


  • Japan 's Foreign Minister Taro Aso has denounced a draft resolution being considered by U.

    日本外相 麻生太郎对美国国会正在考虑的一份决议草案表示谴责。

  • A : Okay we should buy some fish dumplings corn cobs tofu cabbage radishes and taro . Oh yeah we also should get some drinks and ice .

    别忘了买鱼饺、玉米、冬粉、大白菜、萝卜、 芋头。对了,还有饮料和冰块。

  • He filled a bowl full of taro for us .

    他装了一盆 大大 芋头给我们。

  • Buy : Fresh ginger Fresh garlic Young Taro Sweet potato .

    采购:新鲜生姜,新鲜大蒜, 芋头,红薯。

  • And now Prime Minister Taro Aso is headed to Washington to meet with the American president .

    目前, 日本首相麻生太郎又要前往华盛顿去会见美国总统。

  • Japan 's finance minister has quit over allegations he was drunk at a news conference dealing a blow to the unpopular government of Prime Minister Taro Aso .

    日本财务大臣中川昭一 由于被指在一次记者会上酒醉失态而辞职,这对不受民众欢迎的 麻生太郎首相的政府是一个打击。

  • Small genus of perennial tuberous herbs of tropical Asia : taro .

    热带亚洲一个多年生块根状草本植物小属; 芋头

  • Effect of Fertilizer on Yield and Quality in Longyan Red-bud Taro

    不同施肥水平对龙岩红芽 产量及品质的影响研究

  • Recently the Japanese media commented with the above three words on the previous chief cabinet secretary Fukuda Yasuo and Secretary-General Taro Aso of Prime Minister candidates .

    近日,日本媒体在评论自民党总裁候选人前官房长官福田康夫和 自民党干事长 麻生太郎时,就用了这三个词来形容他们。

  • The town of large-scale production of ginger taro and wool and other .

    本镇大规模生产生姜、毛 芋头 大蒜以及 等农副产品。

  • Investigations of vacuum freeze drying process of taro crisp slice ;

    分析了真空 冷冻干燥 基本 原理与过程 特点

  • Asian populations in Seattle enjoy green bean red bean and taro ice creams .

    在西雅图生活的亚洲人喜欢绿豆、红豆和 香芋 口味的冰淇淋。

  • However it was uncertain to say that Taro earned the money all by himself .

    不过, 看看 麻生所拥有的资金,就很难说那是 靠自己的力量挣来的了。

  • Even PM Taro Aso seems to consider it important enough to reveal in his web profile .

    就连 日本首相 麻生太郎似乎都觉得有必要在其网站的个人简介中标明自己的 血型

  • And Japanese former ( foreign ) minister Taro Aso said mister Abe may visit China as early as October .

    日本外相 麻生太郎称安倍会在十月初访问中国。

  • Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso struck a note of deep humility in accepting his party 's defeat .

    日本首相 麻生太郎非常屈辱地接受了自民党的失败。

  • Hawaiian dish of taro root pounded to a paste and often allowed to ferment .

    夏威夷菜, 芋头捣碎成糊状,通常允许发酵。

  • Boiled taro sweet potato beans sago in cold coconut milk .

    冰爽摩摩喳喳, 芋头,红薯,豆,西米和冷椰奶。

  • Speaking in Japan 's parliament Monday Taro Aso called the draft regrettable and not based on objective facts .


  • Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso has advised young people who are poor in his country not to get married .

    日本首相 麻生太郎建议国内贫穷的年轻人不要着急结婚。

  • Taro is a tropical plant used widely in the Pacific Islands .


  • Lisa : I 'd guess it was taro .

    莉莎:我想是 芋头吧。

  • Nourished by the love and care of his new guardian taro recovered .

    在新主人的爱心照料下, 太郎恢复了健康。

  • You celebrate your birthday with taro red bean and lard .

    用红豆、 芋头和猪油给自己过生日。

  • Japan 's newly appointed prime minister Taro Aso is beset by problems from the sagging economy to food safety scares but creased trousers need never be among them .

    日本新任首相 麻生太郎可能会受到国内经济减退和食品安全等一系列问题的困扰,但他应该从来不用担心自己的裤子会起皱。

  • Optimizing techniques of taro 's Cultivation and application of fertilizers can affect taro 's output and commodity .

    优化 芋艿栽培技术和配方施肥技术可以影响芋艿的产量和商品性。

  • The grandpa went to visit Taro often but later he died in an accident .

    老爷爷经常去看望 太郎,但由于意外事故,老爷爷去世了。

  • President Lee Myung-bak travels to Tokyo this Sunday to discuss North Korea with Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso .

    总统李明博上周日前往东京,和日本首相 安倍晋三讨论北韩问题。

  • MAGIC taro 's function of blood purifier intestines sanitation worker has been proved by modern science technology .


  • Take a small cup and in turn lay dioscoreae medlar and taro in it .

    3取一小盅,将淮山、枸杞、 芋头依序放入盅底。