task option

[tæsk ˈɑpʃən][tɑ:sk ˈɔpʃən]


  • Task option word inquiry system

    任务 任选字询问系统

  • That task however is not a choice or an option it is an absolute necessity .

    但是,这 工作是不可选择或 取舍的,而是绝对必要的。

  • When a task pane is active select the next or previous option in the task pane respectively .

    任务窗格处于活动状态时,分别选择该任务窗格中的下一个或上一个 选项

  • The backup database maintenance plan task prohibits the ability to mistakenly set the option to create differential and transaction log backups for system databases .

    “备份数据库”维护计划 任务不会错将此 选项设置为为系统数据库创建差异和事务日志备份。

  • When the task at hand is query performance tuning of course you should keep the new-index option in mind .

    如果您手头上的 任务是查询性能调优,当然您应该记住新索引 选项

  • In the greeting cards options task pane under design click the option that allows you to modify the layout and appearance of the original design .

    在“贺卡选项” 任务窗格中的“设计 方案”下,单击可用来修改原始设计的版式和外观的 选项

  • Experimental task was the variant of the Ellsberg paradox using a forced-choice between two alternatives so that subjects made a choice between the risky option and the ambiguity option .

    实验 任务为艾尔斯伯格选瓶 任务的变式,采用了二择一的迫选式问题,让被试在风险备 和模糊备择项里面作出选择。

  • Again however this procedure also demonstrates that there are multiple ways to do the same task and sometimes regular expressions aren 't always the best option .

    然而,此过程也再次说明执行同一 任务有多种方法,而且有时正则表达式并非总是最佳 选择

  • After the Compact task is complete you can use your mail database ( the Compact option is available only through the full Lotus Notes client ) .

    完成压缩 任务之后,就可以使用邮件数据库了(只有通过完整的LotusNotes客户机, Compact可以使用)。

  • The earlier NFS mount option intr was a way out of interrupting NFS client processes waiting for some event but it allowed all interruptions not just one by deadly signals ( like TASK_KILLABLE ) .

    早期的NFS挂载 选项intr可以帮助解决NFS客户机进程中断并等待某些事件的问题,但它允许所有中断,而不仅仅是通过致命信号(如 TASK KILLABLE)。

  • Since the original task has the-de overwrite option even though the destination file already exists from the previous transfer the new transfer will complete successfully .

    由于原始 任务拥有-de覆盖 选项,即使目标文件自上次传输后已经存在,新传输任务仍将成功执行。

  • Psychologists have known for a long time that having a decoy option in a decision-making task draws people to choose a reasonable option that is similar to the decoy .

    心理学家早已发现,在决策 任务中添加对比 任务(如上文中的对比地点),决策者会在与对比 任务的比较过程中选择一个更好的 选择

  • It is difficult for engineer to quickly complete the task only using the Pro / E or ANSYS the better option is to build its integrated system as a working platform .

    对于需要使用CAD/CAE集成系统的工程人员来说,只单一地使用Pro/E或是ANSYS软件是很难迅速优质地完成 任务,其较好的 选择是构建两者的集成系统作为工作平台。