


  • Heating with the electrothermal plate and cooling with the mixture radiator of refrigeration devices and fans the platform has compact structure and high measurement precision and can meet the test requirements of performance of multiple TEGs in series or parallel .

    该平台用电热板提供热源,用制冷器件和风扇组成的混合散热装置散热,具有结构紧凑、测量精度较高的特点,可满足对多个 TEG串并联发电性能的测试要求。

  • Based on TEG continuous places and transitions were introduced into HEG .

    HEG在 TEG的基础上引入连续位置和连续变迁。

  • According to the basic theory of one-dimensional steady heat transfering the heat transferring model of heat collector heat radiator heat insulation unit and TEG related to the influence of thermal resistance are built .

    根据一维稳态传热的基本理论,建立了发电装置的集热部件、隔热部件、散热部件以及考虑热阻影响的 TEG的传热模型。

  • Using the event-domain model based on γδ algebra the frequency characteristic of TEG is discussed a result which is analogous to that in the conventional linear system is obtained .

    应用γδ代数下的事件域模型,对计时事件图( TEG)进行了频率特性分析,得出与通常线性系统理论相类似的结果。

  • A testing platform for TEG performance is designed and developed .

    设计并开发了一套 TEG性能测试平台。

  • The technological process and existed main problems of TEG cleaning system are introduced . The main problems are that the so long of unforced cooling period and the leakage of TEG steam .

    介绍了三甘醇( TEG)清洗系统的工艺流程和所存在的主要问题是自然冷却时间太长和TEG蒸气泄漏。

  • Considering the TEG influence on the engine cooling system the thesis has optimized the water tank capacity from the point of thinning the thickness of the water tank and its processing manufacturability .

    另外,为减轻 TEG对发动机冷却性能的影响,从减薄水箱厚度着手,兼顾水箱的加工工艺性,对水箱容量进行了一定优化。

  • The cleaning methods of VK-tube with solvents of TEG EG as well as CPL HAc and demineralized water were introduced .

    介绍了用三甘醇( TEG)、乙二醇(EG)和己内酰胺(CPL)、醋酸(HAc)与脱盐水作溶剂来清洗VK管的方法,并进行了比较。

  • Study was made of the performance Oriented coloured self levelling new epoxy floor coating prepared with new type TEG 99 epoxy resin . Effects of different components such as active epoxy diluent alicyclic amine hardener and filler on coating properties were discussed .

    研究了用新型 TEG99环氧树脂配制性能优良的彩色自流平新型环氧地坪涂料,讨论了活性环氧稀释剂、脂环胺固化剂、填料等各组分对涂料性能的影响。

  • The experimental date basically comfort with the calculation equation of output power about traditional TEG through introducing irreversible coefficient .

    通过引入不可逆因子,使实验数据很好地符合了传统 温差 电器输出功率的计算方程。

  • In the experiment GaN buffer layers have been deposited on substrates with a nitrogen plasma as a nitrogen source and TEG as a Ga source .

    实验过程中,以氮等离子体为氮源,以三乙基镓( TEG)镓源,在蓝宝石(Al2O3)衬底上生长GaN缓冲层。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of thrombolastogram ( TEG ) monitoring during operation in patients with cirrhosis .

    目的评价肝炎肝硬化手术患者术中血栓弹力图( TEG)监测的临床意义。

  • What more the paper introduced includes the work principle of TEG electrical property design steps application and economical and technical comparison between TEG and the other power source .

    介绍了 TEG的工作原理、电性能、设计步骤、应用技术以及TEG与其它电源的经济技术对比。

  • The dehydration capacity of the contaminated and slightly deteriorated TEG solution will be reduced influencing thus the quality of gas that will be transported to outside .

    污染和少量变质的 TEG溶液将会降低其脱水性能,影响外输天然气的气质。

  • Moreover TEG has little effect on the decomposition of urea .

    此外, 对尿素的分解几乎无影响。

  • Pinch analysis on the heat exchanger network of the triethylene glycol ( TEG ) dehydration unit in gas purification plants


  • Influence of contaminations on dehydration and foaming performance for TEG

    污染物对 脱水性和发泡性影响的研究

  • Thrombelastograph examination in patients with chronic myeloproliferative disease

    慢性骨髓增殖性疾病患者 TEG检测的变化

  • Power generation cycle combined with TEG recovering LNG cold energy

    温差 发电和动力 装置联合回收液化天然气冷能

  • Comparison of filter cleaning system between TEG and super-heated steam method


  • The thermoelectric effect which is the rationale of semiconductor TEG is carried on detailed showing in the thesis specially the process .

    温差电效应是半导体 温差 发电的理论基础,本论文对其基本原理进行了较详细的说明,尤其是对与塞贝克效应 紧密 联系 温差 发电过程作了清晰的阐述。

  • After TEG cleaning the melt quality was improved the waste discharge capacity was reduced .

    装置进行 TEG清洗后,提高了熔体品质,降低了排废量。

  • The full cell with LTO / TEG as anode material and lithium iron phosphate nanoparctiles / carbon ( LFP / C ) as cathode material also showed good rate capability and cycle life . 2 .


  • This thesis introduces the related principle history as well as current research progress and application of thermoelectric generation ( TEG ) .

    本文 查阅国内 关于半导体温差发电方面的 大量 文献 书籍,介绍了 温差发电的相关原理、历史,以及当前的最新研究进展和应用。

  • This paper focuses on the analysis solution and method of 2 major accidents with TEG dehydration and regeneration system in Nanshan Base of Yacheng 13 - 1 Gas Field . The TEG dehydration and regeneration system process flow is introduced in this paper .

    介绍崖城13-1气田南山终端天然气三甘醇脱水及再生系统工艺流程,并对该 脱水及再生系统的2次较大故障的现象、原因分析和排除方法进行详细描述。

  • Thromboelastograms ( TEG ) of 62 patients with the acute cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction were analysed .

    本文分析了62例急性脑出血和脑栓塞患者的血栓弹力图( TEG)改变。

  • As one of main parts the thesis designs and builds experimental platform using the low-grade heat source of small temperature difference according to the basic principle of TEG .

    作为论文主要部分之一的实验研究部分,作者依照 温差 发电的基本原理设计并搭建了小温差下利用低品位热源 发电的实验平台。

  • As a timed event graph ( TEG ) only having narrow modeling range a hybrid event graph ( HEG ) was put forward to describe discrete and continuous events in a manufacturing system .

    针对时间事件图( TEG)建模范围窄的问题,提出了一种用来描述制造系统中的离散和连续事件的混杂事件图(HEG)。

  • But TEG will be contaminated by the high-salinity formation water and condensate carried by natural gas and the contaminant in gas well in the process of the purification of natural gas which often causes the TEG solution to blister and produce salt crystallization and high-temperature degradation .

    但是,在天然气净化工艺过程中, TEG会受到天然气所携带高矿化度地层水、凝析油、气井井下污染物质等污染,往往会造成TEG溶液起泡、产生盐结晶以及高温降解。