


v.撕( tear的现在分词 )(使)分裂撕碎扯破

  • The debate is tearing Wall Street asunder .

    这场争论 华尔街分崩离析。

  • He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough

    他听到诺拉 正在 破口大骂一名勤务兵没有将食品箱及时送回厨房。

  • Yesterday my computer crashed three times and I lost my work . I was tearing my hair out .

    昨天我的电脑 死机了三次,我因此丢失了文件,我当时真的太绝望了。

  • I was tearing into the classroom when I saw him .


  • The stone hit the parlor window with a crash of glass tearing the shade .

    石头打在客厅的窗户上,玻璃碎了, 百叶了。

  • No Whitney was the one tearing up the bathroom .

    不, 了厕所门的人是

  • Canine teeth are for piercing and killing prey and tearing flesh

    犬齿用来咬穿、咬死猎物,还可以 肉。

  • The children were tearing about in the playground .

    孩子们在游戏场上 飞跑

  • It 's tearing me apart devouring me destroying me .

    它在 撕裂我,吞噬我,毁灭我!

  • I was tearing my hair out waiting for you : where were you ?

    我很 焦急地等你,你到哪儿去了?

  • He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane 's wing

    他注意到机翼在一块一块 断裂

  • The tensile index tearing index and breaking index was separately enhanced by21 .

    抗张指数、 撕裂指数和 破指数分别提高21。

  • Here is a network I am constantly setting up and tearing down .

    这是一个我通常安装及 拆除的网络。

  • The effects of loading rate and specimen net thickness on tearing toughness were investigated .

    考察了加载速率和试件厚度对 撕裂韧性的影响。

  • A barely started life burst of crying tearing up the dawn of the quiet !

    一个呱呱坠地的生命清脆的哭声, 撕破了黎明的宁静!

  • The Indian began tearing up damp grass .

    印第安人动手 了一些湿草。

  • That slight movement resulted in the tearing of the right ventricle .

    轻微的动作导致了右心室的 撕裂

  • It seems that vandals have been tearing down the posters .

    看来有故意高破坏的人把海报 下来了。

  • The company came under furious attack from environmentalists for tearing up the forests .

    由于 破坏了森林,这家公司受到环境保护主义者的猛烈抨击。

  • It resists tearing flex-cut growth creep and abrasion .

    它抗 ,柔性切割增长,蠕变和磨损。

  • You 're breaking my heart you 're tearing it apart .

    你让我心碎,你 它撕碎了。

  • Good tearing strength and tension resistance .


  • I imagine they 'll be tearing the building down sooner or later .

    我猜他们早晚会 拆除这座楼的。

  • I have been tearing my hair waiting for you .

    我一直在 焦急不安的等你。

  • The wind became furious tearing leaves off trees carrying great volumes of dust before it .

    风变得狂暴起来, 树叶纷纷 吹落在地,刮起大量尘土。

  • He grabbed my purse and went tearing off down the street .

    他抢了我的钱包后沿着大街 飞快地逃跑了。

  • Your clapping is tearing us apart .

    你们的鼓掌 我们分崩离析了。

  • 324 . The mouse 's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife 's anger .

    324.老鼠 撕咬短衫和裤子激起了主妇的怒火。

  • It 's tearing me apart It 's ruining everything .

    使 撕裂,它毁灭一切事物。

  • But as they watched he twisted suddenly in pain tearing the blankets from him .

    但是就是在他们望着时,他突然痛苦地扭动了一下, 毯子从身上 扯开了。