term of sale

[tɚm ʌv sel][tə:m ɔv seil]

[经] 销货条件

  • The term risk is defined as the price instead of the risk in general meaning in the Convention on Contract International Sale of Goods .

    销售公约中风险的 含义为价金风险,而没有采纳广义的风险含义。

  • US-Taiwan Military Relations in Bush 's First Term : Seen from the Implementation of Bush 's Decision of Arms Sale to Taiwan

    从布什政府对台 军售看美台军事关系的变化

  • During that term he was to be the property of his master and as much a commodity of bargain and sale as an ox or a joint-stool .

    期间,他只是主人的财产,无非是和一头公牛或一把折椅一样可以交易和 出售的一件商品。

  • We 'd like to know what you can offer in this line as well as your term and condition of sale .

    我们想了解一下 贵方在这方面的供货能力及 销售条件。

  • The term consumer dispute means a dispute between consumers and business operators as a result of the sale of goods or provision of services .

    四消费争议: 消费者与企业经营者间因 商品或服务所生之争议。

  • By that person in breach of any term or condition of the agreement for sale and purchase or any covenant in the deed of assignment relating to such land ;

    违反与该产业有关之 买卖合约任何 条件或转让契约任何规约之人士;

  • The long - term discussion on the problem of metamorphosis of value and its various solutions all explain that it is already unnecessary to infer the fact of imperfect sale with mathematical model .

    价值转形问题的 长期讨论及其产生的多种观点说明用数学模型推论 销售不完全的事实已无必要。