technical security

[ˈtɛknɪkəl sɪˈkjʊrɪti/sə'kjurətɪ][ˈteknikəl siˈkjuəriti]


  • Design of kitso shall be executed by specialized company possessing license for engineering equipment supply installation commissioning and maintenance of technical security equipment set .

    kitso的设计应由持有的专门公司进行 技术 安全装置联合装置的工程、装置供应、安装、试运行和维护。

  • John Howie is the senior director of Technical Security Ser ­ vices for the Online Services Security and Compliance team within Global Foundation Services at Microsoft .

    JohnHowie是微软 技术 安全服务部门的资深主管,其部门属于是全球基础服务内的在线服务安全和合规小组。

  • Different design Standards should be taken because of the characteristics of the urban track traffic so the reasonable standards technical security investment economic targets can be assured . The Support spacing of rail is one of the main design standards .

    城市轨道交通的这些特点,决定了其应采用有别于国铁轨道的设计标准,以达到标准合理, 技术 安全,投资经济的目标。

  • Develop Technical Support and Security Action of Environment Monitoring in Total Quantity Control in Metallurgical Enterprise

    发挥冶金企业环境监测在总量控制中的 技术支持和 保障作用

  • He says that no forging is possible at all on the personal identity card issued to each citizen by the interior ministry because of all the sophisticated technical and security features on the card .

    巴鲁德说,在个人身份证上造假根本不可能,因为内政部在这张卡上使用了所有的尖端 技术并具有全部的 安全 防伪特性。

  • And longitudinal certification common key and certification technologies are adopted by control system for electric power production in Guangxi together with other security guard and application system as to satisfy the technical demands of security guard for the secondary system in Guangxi Electric Power System .

    经实践,广西电力生产控制系统采用了公钥技术和认证技术,并配合使用其他安全技术和信用系统,能满足目前广西电力二次系统 安全防护的 技术要求。

  • Public test resource is the import technical support to ensure the social and economic sustained and healthy development and the technical security for industry administrative departments in charge of law enforcement .

    公共检测资源即各类检测实验室是保障我国社会与经济持续、健康发展的重要技术支撑,是行业主管部门进行行政执法的 技术 保障

  • Following the above aiming at the deficient current decision level of system operator and especially to balance technical security and economy based on the foregoing evaluation it will practically expatiate and strictly prove risk decision theory .

    接着,针对现有系统运行员决策水平的不足,特别是如何有效协调 系统 安全性和经济性这对矛盾,讨论了暂态稳定的决策。

  • At present the security of broadband telephone is generally realized through technical modes . This article points out the existing technical security threatening and describes the countermeasures to the relevant technology .

    宽带电话的安全目前主要通过技术方式实现,指出存在的 技术 安全威胁,对有关技术防范措施进行了描述。

  • Status quo of technical personnel security of military hospitals and thoughts on countermeasures

    军队医院 科技人才 安全的现状与思考

  • Technical cyber security alerts provide timely information about current security issues vulnerabilities and exploits .

    技术网络 安全警报及时提供当前安全问题,漏洞,和(漏洞)利用信息。

  • Military hospitals are now encountering a worrisome prospect of technical personnel security marked by difficulties in attracting retaining talents and controlling the loss of talents .

    军队医院在新时期新阶段出现了人才吸引保留难、流失控制难的现象, 科技人才 安全问题前景堪忧。

  • Therefore the technical security rating is 72 % dangerous .

    因此,该 技术 安全评级是72%危险的。

  • Due to the technical security between countries it is urgent to research and develop our own products with our own intellectual property in order to meet the ever increasing practical demand in relative areas .

    由于国际上 技术 保密的原因,研发我国这方面具有自主知识产权的核心产品,从而满足我国日益扩大相关领域的应用需求,已迫在眉睫。

  • The2nd ought to undertake in the light of its job characteristic to special type of work technical security is taught .

    第二,对非凡工种应当针对其工作特点进行 专门 安全教育。

  • The countermeasures in three aspects to strengthen technical personnel security of military hospitals should be taken including relevant policies to prevent the loss of talents optimized mechanisms and scientific management to retain talents .

    加强军队医院 科技人才 安全的对策措施应从3个方面入手:(1)制定政策规定防住人才;(2)优化完善机制稳住人才;

  • Among many conditions social atmosphere system security organizational security technical security and material security are the most basic conditions . Lacking any one of these conditions it is hard to ensure the smooth progress of the construction of a learning society .

    在众多的条件中,社会氛围条件、制度保障条件、组织保障条件、 技术 保障条件、物质保障条件是最基本的,缺少其中任何一个条件,学习型社会建设的顺利推进都是难以想象的。

  • Having a sound and perfect management system for security of information and networks and the corresponding technical measures for security ;

    有健全、完善的信息网络安全管理制度和 安全 技术措施;

  • The second chapter of the main technical bank information security classification description .

    第二章对银行信息 安全的主要 技术进行分类描述。

  • According to information engineering 's require and workshop 's fact put forward reasonable information systematic frame technical system and security system .

    根据车间信息化工程要求,结合车间生产实际提出了合理的信息化系统框架、 技术体系及 安全体系。

  • Several Key Factors to Do Well in Technical Security Management Work

    做好 技术 安全管理工作的几个要素

  • The Application of Risk Management in Technical Security in Huaiyin Tobacco Factory

    风险管理在淮阴卷烟厂项目 技术 安全中的应用

  • This paper explains the risks of the technical security of cyber banks 'proposing some precautions against the security risks .

    控制和防范风险要从行业整体管理和企业具体 技术 安全两方面进行。

  • Perfecting Scientific and Technical Security System to Ensure Train Operation Safety

    完善 科技 保障体系确保铁路行车安全

  • Low Voltage Distribution of Technical Security Means and Electrical Safety

    低压配电的 技术 安全手段与用电安全

  • To promote e-commerce in-depth technical support provided security .

    为电子商务的深入推广提供了 安全 技术保障。

  • It constructs a trinity system of network ethical criterion through self-discipline cautious behavior in according with the law and technical security . By optimizing the well network environment it demonstrates a realistic magnificence for improving university network moral quality .

    自律现行,依法慎行和 技术 安全的三位一体的网络伦理规范系统的建构,良好、健康的网络环境的优化,对提高大学生的网络道德素质具有十分重要的现实意义。

  • This article mainly introduced the technical security hidden danger which the information system faces and proposed the effective solution .

    本文主要介绍了信息系统所面临的 技术 安全隐患,并提出了行之有效的解决方案。

  • After the scene practice the truss anchor cable system supports and protections engineering research obtains the success experimented tunnel length 500m the mineral pressure observation effect is reasonable has obtained the quite good technical security and the social economy effect .

    经过现场实践,桁架锚索系统支护技术试验取得成功,试验巷道长度500m,矿压观测效果良好,取得了比较好的 技术 安全和社会经济效果。

  • How to evaluate the stability of the slopes under such condition master the deformation failure and displacement characters of the rock mass and set up the effective control methods has became the technical and security issues demanding prompt solution for the mining engineering .

    如何科学评价该种条件下边坡的稳定性,掌握岩体的变形、破坏及位移特征,制定有效的边坡控制措施,已成为采矿工程亟待解决的 技术 安全问题。