


  • Everybody 's tearful and trying to live with what they got .

    所有人都是 悲哀的并尝试 蒙受他们所获得的 活着。

  • He sometimes forces a tearful smile and sometimes smiles through his tears .

    他有时 欢颜,有时泪中含笑。

  • It is free from air moisture or impurities . Nor blush to turn behind my tearful eyes ;

    它不含空气,水份和 杂物

  • I was feeling quite tearful as we parted .

    我们离别时,我很 难过

  • Tearful begging for not change one 's mind about but will lose more embarrassed .


  • At last she was able to look up with tearful eyes and a smile .

    最后她终于 泪眼,微笑着抬起 来。

  • Her tearful face and pathetic appeal really got under his skin .

    眼泪 纵横的面容和哀婉动人的 诉说确实使他 深受 感动

  • Come the winds of fate and time take my tearful memories .

    来临的命运和时间之风,带走我的 伤心的回忆吧。

  • The two women said a tearful goodbye to Orpah and waved until she was out of sight .

    两个女人 含泪向俄珥巴挥手告别,直到她离开了她们的视线。

  • I just pray my child is safe and sound said one tearful mother .

    我只 祈求我的孩子安全。

  • Florence raised her tearful eye .

    弗洛伦斯抬起她 汪汪的眼睛。

  • I am running like a child is a looking at the sky will tearful children .

    我奔跑得像是一个孩子,是一个视着天空会 的孩子。

  • With choked throat and tearful eyes he told his story .

    他哭不出声、 眼泪 汪汪 诉说 他的情况。

  • He felt rather than saw the glory about her head the tearful appealing eyes .

    他感觉到了,而不是看见了她头上的美发, 的恳求的眼睛。

  • My father told him the whole story with tearful eyes If we cannot find AB-blood my mother would not survive tonight .


  • I felt quite emotional & almost tearful .

    我情绪激动,几乎 流泪了。

  • You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous .

    觉得自己 身处 众目睽睽 之下时,你可能会有想 的感觉。

  • She became very tearful when pressed to talk about it .

    她被逼谈论此事时开始 泪如雨下

  • Each is tearful blew by you .

    都让你吹得 泪珠

  • John gently disengaged himself from his sister 's tearful embrace

    约翰轻轻推开抱 哭泣的妹妹。

  • On hospital bed Her tearful eyes dance gaze he Therefore they married .

    病床上,她 泪眼 婆娑的注视着他,于是,他们结婚了。

  • It 's a tearful experience sometimes he says .

    “有时候,这真的是一场 激动的经历,”他说。

  • The mother was trying to comfort the tearful little girl .

    母亲在试图安慰 眼泪 汪汪的小女孩。

  • He refused to listen to her tearful pleas .

    他对她 声泪俱下的恳求置之不理。

  • She read the long-awaited letter with a tearful smile .

    她带着 含泪的微笑读那封盼望已久的信。

  • Her tearful eyes brightened with interest .

    泪水的双眼因为好奇 闪闪发亮。

  • They are adventurers sometimes tearful with joy and kindred souls to this great ecstatic filmmaker .

    他们是冒险者,有时候会会 喜悦的 泪水,和这位欣喜若狂的电影制片人如同亲人一般。

  • The man wrote a tearful poem for his dying wife .

    那个人为他死去的妻子写了首 鼻酸的诗。

  • Your face is pale and blue a tearful smile .

    你的脸是苍白和蓝的,一种 含泪的微笑。