


  • The most notable quality of the meeting was its sheer tedium .

    会议最突出的特点是它的 单调 乏味

  • She began to wonder whether she wouldn 't go mad with the tedium of the job .

    她开始怀疑自己会不会 枯燥的工作逼疯。

  • In that case it will be back to the tedium .

    如果是那样的话,又会回到一 沉闷 乏味 阶段中。

  • It all adds up to a simulacrum of French village life but without the tedium because you are in the epicentre of civilisation .

    这全都构成了法国乡村生活的假象,不过并没有乡村 生活 单调,因为你正身处文明的中心。

  • However once you 've mastered the command-line toolset you may wish to use a tool that automates some of the tedium of dealing with the sourcepath and classpath .

    如果您掌握了命令行工具集,就可以使用另外的工具来自动处理源路径和类路径所需的一些 繁琐过程。

  • A known gene with a desirable quality can be inserted into a rice plant and the time tedium and errors of the old breeding techniques avoided .

    一个已知的质量优良的基因可以运用到水稻种植中去,并且可以 节约旧饲养技术的时间, 使得 饲养 变得那么 沉闷,避免 饲养错误。

  • Hence the welcome that the Dalian cheerleaders received in Chinese media at least the airport was trying to do something to distract passengers from the tedium of waiting .

    因此,大连啦啦队员获得了中国媒体的认可机场方面至少是在做出一些努力,帮助乘客摆脱等待过程中的 单调 乏味

  • The tedium of everyday existence does not tarnish my view of life nor does it tamper with my ability to criticize it .

    日常生存的 单调 乏味并没有影响我的人生观,也没有削弱我批判生活的能力。

  • In myself I could observe the following sources of tedium .

    从我自己身上,我所观察到的 烦闷的根源有下列 一些

  • We are reading them for instruction and the best we can hope is that our need for it will enable us to get through them without tedium .

    我们读这些书是为了获得指导,我们能期望的最多就是我们在读完 之后至于 感到 单调 乏味

  • After all any complicated operation that can be automated is tedium that can be avoided .

    毕竟任何复杂的操作只要能够自动进行,就可以不 那么 烦闷了。

  • The tedium was not something I grew used to ; every day seemed more impossibly monotonous than the last .

    这份 厌倦不是我能逐渐习惯的东西;每一天看起来都比上一天更加几乎不可能地无聊。

  • The growing framework will spare you from the tedium that 's rampant in other frameworks .

    这一不断发展的框架会让您从其他框架的 沉闷 乏味 解脱 出来

  • The good work can certainly relieve the tedium of people to advertise height of be on guard with hundred percently !

    好作品一定能够解除人们对广告高度的 戒备与十足的厌烦!

  • Both of these technologies let you create RESTful and SOAP-based Web services without dealing directly with the tedium of XML processing and data binding inherent to Web services .

    这两种技术都支持创建REST风格和基于SOAP的Web服务,而不必直接处理Web服务固有的XML处理和数据绑定 细节

  • The bladed corners to the south side of the west crescent turret breaks the monotony and tedium and brings about a strong visual impact and mental shock .

    西侧月牙状塔楼南北两侧的刀丸状建筑角部,打破了圆柱体的单调和 乏味,产生出强烈的视觉冲击和心理震撼。

  • It was another day of mind-numbing tedium .

    又是一个令人麻木的 单调 乏味的日子。

  • While this might seem a recipe for tedium and repetition actually it 's an opportunity as you will see shortly .

    虽然看起来 非常 罗嗦,有 不少重复,但实际上也是一种机会,后面您将看到。

  • The tedium of that work is hard to conceive .

    这种 冗长 乏味的工作是 常人难以想象的。

  • Soldiers often say that the worst thing about fighting is not the moments of terror but all the hours of tedium in between .

    士兵们常说关于打仗最糟的事不是那些恐怖的时刻,而是那些时刻之间 沉闷的几个小时。

  • Undoubtedly the very tedium and ennui which presume to have exhausted the variety and the joys of life are as old as Adam .

    毫无疑问,这种 单调与无聊就像亚当一样古老;正是这种古老的 单调和无聊,把人类生活中参差百态的幸福消磨殆尽了。

  • The expense and tedium of ferries or Eurostar would be a thing of the past .

    渡船或乘坐欧洲之星(eurostar)的费用和 烦闷将成为历史。

  • There are in work all grades from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker .

    根据工作的性质和工作者的能力,有各种工作,从仅仅为了摆脱 乏味 生活,到获得最深切的快乐。

  • A study from University College London showed that those who complain of boredom are more likely to die young and those who report high levels of tedium are much more likely to die from heart disease or stroke .

    根据伦敦大学学院的研究显示,那些抱怨工作无聊的人更有可能 英年早逝,而那些对工作感到厌恶的人 更有可能死于心脏病或中风。

  • Portland defines the command xdg-email which manages all the common tedium involved in such a task .

    Portland定义了 xdg-email命令,它管理这类任务中包含的所有常见套路。

  • Possibly because I have an even more outrageous suggestion that will increase any perceived tedium .

    也许会,因为我甚至还有一个更极端的建议,那将会增加任何已 觉察到的 麻烦

  • Such is the tedium of office life a little drama is always welcome .

    办公室生活是如此 沉闷,带一点戏剧性的故事,总是颇受欢迎。

  • They are amongst the unsung heroes of this war and everything possible to lighten their tedium and buoy up their morale should be done .

    彼辈亦属此次战争中无名英雄之列。凡 减轻其 烦闷振奋其精神之一切可能 措施 一一采取。

  • Man with beard dismissed my editor signalling irrelevance and tedium .

    我的编辑拒绝了,他说:长 胡子的男人。