technical papers


  • Technical Papers should present new methods and procedures for either research methodology or culture-related techniques .

    技术 论文应该包含研究方法或养殖相关技术的新方法和新过程。

  • The result indicates that the journal has high impact factor and total citation frequency in periodicals covered by the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database ranking first among periodicals of basic and general medical sciences .

    结果看到,《中华医院管理杂志》在中国 科技 论文与引文数据库期刊中的影响因子和总被引频次较高,位于基础医学、医学综合类期刊前列,说明其具有较高的学术地位和 学术影响力。

  • This paper analyzes on the grammatical norms word norms and reference-recording norms that must be mastered in writing the scientific and technical papers in Chinese and discusses on the importance of learning the scientific and technical Chinese .

    分析了撰写中文 科技 论文所应掌握的语法规范、字词规范和参考文献著录规范,论述了进行科技汉语学习的重要性。

  • Chin is a certified cloud computing solution advisor and author of more than 10 technical papers .

    Chin是一名认证的云计算解决方案顾问和10多 技术 论文的作者。

  • The meaning and actions of standardization and normalization of scientific and technical papers in the numerical and network times are discussed ;

    探讨 科技 论文实现标准化和规范化在数字化、网络化时代的意义和作用;

  • The technical papers have all been prepared locally at the respective production facilities in USA Brazil Italy and Spain and representatives from each location will be present .

    这些 技术 文件都是由美国、巴西、意大利和西班牙的当地生产设备分别提供和准备的,并由各地的代理商各级一一介绍。

  • Evaluation of Scientific and Technical Papers of University

    高校 科技 论文的价值评价研究

  • This article emphasizes the research of core function and key technology for realizing configuration management system for aircraft . The aircraft design information technical papers configuration management and aircraft design state are under effective control by this system .

    本文研究了飞机技术状态管理系统的核心功能和关键技术,实现后的系统对飞机图样、 技术 文件等数据进行了有效的控制管理,达到了实时 反映飞机设计状态、进行有效技术状态管理的目的。

  • Problem Analysis about Writing Scientific and Technical Papers

    科技 期刊 论文撰写中存在问题分析

  • The local published technical papers related to metallurgical analysis written by Yunnan authors in 2006 are reviewed .

    评述了云南分析工作者2006年期间在国内发表的有关冶金分析的 研究 论文

  • Alternatives for indexing scientific and technical papers in medicine

    医学 科技 论文主题标引方法之我见

  • Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police ?

    你们把丢失新产品 技术 文件的事向警方报告了吗?

  • Design of Computer Statistics System for Scientific and Technical Papers

    高校 科技 论文统计系统设计

  • She is the author of three books and over a hundred technical papers .

    她是三本书的作者和一百多 技术 论文

  • Chinese Norms in Scientific and Technical Papers

    科技 论文中的汉语规范

  • I hope that the above discussion regarding English abstract writing also will be beneficial to English abstract writing for other scientific and technical papers ( for example academic degree thesis ) .

    以上有关学术论文英文摘要写作的讨论,希望也能有助于其他 科技 论文(例如学位论文)的英文摘要写作。

  • Correct Method and Mistake Discrimination of Writing Abstracts of Scientific and Technical Papers

    科技 论文摘要撰写错误辨析与正确方法

  • Contents of technical papers and some abstracts from the first International Symposium on mine planning and development

    第一届国际矿山规划开发 技术讨论会 论文题录及部分论文摘要

  • Technical papers cover specific in-depth technical issues and are designed primarily for the experienced professional .


  • FAO has also published a number of technical papers dealing with the issue .

    粮农组织也出版了很多与此相关的 技术 文件

  • She has 23 years of software industry experience has written three books more than 60 technical papers and holds seven patents .

    她有23年软件从业经验,撰写了三本书和超过60 技术 文章,拥有七项专利。

  • Companies like IBM have put all of their manuals Redbooks technical papers and even their man pages on the web for research purposes .

    IBM这样的公司在网上公开他们的所有手册、Redbook、 技术 文件甚至man页面以供研究。

  • This paper mainly discussed the writing technique and translation skill of the technical papers .

    主要讨论了 科技 论文英文摘要的写作和翻译方法。

  • Because of the authors carelessness and impetuosity there are more and more general knowledge data errors in scientific and technical papers .

    由于作者的马虎与浮躁,目前越来越多不符合科学常识的数据错误出现在 科技 论文原稿中。

  • You 'll have to read a lot of technical papers to become familiar with any field and to stay current once you 've caught up .

    你得读大量的 文献才能熟悉你的研究领域,之后就可以开始读近期发布的 文献

  • After expounding the importance of data use in the scientific and technical papers some issues related to reviewing and checking data are discussed .

    在阐述数据重要性的基础上,讨论 科技 论文数据的审读与检验问题。

  • In the translation inspiration part firstly she states the importance of analyzing the text of the scientific and technical papers . Then she discusses the problems and errors that she met in translation and prospects for the future work .

    在翻译 感悟部分,首先论述了文本分析的重要性,接着针对翻译中存在的问题做了简要的分析及论述,最后是对今后工作的展望。

  • In addition IBM released the SOA Sandbox which contains a large collection of technical papers organized around IBM perceived SOA Entry Points : reuse connectivity process people and information .

    而且,IBM发布的SOA试用品包含有数目众多的 技术 论文这些 论文围绕IBM所理解的SOA入口点:重用、连通性、过程、人员和信息。

  • He regularly speaks at technical conferences and publishes technical papers and sample programs .

    他经常在技术会议上演讲,发表过一些 技术 论文和示例程序。