




  • Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications exotic rites and vacation photos .

    经典文化和艺术已经被 低俗的故弄玄虚,外国仪式和假期的照片所替代。

  • The clothes that had looked so beautiful on stage looked tawdry hanging in the dressing room .

    在舞台上显得如此华丽的服装挂在化妆室里看起来 低廉

  • Is that one learns early what a tawdry puppet play it is .

    很早学会了如何 处理 奢华 场合

  • The main street has assumed its tawdry prosperity with discomfort .

    繁华的大街 不安的 气氛

  • He was looking at some rather tawdry hats in a shop window .

    他在看商店橱窗里的几顶 俗丽 值钱的帽子。

  • It began life producing batteries in the tawdry boomtown of Shenzhen across the Hong Kong border then branched out into electric cars .

    比亚迪总部位于毗邻香港的 俗丽新兴都市深圳,以生产电池起家,后来才扩展至电动汽车领域。

  • We let you keep your tawdry theatrical mementoes . lsn 't that enough ?

    我们允许你保留这些 粗俗的纪念品,还不够吗?

  • There was parking room for motors on each side of the road and there were saloons tawdry and bright .

    路两边都有停汽车的地方,还有俗里 俗气、灯火通明的酒巴间。

  • The country now boasts more millionaires than the UK and glossy malls to serve them are springing up even in tawdry third - and fourth-tier cities .

    如今,中国的百万富翁的数量已超过英国,即使是在 的三、四线城市,为百万富翁服务的炫丽购物中心也在拔地而起。

  • If those of tawdry color only in a

    如果那些 的颜色只能 留下一种

  • I learned about their tawdry dreams their simple hopes their home lives their fear of feeling anything deeply Their sex problems their husbands .

    我很清楚她们的 思想充斥 俗不可耐的梦想,平凡的生活,她们的家庭,以及对 高深东西的 抵触,对待性的 态度,她们的丈夫。

  • New York Republican Chris Lee resigned after the photo and some tawdry details at the Internet .

    纽约共和党人ChrisLee在这张照片及一些 相关 细节在网络上 曝光主动辞职。

  • They talked to each other and shared their oranges with the tawdry girls who sat beside them .

    他们互相交谈着,并和边上坐着的那些 衣着 俗艳的姑娘 桔子。

  • These two colours look tawdry when put together .


  • She saw herself as shallow tawdry .

    她看到自己 只是 穿 花花绿绿的 浅薄 庸俗 女人

  • You made all others who came before seem cheap tawdry and shallow .

    与你们 相比之前 看过的其他所有 都显得 如此廉价、 俗气轻薄

  • Another reason for the attention to tax cuts at the top is the tawdry role of big money in political campaigns .

    各国政府 之所以优先着眼于减税,巨额资金在政治活动中扮演的 庸俗角色是另一个原因。

  • That dress is just tawdry .

    那条裙子太 俗艳了。

  • Steve Coogan a comedian whose private life has often been newspaper fodder complained about tawdry muckraking and the sociopathic treatment meted out by editors .

    史蒂夫·库根,一位私生活经常被报纸拿来说事的喜剧演员,抱怨编辑们“揭发 低俗丑闻”以及对待名人的“反社会”倾向。

  • Sheldon : You want me to use my intelligence in a tawdry competition ?

    谢尔顿:你想让我把才智浪费在这种 华而不实的比赛上吗?