



  • A showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers .

    一种美丽的通常栽培的植物,有 黄褐色、往往有紫色斑点的花。

  • Tawny spots can be found on the head and abdomen .

    头部、腹面有 褐色 斑。

  • Deliciously intense nutty tawny from a single year .

    来自单一年份的 茶色 波特 ,有坚果味道,非常美味浓郁。

  • The color of wood fossil is diverse including red grey brown black soil yellow light yellow and tawny ect .

    木化石的色调丰富多彩,有红、灰、棕、黑、土黄、淡黄和 黄褐等颜色。

  • Acrylic printed fleecy suit Inflorescence paniculate rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence .

    腈纶珠光网眼泡沫印花套装花序圆锥状;花序轴被 灰黄色 毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。

  • She had tawny hair .

    她有一 黄褐色的头发。

  • If you counted the dog cats hamsters and ball python we were an even dozen tawny sharp-featured males and one female but she was still the leader of the pack .

    如果你再算上狗、猫、仓鼠、 球蟒,那么我们就是12个皮肤黝黑轮廓分明的男性和一个女性,她依旧是这个团队的领导。

  • Large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male .

    非洲和印度大型群居的食肉猫科动物, 棕色 皮毛,雄性有粗硬的鬃毛。

  • His coat is a yellowish brown or tawny color and about his neck is a great shaggy mane which gives his head a majestic appearance .

    他的皮毛 淡黄的棕色或者 黄褐色,并且他的脖子上有很多长而凌乱的鬃毛使他的头有着雄伟的外观。

  • They fell a-twittering among themselves once more and this time their intoxicating babble was of violet seas tawny sands and lizard-haunted walls .

    他们又自顾自地互相 唧喳起来。这回他们那兴奋的话题是蔚蓝的海洋、金黄的沙滩,和壁虎爬上爬下的围墙。

  • The great tawny beast sprang to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death .

    黄褐色的大兽跳向一边,翻滚了 下就一动不动地死去了。

  • When we say that a lion has a tawny color we are predicating a certain attribute of the animal and similarly when we say that the lion is fierce or is hungry .

    当我们说狮子是 黄褐色的时候,我们在断定这种动物所拥有的属性;当我们说狮子凶猛或饥饿的时候,情况也与此类似。

  • Pale rose . Light tawny colour which some red wines acquire on oxidation .

    洋葱皮色:一些红葡萄酒在氧化 过程中所产生的浅 茶色

  • Three plus the tawny portwith dessert .

    三杯,外加一份焦制 猪排

  • She and Jaime used to dare each other to climb into their cage and once she worked up enough courage to slip her hand between two bars and touch one of the great tawny beasts .

    她儿时常和詹姆相互打赌谁敢钻进狮笼,有一次,她鼓足勇气把手伸过铁栅,摸了其中一 茶色野兽。

  • Small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America . Inflorescence paniculate rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence .

    北美西部的一种小形的早花毛茛,花黄色、有光泽。花序圆锥状;花序轴被 灰黄色 毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。

  • ( of hair or an animal 's fur ) of a reddish-brown colour ; ginger or tawny

    (指毛发或动物皮毛)红褐色的,黄褐色的, 茶色

  • 25 cases with tawny speckles were treated with compound vitamin E cream . The total efficiency was 88 % .

    用维生素E和 有机 配制的复方 维E霜治疗 褐斑25例,总有效率为88%。

  • We then moved to the table to try the least ambitious wine of the day a 1982 bouzy Rouge from Georges vesselle a still very pale tawny Pinot Noir from Champagne grapes that mark Lynton had brought .

    然后,我们走向餐桌,品尝当日最低调的葡萄酒,乔治维塞勒(georges vesselle)带来的1982年bouzyrouge,这种淡茶色黑比诺葡萄酒产自法国香槟地区的葡萄,马克林顿曾经购买过。

  • None of them noticed a large tawny owl flutter past the window .

    没有人注意到 这时有一只巨大的 褐色的猫头鹰从窗外掠过。

  • Silky-leaved aromatic perennial of dry northern parts of the northern hemisphere ; has tawny florets .

    北半球干燥的北部地区的一种多年生植物,叶具有绢毛、芳香;具有 茶色小花。

  • Where a tawny owl was enquiring .

    黄褐色的猫头鹰在 中叩问着。

  • An outlying eastern tract of the enormous Egdon Waste was close at hand yet on the very verge of that tawny piece of antiquity such a glittering novelty as this pleasure city had chosen to spring up .

    在附近,是广大的爱敦荒原东部向外突出的地带,爱敦荒原是古老的,然而就在 黄褐色的那一部分的边缘,一个辉煌新颖的娱乐城市突然出现了。

  • The best animal in the world is the tawny frogmouth .

    世界上最好的电脑是你的 大脑

  • Will you not tie up with a wreath your tawny coiled locks ?

    在你 的卷发上不系上 花串么?

  • On translucent tawny wings a little red flying fox flaps homeward after a night of intense foraging .

    拍打着半透明的 黄色翅膀,一只红色的小飞狐在一夜紧张的觅食后正在归途当中。

  • Semidouble peach-ivory / tawny shading . Bronze-green quilted . Standard .

    半重瓣桃色到象牙白色花, 黄褐色的晕染。青铜绿色的叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。

  • Even so on the lonely shore the madman with dusty tawny locks still roamed in search of the touchstone .

    疯人 褐色的头发 蓬乱 纠结泥土仍然在孤寂的海岸上游荡,搜寻着他的 点金石