terminal printer

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈprɪntɚ][ˈtə:minəl ˈprɪntə]


  • Design and Implementation of plug Compatible Type Chinese Character Terminal and Chinese Character Printer System

    插接兼容式汉字 终端和汉字 打印系统的设计和实现兼容制 黑白 电视 接收机

  • The technigue enables a computer to have a great ability of information processing of chinese characters by utilizing the Plug Compatible Type Chinese Character Terminal and Printer .

    它利用插接兼容式汉字 终端 打印机,使计算机具有很强的汉字信息处理功能。

  • We have applied the plug compatible technique in designing HZD 7032 Chinese Character Terminal and HZP 7032 Chinese Character Printer System the advantages of which have been proved .

    我们研制成功的HZD7032汉字 终端和HZP7032汉字 打印系统是完全按插接兼容思想设计的,证明了插接兼容技术的优越性。

  • Teleprinter : A terminal that includes a keyboard for input and a printer for output in the form of hard copy .

    电传打字机:一部设有键盘作输入, 印字 作硬卷输出的 终端机

  • The computer gives out the throwing speed v_0 and the maximum acceleration a_ ( max ) and the terminal results are printed by a printer .

    输入计算机处理,给出出手速度v0和最大加速度α(max)值,并由 打印机 打出 最终结果。