections of the pontine tegmentum in guinea pigs HRP retrograde tracing method

    豚鼠脑桥 被盖 部位HRP逆行标记的传入联系

  • The transparent enclosure over the cockpit of an aircraft . The tegmentum tectum tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid-dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus .

    驾驶舱盖,座舱盖飞机驾驶室顶部的透明 覆盖 被盖顶盖被盖的联系只与上丘中、深层有关。

  • The midbrain responsive loci were mainly distributed in an area including central gray and adjacent tegmentum but seldom in the tectum .

    中脑反应点主要分布于中央灰质及其邻近的 被盖,而很少在顶盖出现。

  • The laterodorsal tegmentum ( LDT ) neurons supply most of the cholinergic tone to the brainstem and diencephalon necessary for physiological arousal .

    维持生理性觉醒,需要大脑脚 被盖背侧核的神经元为脑干及间脑提供胆碱能递质。

  • Results Of the 38 patients 11 tumors occurred predominantly in the tectum 20 tumors in the tegmentum and 7 with downward extension to the pons 7 tumors were located in the cerebral aqueduct .

    手术 全部 部分切除。结果肿瘤位于中脑顶盖11例,中脑被盖 13例, 位于 中脑 被盖并向脑桥侵犯7例,位于导水管7例。

  • In the ventrolateral tegmentum four small cell groups were found labeled which were temporarily denominated as VLPT_ ( 1 ~ 4 ) groups .

    在桥尾侧 被盖腹外侧区中见4个小细胞群内有标记终支,暂名之为VLPT(1~4)细胞群。

  • These author found that destruction of per-aqueductal gray matter and adjacent tegmentum beneath the superior colliculi abolished or greatly reduced facio-vocal behavior .

    学者们发现位于上脑 之下的周边导管灰质与邻近的 大脑,大大减少、或破坏了脸部运动行为。

  • A small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head . The tegmentum tectum tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid-dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus .

    带有两个盖的并且 是由 网状 覆盖的小鼓。 被盖顶盖被盖的联系只与上丘中、深层有关。

  • The tegmentum tectum tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid-dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus . The ground was covered with snow .


  • The large neurons in the nucleus ruber of the tegmentum mesencephalon ;

    中脑 红核的大型神经元;