telemetering receiver


  • This paper finished the argumentation selection about schemes of telemetering digital diversity receiver and established the design scheme of hardware and software through plenty of experiments on the key techniques .

    通过对关键技术的实验研究,确定 硬件设计方案和软件设计方案。

  • This paper presented a comprehensive physics experiment for measuring the acceleration of a spring vibrator by infrared telemetering method . It consists mainly of a force sensor V / F and F / V converters a infrared transmitter and receiver .

    介绍我们新开发的一个综合性实验,它主要包括拉力传感器、由LM331组成的V/F和F/V变换电路以及红外发射和 接收 装置等,以实现对弹簧振子加速度的红外 遥测