


  • SAM : I can see the teapot but I can 't see the tea .

    萨姆: 茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。

  • Would you please bring us an electric heater and a teapot ?

    请递给我们电热器和 茶壶,好吗?

  • They were packed in baskets together with a kettle a teapot and some cups .

    它们连同水壶, 茶壶和几个杯子被装进篮子里。

  • I was really the teapot boiled dumplings-have the mouth .

    我当时真是 茶壶 煮饺子&有口道不出。

  • Don 't drop the teapot .

    别把 茶壶 了。

  • Brian : Well first of all you need a china teapot .

    布赖恩:啊,你首先要有个瓷 茶壶

  • I thought the teapot was silver but it 's only plate .

    我以为那 茶壶是银的,原来只是电镀的。

  • This teapot 's got a broken spout .


  • Don 't drain the teapot dry .


  • The teapot have lose its proper lid but this one will do instead .

    茶壶盖儿不 了,但这个可代替使用。

  • Little Tony broke the spout off the teapot .

    小唐尼把 茶壶嘴打下来了。

  • Can 't you even order a teapot for that hotel without calling me ?

    你就不能离开我自己从酒店订购一个 茶壶么?

  • He shuffled into the study carrying a tray with a teapot and two cups and other fixings .

    他重新调整到研究中,携带一个托盘一个 茶壶和两个杯子,和其他的同胞。

  • Can you make the teapot John ?

    你会做 茶壶吗,约翰?

  • How can I make tea with this teapot ?

    用这个 茶壶我该怎样泡茶?

  • The teapot just came apart in my hands .


  • On Capitol Hill senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot .

    美国国会的参议员们今天似乎把这个问题 小题大做了。

  • Omar soon picks up the teapot offers me a second cup and asks me his usual question .

    很快奥马尔拿起 茶壶,给我倒了第二杯茶,问了我和平常一样的问题。

  • If I have space I even bring a teapot and cups .

    如果 旅行 有地方,我甚至会带上 茶壶和茶杯。

  • I broke the teapot carelessly .

    我不小心打破了 茶壶

  • When she dropped the teapot it broke .

    她把 茶壶掉在地上打破了。

  • He prodded a fork into the kidney and slapped it over : then fitted the teapot on the tray .

    他把叉子戳进腰子啪的一声将它翻了个个儿。然后把 茶壶 在托盘上。

  • I am sorry I broke your teapot . forget it .

    “对不起,我打破了你的 茶壶。”“没关系。”

  • The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips .

    茶壶 配有一个可以接滴水的茶托。

  • I 'm a little teapot .

    我是一把小 茶壶

  • Don 't touch the teapot because it is too hot .


  • Someone or other has broken the teapot .

    不知是谁 茶壶打破了。

  • He had bought a teapot and was waiting for them to wrap it up .

    他买了一 茶壶,等着他们把它包扎起来。

  • The boy broke the teapot . How annoying !

    这男孩 茶壶打破了,真可气!

  • Bob : Sounds interesting . I just want to buy a teapot .

    听起来蛮有趣的。我刚好想买个 茶壶