



  • He 's a real young tearaway !

    他是个十足 放荡不羁 阿飞

  • He was a real tearaway at school & he was always in trouble with teachers or with the police .

    他在学校里是十足的 阿飞,总是 老师或警察的训斥。

  • He blamed lack of parental control for the young tearaways ' behaviour .

    他认为, 那些 流氓行为不端 因为 缺少 家教

  • He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place .

    他是有点 阿飞,但 心眼 不错。

  • Available in many styles and weights most commonly referred to as cutaway or tearaway .

    衬背的样式和重量有很多,一般所提到的 剪切 撕裂