term of lease

[tɚm ʌv lis][tə:m ɔv li:s]

[法] 租赁期限

  • The term of the lease ( fixed or indefinite );

    不定航线的不 定期货船(三) 租赁 期限(定期或不定期);

  • Please let us know in detail the machines you wish to lease from us including specifications production flow and designed productivity and term of the lease .

    请详细告知我方你们希望租赁的机器情况,包括规格、生产流程、预定生产力和 租期

  • The title of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee when the term of lease expires ;

    租赁 到期时,租赁资产权利转让给承租方;

  • During the lease term the minimum rent payment is larger than or basically equal to the fair value of the asset on the commencement date of lease .

    租赁 ,在 租赁日生效日期 本日,最低租金大于或者基本等于资产的合理价值。

  • During the term of the lease Party B should observe the building management rules & regulations .

    合同 履行 期间,乙方应遵守世都大厦物业管理规定及管理。

  • We think that a term of 25 years for the lease is too long and we wish to fix it at 15 years .

    租赁 期限25年太长,我们希望定为15年。

  • The term residual value of the asset refers to the fair value of the leased asset when the term of lease expires as estimated on the lease inception day .

    资产余值,是指在租赁开始日估计的 租赁期届满时租赁资产的公允价值。

  • 1 should lessor cause lessee not being able to use the vehicle during the term of the lease lessee has the right to terminate the contract and lessor should compensate lessee for the directly related financial losses .

    由于甲方原因造成乙方无法在 租赁 正常使用 租赁车辆时,乙方有权解除 租赁合同,甲方赔偿乙方由此所受到的直接经济损失。

  • Rent will not be modified during the term of this lease agreement .

    在本 租约 有效 ,租金不予调整。

  • Article 28 The term of a building lease shall not exceed the term of use for that building 's land .

    第二十八条房屋 租赁 期限,不得超过该房屋的土地使用期限。

  • Evict tenants for non-payment of rent The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease .

    赶出未付房租的房客房屋转租的租期,不得超过原 租约 租期

  • 1 during the term of the lease lessee shall pay all expenses related to the use of the vehicles such as toll charges and parking charges .


  • To do so we first develop a theory of the term structure of riskless lease rates .

    要做到这点,我们首先发展理论的 期限结构风险资产 租赁费率。