term shares


  • We find that the long term performance of new shares are significantly lower than the stock index and the higher the initial return is the worse the long-term performance which prove the existence of noise trading in the secondary market .

    新股 上市后一年间的 市场表现显著低于大盘指数,并且IPO首日收益越高的股票,长期表现越差,从而证实了我们关于二级市场存在噪声因素的推断。

  • Money market deals with short term debt and capital market deals with long term debt and preference and equity shares .

    货币市场交易的短期债务和资本市场交易与 长期债务和偏好和 股票

  • Dilution occurs & the term specifically refers to changes in a number of shares that affect adversely existing shareholders .

    薄特指的是, 股票数量受到影响,不利于已持股的股东。

  • Figures out synthetic relative value of personal human capital by using the system of balanced scorecard and making use of the method of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) thereby works out performance-related pay and long term incentive scheme that shares rights ' incentive is taken as main body .

    通过平衡记分卡(BSC)系统,结合层次分析法(AHP),计算出人力资本个体的综合相对价值,从而设计出业绩薪酬和以 股权激励为主体的 长期激励方案。

  • On Nov 19 Oxford Dictionaries declared selfie Word of the Year for 2013 in honor of the term having taken over the world thanks to millions of smartphone self-portraits and the resulting shares on social media .

    11月19日,《牛津词典》宣布selfie(自拍)成为牛津2013年度热词,以表彰这 凭借智能手机自拍以及社交媒体 分享而风靡世界的 词汇

  • The term company herein refers to a limited liability company or a company limited by shares established within Chinese territory in accordance with this Law .

    本法所 的公司是指根据本法规定在中国境内设立的有限责任公司和 股份有限公司。

  • Strong hands are committed to the market for the long term buying shares at what may turn out to be big discounts .

    强手则致力于 长期 持有,在很低的 价位买进 股票

  • A Simple Method of Retroactive Adjustment of the Account of the Long Term Investment of Shares

    长期 股权投资追溯调整账务处理简便方法

  • A general term applied to all shares debentures notes bills government and semi-government bonds etc.

    股票、企业债券、单据、票据、政府债券等的 总称