


  • She finished by tartly pointing out that he owed her some money .

    她最后 薄地指出他欠她一些钱。

  • It 's quite ungallant of you not to think that I might get hurt too she said tartly .

    “你一点不考虑我也可能出事,这未免太不仗义了吧,”她 酸溜溜 说。

  • You don 't seem to appreciate the situation . she said tartly .

    你看来不喜欢这种处境,她 刻薄 说。

  • Never mind your immortal soul ' she said tartly .

    千万不要 提及你不朽的灵魂,’她 尖酸 说。

  • He also raises an eyebrow at Soros 's intellectual ambitions tartly observing that he would like the world to take his philosophical pronouncements as seriously as it takes his financial acumen .

    他还对索罗斯在思想 领域的雄心抱负 表示 不屑辛辣 说他想要全世界像接受他的金融才智一般接受他的哲学思想。

  • China is about 14 times bigger than Greece this note tartly declared before concluding that China still appeared to be on track for steady sustainable growth .

    报告 尖锐 指出:中国比希腊大了差不多14倍。其结论是,中国看起来仍有望实现持续、稳定的增长。

  • Oh do n 't baby-talk me ! She snapped tartly .

    “噢,别来哄我!”她 辛辣地厉声说。

  • As S & P noted tartly investors dislike the reactive and insufficient policy responses so far .

    标准 普尔 严厉 指出,投资者对迄今为止被动、无力的政策反应非常不满。