
  • Synthesis and application of super high TBN Petroleum Calcium Sulfonate

    超高 石油磺酸钙的合成及应用

  • The magnesium naphthenate of 400 TBN is produced with naphthenic acid and magnesia .

    利用 稠油环烷酸与氧化镁 TBN400 环烷酸镁。

  • Study on selection of processed materials of preparation of high TBN petroleum calcium sulfonate additive

    制备高 石油磺酸钙添加剂的原料选择

  • The development of 100 TBN marine cylinder oil

    100 船用汽缸油的研制

  • Under optimized condition NBS / TBN catalysed selective aerobic oxidation of a broad range of primary and secondary alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes ketones and esters .

    在优化条件下, NBS/TBN催化体系能有效地氧化各种伯、仲醇为相应的醛、酮或酯。

  • Generally we can get the capacity that lubricating oil neutralize acid by measuring TBN in lubricate to prevent overuse of lubricate oil .

    为防止润滑油过度使用,人们通常通过测定 了解润滑油中和酸性物质的能力。

  • Total basic number ( TBN ) of the final product is over 400 mg KOH / g through physical chemical analysis and analog evaluation the product is proved to be high quality .

    最后可 总碱值( TBN)超过400mgKOH/g的 高碱 磺酸钙产品,所得产品的理化指标、模拟评定结果都达到了国内外同类产品水平。

  • ■ By using the real observed traffic flow data we implemented and tested the performance of the methods for TBN construction inferences and the corresponding traffic flow prediction . Experimental results show that the methods we proposed in this thesis are efficient accurate and practical .

    ■采用实际观测到的交通流量数据,我们实现并测试了本文提出的 TBN的构建、推理及相应的流量预测方法,实验结果表明,本文提出的方法是高效的、准确的、可用的。

  • The influence of the crystal form of detergent on the determination of TBN

    清净剂晶型 分布 分析的影响

  • A new measurement techniques for TBN of lubricate

    一种测定润滑油 的新技术

  • Alkylphenol and calcium hydroxide were used as raw material and a special accelerant was applied under certain pressure . The reaction conditions of neutralization and carboxylation were investigated and optimized to obtain a neutral calcium alkylsalicylate having TBN of 98.9 mgKOH / g.

    以烷基酚和氢氧化钙等为原料,在引入特定促进剂及一定压力条件下,通过对中和及羧基化反应条件的优化考察,合成了一种 达到 98.9mgKOH/g的中性烷基水杨酸盐产品。

  • A new method for rapid determining the total base number ( TBN ) of internal combustion engine oil by voltammetric techniques was described the result determined by voltammetric technique was compared with that by standard method .

    介绍了用伏安法快速测定内燃机油总 值新技术,并将伏安法测定结果与标准方法测定结果进行了比较。

  • Relationship Between TBN Retention and Antioxidation Performance of Engine Oils

    发动机油 保持能力与油品抗氧化性能关系的 考察

  • A new method to measure TBN of lubricating oil which is called cyclic voltammetric method is introduced .

    介绍了润滑油 的一种测定新技术&循环伏安法。