



  • Then prayed they him to tarry certain days .

    他们又请 彼得 了几天。

  • Why then does the blessing so often tarry ?

    那么为什么神 迟迟 祝福?

  • And the king said Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown and then return .

    告诉他们说, 可以 住在耶利哥,等到胡须长起再回来。

  • And Elkanah her husband said unto her Do what seemeth thee good ; tarry until thou have weaned him ; only the LORD establish his word .

    他丈夫以 利加拿说、就随你的意行罢、可以 儿子断了奶.但愿耶和华应验他的话。

  • Grieving and hoping she would tarry yet a while longer .

    他很伤心,希望她 一阵子。

  • Yet I cannot tarry longer .

    但我再也不能 迟疑了。

  • I wonder my Kallikrates if you would tarry till I came again as for so many centuries I have tarried for your coming ?

    我真想知道,卡里克 雷特,你不会我等你那样,几十世纪如一日地等待我的到来?

  • Would ye tarry for them till they were grown ?

    你们 岂能 着他们长大呢?

  • For I will not see you now by the way ; but I trust to tarry a while with you if the Lord permit .

    我不愿意只是顺路见见你们,主若许可,我盼望和你们 同住一个时期。

  • I always think short skirts and high heels look a bit tarry .

    我总认为短裙和高跟鞋看上去太 性感了一点。

  • But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost .

    但我要 仍旧 住在以弗所,直等到五旬节。

  • If he doesn 't sit there is no reason for him to tarry while answering my questions .

    如果他都不坐下, 他回答我的问题的时候没有理由 一会儿。

  • I saw no reason to tarry in that town .

    我看不出要 滞留在那城镇的理由。

  • Heaven grant it be a better one ; for in good sooth I hardly think to tarry with my flock through the flitting seasons of another year !

    但愿上天保佑,那是个更好的世界;因为,说老实话,我认为我难以 和我的教众度过转瞬即逝的另一个年头了!

  • What is my valley to you that you shouldst tarry in it ?

    我这山谷跟你有什么相干,你为什么 留在这儿不走呢?

  • His tarry pigtail falling over the shoulders of his soiled blue coat ;

    他穿着一件沾满灰尘的蓝外套, 糊糊的辫子垂落在肩膀上。

  • Then said Joab I may not tarry thus with thee .

    约押说,我不能与你 留连

  • They were tough kids but the sight of Sonny in his rage silenced them . There are fifteen tarry sailors upon the one side and a man and a halfling boy upon the other !

    他们都是些倔强的孩子,但是看到桑儿那种杀气腾腾的样子,都吓得鸦雀无声了。一方面是十五名 杀气腾腾的水手,另一方面呢,只是一个成人和一个还没有长成的小子!

  • I bring near my righteousness ; it shall not be far off and my salvation shall not tarry : and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory .

    我使我的公义临近,必不远离,我的救恩必不 迟延,我要为以色列我的荣耀,在锡安施行救恩。

  • P : I usually have to go once every other day . I was very worried because last night I went twice and the color was black ( tarry ) .

    平常我隔日大便一次。昨晚我大便了两次,颜色还是黑( 柏油 ),我很担心。

  • Now therefore I pray you tarry ye also here this night that I may know what the LORD will say unto me more .

    现在我请你们 今夜在这里住宿,等我得知耶和华还要对我说什么。

  • C.The patient had a history of tarry stools prior to admission .

    病人在入院以前已经有 柏油 大便的情况出现。

  • But Jesus had not so said only : 'If I will that he tarry while I am coming .

    但耶稣没有,所以说,只有:'如果我会说,他 焦油 废液,而我未来。

  • Jesus saith unto him If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee ? follow thou me .

    耶稣对他说,我若要他 等到我来的时候,与你何干。你跟从我吧。

  • And he went in to tarry with them .

    耶稣就 进去,要同他们 下。

  • To tarry until another catches up .

    停留 滞留直至别人追上。

  • I smelled tarry melted asphalt .

    我闻到了 柏油熔化了的味道。

  • Why did he tarry so long on his way to school ?

    他为什么在上学 途中 耽搁了那么久?

  • Before you marry be sure of a house where in to tarry .

    先准备好房子 结婚

  • For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry .

    因为还有一点点时候,那要来的就来,并不 迟延