terminal cable

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈkebəl][ˈtə:minəl ˈkeibl]


  • Cable terminal is the area of cable line where electric field of stress concentration is more concentrated and complex and have poor insulation . It often causes all kinds of accidents which have affected the stability of electric power system .

    电缆 终端 电缆线路中电场应力集中、复杂和绝缘较差的部位,经常发引发各种事故影响了电力系统的稳定性。

  • Terminal Board cable connection for quick replacement of the cap / cable assembly

    接线 端子板的 电缆连接方式,便于电缆的迅速装配和更换

  • Make the cable through in bottom board and on damp sealing india-rubber ring connect wiring terminal cover the heat-shrinkable sleeve and connect to the cable connection terminal .

    将电缆穿过底板和减振密封圈,接上接线 端子,套入热缩套管,接到 电缆联接点上。

  • Power over Ethernet ( PoE ) is a technology to provide power for IP-based terminal alone with the data without making any modification of existing Ethernet cable infrastructure .

    以太网供电指的是在现有的以太网 布线基础构架不作任何改动的情况下,在为一些基于IP的 终端传输数据信号的同时,还为此类设备提供直流供电的技术。

  • All conductor leads shall terminate at a terminal board that is permanently cast into the epoxy-sealed cable entry area .

    所有导体接头都应该连接在接线 端子板上,并采用环氧树脂永久密封在 电缆进入区。

  • Therefore it is required to develop a kind of Home Integrated Service Terminal with embedded cable modem to realize high speed interaction of multimedia services .

    因此,需要研制使用内嵌 CM技术的家用综合业务 终端,来完成高速多媒体业务的交互。

  • Study of Connection Methodology of Terminal Block between Short Net Copper Pipe and Soft Cable for Calcium Carbide Furnace

    电石炉短网铜管与软 接线板连接方式的研究管子与管板氩弧焊接

  • Causes Analysis of Burning Accidents of Indoor Terminal of Cross-linked Cable with Single Core

    单芯交联 电缆户内 终端烧毁事故的分析

  • The terminal fittings on the cable are standard bearing sockets .

    钢索 部连接采用标准承压锚杯。

  • Simulation Test of Electric Field at Prefabricated Terminal for XLPE Insulated Power Supply Cable The critical position which was the start position of the Monte Carlo simulation of steamer corona discharge was solved too .

    XLPE绝缘电力 电缆预制式 终端电场模拟实验在静电场模拟中,还求解出流光电晕放电的临界点,为蒙特卡罗法模拟流光电晕放电提供了基准点。

  • The temperature data acquisition terminal for cable is an important part of the Temperature Monitoring System for Underground Cable Junction of Urban Distribution Network which needs to perform acquisition processing saving and wireless transmission of the temperature data .

    电缆温度采集 终端是城市配电网地下电缆接头温度巡测系统的重要组成部分,负责 电缆接头温度的采集、处理、保存和无线传输。

  • Using VB6.0 as development tool ACL-7225 data sampling cards and industry computer the auto-control system on decorticating truncating setting terminal and length of cable is studied and produced .

    本文介绍了应用VB6.0作为开发工具,利用工控机和 ACL-7225数据采集卡,开发自动控制系统的方法。

  • In this way the'contact point-sampling-contact point'access mode of the wiring terminal of the primary cable is changed to be the'sampling-contact point-contact point'mode .

    这样,将一次 电缆接线 端子接入方式由现有的“接点―采样―接点”方式改进为“采样―接点―接点”方式。

  • Cable terminal is the weakness of high voltage electricity grid . The mechanical property especially fatigue property of high voltage cable terminal is very important for the stability .

    在高压电网组成部分中,高压 电缆 终端是比较薄弱的环节,其力学特性,特别是疲劳特性对高压电网的稳定性起到十分重要的作用。

  • XKM / JXT1 series T-type connector and T-type terminal box are used for branch line Ttype connection in the construction and industrial electric equipment when cable trunk can 't be cut off .

    JXT1系列“T”接 端子电缆“T”接箱主要适用于建筑、工业电气设备中作主 电缆(干线)不能切断时的“T”形分线连接用。

  • This terminal may take the existing coaxial cable network as well as the twisted pair line network access equipment simultaneously also can take the next step optical fiber to the home ( FTTH ) optical fiber access equipment .

    终端可以作为现有的同轴 电缆网络以及双绞线网络的接入设备,同时也能作为下一步的光纤到户FTTH的光纤接入设备。

  • By using the methods the electrical device terminal array and cable list can be generated automatically meanwhile the design result is optimized .

    在此基础上,实现了设备 端子排和 电缆表的自动生成,并对设计结果进行了优化。

  • Combining with the construction of steel structure and cable used in Zhengzhou Xinzheng international airport terminal building authors introduce something about the construction of the project such as the construction characteristic construction methods and cable tension control methods etc.

    结合郑州新郑国际机场 航站楼工程钢结构拉索的施工,介绍了拉索的施工特点、施工工艺及 力控制方法等。

  • The Design and Development of the Terminal Unit of Temperature Monitoring System for Underground Cable Junctions

    电缆接头温度监测系统 终端装置的设计与实现

  • The voltage at motor terminal would be double because of the effects of cable distributed parameters when motor is fed with PWM inverter through a long cable therefore resulting in a heavy stress on motor .

    PWM逆变器通过长线电缆与电机连接时,由于 电缆分布参数的影响会在电机 产生2倍的过电压,从而使电机承受的应力大为增加。

  • Based on the causes analysis of burning accidents of indoor terminal of 35 kV cross-linked power cable with single core and repairing procedures the improvement methods and lessons to be drawn were raised .

    通过对一起35kV单芯交联电力 电缆户内 终端烧毁事故进行原因分析,介绍了修复过程,并提出改进办法和应吸取的经验教训。

  • Injecting impulse current at the terminal of power cable into the hybrid transmission line to be detected and conducting multi-resolution analysis of injected sampling signal by wavelet analysis the position of modular maximum point of sampling signal is obtained .

    向待测混合线路的 电缆 注入脉冲电流,利用小波分析对注入的采样信号进行多分辨分析,得到模极大值点的位置。

  • Connect cable F of cable TV / user connector to the terminal of cable input .

    将有线电视电缆F/用户接头接入本 电缆输入”

  • In order to solve the problems of traditional design method of relay control circuit system a method to generate the electrical device terminal array and cable list is proposed .

    继电 线路的可测性设计和功能 验证,在电力系统的安全可靠性运行中起着重要的作用,用逻辑分析的方法对控制电路进行功能验证是一种全新的思路。

  • The operation principle and structure features of a 220 kV cable terminal stress cone were simply described . The numerical simulation model of the cable terminal structure was proposed .

    应用220kV电缆 终端的结构型式和工作原理,建立了该种 电缆终端结构的数值仿真模型;

  • Both the narrow pulses and the steep front pulses are applied to the initial terminal of the XLPE cable respectively and the oscillograms at both terminals are simultaneously recorded using a digital oscilloscope .

    在两段不同长度的 电缆分别注入窄脉冲和陡前沿脉冲,同时记录首末端波形;

  • Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipes is used in explosion-proof telephone station explosion-proof terminal explosion-proof loud-speaker inlet or outlet to conduit and protect the cable .

    防爆挠线连接管用于防爆电话站、防爆 接线箱、防爆扬声器的输入,输出口到布线钢管之间的过渡连接,起到保护 电缆的作用。