



  • The decreased collagen I expression at mRNA and protein level in the capsule and ligamentum teres of children with DDH may probably lead to hip joint laxity in DDH . 3 .

    DDH患儿髋关节囊及 韧带中Ⅰ型胶原在mRNA及蛋白水平表达较正常 同性 同龄儿降低,可能是导致DDH患儿髋关节松弛的主要原因。

  • The Pronator Teres Muscle and Its Relation to the Median Nerve and the Ulnar Artery

    旋前 肌和正中神经、尺动脉的关系

  • Conclusion Combined with the clinical data the cyst of ligament teres uteri can be diagnosed with ultrasonography definitively .

    结论结合子宫 韧带囊肿的临床表现,超声可对该病做出明确的诊断和鉴别诊断。

  • Evaluation of ligamentum teres hepatis with multi-slice spiral CT : an initial experience

    多层螺旋CT显示肝 韧带的初步研究

  • The blood supply of the teres major muscle came from circumflex scapular artery in 72.7 % from thoracodorsal artery in 20.5 % and from subscapular artery in 6.8 % .

    神经血管蒂 处在肌肉上 侧面中段,距止点距离4.6~ 7.8cm。72.7%的血供来自旋肩胛动脉,20.5%来自胸背动脉,6.8%来自肩胛下动脉。

  • Teres major muscle transfer was done in 8 cases of brachial plexus injuries to reconstruct shoulder abduction in 4 cases elbow flexion in 2 cases and elbow extension in 2 cases .

    对8例臂丛神经损伤者, 大圆 移位重建肩外展功能4例,伸肘功能2例,屈肘功能2例。

  • Objective To study the morphological characteristics of teres major muscle and provide anatomical basis for clinical application of teres major muscle transfer to reconstruct shoulder and elbow function .

    目的对 大圆肌进行应用解剖学研究,为临床应用大圆肌重建肩肘功能提供依据。

  • Objective : To study the morphological character of teres major muscle and its pedicel of vessel and nerve .

    目的:研究 大圆肌的形态特点及血管神经蒂特点。

  • Methods The clinical and ultrasonic data of 7 patients with cyst of ligament teres uteri were analyzed retrospectively .

    方法本文对1组7例子宫 韧带囊肿患者的临床与超声表现作了回顾性分析。

  • Analysis of the sectional anatomy and micro-structural components of the hepatic teres ligament


  • TWP can increase the amplitude of compound muscle action potential of gastrocnemius muscle and pronator teres muscle .

    TWP可增大EAMG动物胖肠肌和旋前 肌复合动作电位的幅度。

  • Anatomical Research of The Ligamentum Teres Hepatic and Its Clinical Significance


  • Furthermore the strains of T. An anatomical study of teres major muscle

    形态学定名为T. 大圆 的应用解剖

  • Conclusion Arthroscopy is an effective and reliable method to diagnose and treat hip ligamentum teres injuries .

    结论髋关节镜技术是诊断、治疗髋关节圆 韧带损伤的有效手段。

  • Ligamentum teres injuries : diagnosis and treatment with hip arthroscopy

    髋关节 韧带损伤的关节镜诊断与治疗

  • When adopted posterior approach the incision along the cleft between the infraspinatus and teres minor may avoid to damage of axillary nerve and blood vessels .

    沿 小圆肌上缘与冈下肌之间进入,可避免损伤腋神经和旋肱后、旋肩胛血管。

  • Objective To discuss the clinical application of modified procedure of laparotomy through ligamentum teres hepatis .

    目的探讨经肝 韧带 法的临床应用价值。

  • Results : There is a inter nerve plane among deltoid infraspinatus and teres minor .

    结果:三角肌和冈下肌与 小圆肌之间存在神经界面。

  • Two muscles the infraspinatus and teres minor connect the shoulder blade to the upper arm bone and roll the arms outward .

    冈下肌 小圆 这两块肌肉,将肩胛骨和上臂连接起来,使手臂外旋。

  • No deltoid and teres tuberosity of arm bone ;

    臂骨未见三角肌结节和 结节;

  • Clinical evaluation of the pronator teres through manual muscle testing of forearm pronation has never been explored ;

    然而,尚未有研究报道对手工检查旋前 肌肌力的临床意义及可靠性作出评估。

  • Conclusions The neurovascular pedicle of teres major muscle is long enough so that the muscle can be transferred for reconstruction of shoulder and elbow function .

    结论 大圆肌的血管神经蒂有足够的长度可供移位,以重建肩 外展屈肘、伸肘功能。

  • Polarizing microscope observation of pathological changes of ligamentum teres tissues in patients with developmental dislocation of the hip

    偏光显微镜观察发育性髋关节脱位圆 韧带组织的病理变化

  • Two points for diagnosing the cyst were noticed : ① Location and relationship with adjacent structures of the cystic mass imaged by ultrasonography should conform to the anatomic site of the ligament teres uteri ;

    子宫 韧带囊肿的诊断要点有:①超声图像所显示的囊性包块的 、与周邻结构的关系符合子宫 韧带的解剖位置;

  • The anatomic aspects of teres major transfer for reconstruction of triceps muscle

    大圆 移位重建肱三头肌功能的应用解剖

  • Shoulder rotator cuff involves the teres minor supraspinatus infraspinatus and subscapularis .

    组成肩袖肌肉群的肌肉包括: 小圆 、冈上肌、冈下肌及肩胛下肌。

  • Shoulder joint lysis and round pronator teres resection were performed in 3 patients .

    3例后期进行了肩关节松解和旋前圆 肌腱 切断

  • Anatomical study and clinical application of teres major muscle for reconstruction of shoulder and elbow function


  • Application of ligamentum teres hepatic in superior-abdominal surgical operation ( 22 cases report )


  • Results AIN branches which originated from the pronator teres part were as follows : 36 pronator teres ramus 19 flexor pollicis longus ramus 16 flexor digitorum profundus ramus 7 flexor digitorum superficialis ramus and none of pronator quadratus .

    结果骨间前 神经 旋前 发出到:旋前圆肌36例、拇长屈肌19例、指深屈肌16例、指浅屈肌7例,没发现旋前方肌支;