tell tales

[tɛl telz][tel ˈteili:z]


  • Dead men tell no tales .

    死人 不会 泄密

  • On the other hand they used viciously the Confucianism ethics ethical ' precedent ' and ' criterion ' to declare that someone was guilty to tell tales to dissidents and ordinary people in order to safeguard consolidated their own autocratic control .

    另一方面他们又借用儒家伦理、道德的先例、准则给政治对手、异己定罪、 搬弄是非,以维护、巩固自己的专制统治。

  • We continually ( though often unconsciously ) tell ourselves tales about life and since no story can include every tiny event we edit and spin the facts into the stories we prefer .

    我们不断地(虽然经常是无意识地) 自己 生活的 故事,而且因为没有一个故事能容纳全部的事件,所以我们要进行编辑、要把事实都编入我们喜欢的故事中。

  • Of course Suellen would be certain to tell tales tomorrow but if all went as Scarlett hoped the excitement of the family over her engagement to Ashley or her elopement would more than overbalance their displeasure .

    当然,明天苏伦一定会向她们 描述的,不过要是一切都按思嘉所希望的进行,那么她家 里因她与艾希礼订婚或私奔而引起的激动,就抵消他们的不快而有余了。

  • Other sourcers of Asian toys clothes and basic household products tell similarly ominous tales .

    其他亚洲玩具、服装和家庭日用品的采购商,也传递着同样 不祥的信息。

  • Many tell tales and ancient myths from their faraway homelands .

    许多 故事人会叙说祖国的 传说及远古神话。

  • Foods store well in frige . All we got was what we pinched out of the larder and then you used to go and tell tales to mother .

    我们当时能得到的只不过是我们从储藏室偷拿的食品,而你常常去向妈妈 告发我们。

  • I don 't want to tell tales out of school but did you know that Mary is having an affair with david ?

    我不愿 背后 坏话,可是你是否知道玛丽同戴 卫正有着暧昧关系。

  • People tell tales of animals such as elephants and dogs weeping when punished .

    诸如大象和狗在受到人类的惩罚时 哭的 故事总被人们挂在 嘴边

  • Not the fellow who used to tell such wonderful tales at parties about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses and the unexpected luck of widows'sons ?

    还记得这个家伙,也会在宴会上 说出许多许多精彩万分的 故事,有恶龙、有半兽人、巨人,以及幸运的寡妇之子拯救公主的 故事

  • Experts will tell you that fairy tales folk tales were never meant for children at all .

    专家会 告诉童话,即民间传说对儿童来说一点儿意义都没有。

  • Pagonis says survivors tell horrific tales of brutality about passengers being beaten stabbed and raped .

    帕格尼斯说,幸存者 讲述了有关偷渡者被殴打,刺伤和强奸的可怕的残暴史。

  • The slavers have found us ! Dead men tell no tales !

    奴隶们发现我们了!他们死了就 不会 说话了!

  • Dead men tell no tales - Means that a dead man cannot reveal any secret or fact . It was the reason why the pirates didn 't like to spare any survivors .

    Deadmen tellno tales-意思是死去的人不会泄露任何秘密或者真相,这也是海盗不喜欢留活口的原因。

  • While Clarissa continued to tell me more tales from the ruined household and I described the piece I had written we made preparations for our night journey into sex and sleep .

    克拉莉莎继续 讲述她哥哥破碎的家庭,而我向她描述自己刚刚写就的文章。同时我们着手准备,欲踏上性爱和睡眠的暗夜之旅。

  • Your mother really does tell tall tales .

    你妈妈确实 说过 那些夸张

  • During breaks in the contest people tell their own tales to one another .

    比赛间歇,他们再将自己的 故事与他人 分享

  • Plagued by script delays Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Men Tell No Tales which returns Johnny Depp to his signature role as Captain Sparrow is now adrift without an ETA on when filming could begin .

    因剧本延误而受阻,《加勒比海盗5: 死无对证 现在还不能预计开拍的时间。约翰尼德普饰演的标志性角色杰克斯帕罗船长届时将强势回归。

  • Men ! They work for vask ! Don 't let them tell any tales ! Kill them !

    伙计们!他们为瓦斯克工作!别让他们 走漏了风声!杀!

  • Urged by the host of the Tabard who accompanies them the pilgrims agree to tell tales to amuse the group and to lighten the journey .

    在随同前往的塔巴德客店老板的建议下,这群朝圣者达成一致意见,每人轮流 故事以供娱乐,让大家旅途愉快。

  • We tell fairy tales to our children .

    我们还给小孩子 童话 故事

  • Though the latter two tell tales that border on science fiction he remains an able storyteller even when heeding the constraints of the small and the real .

    尽管《分裂的王国 温柔 讲述的是科学小说的 故事,尽管汤姆森局限于小型的写实文章,但他依旧是一名有才华的作家。

  • Some people can see them without pictures and they tell interesting tales .

    有些人能不靠画像看见他们,这些人 了不少有趣的 故事

  • Don 't tell tales out of school .

    是不会 讲话 口若悬河

  • The book she wrote to tell their tales Those Gay Children of Mine was published by Shanghai Joint Publishing this summer under her pen name Old Ou .

    她用笔名“老藕”所著的小说 我的那些同志孩儿 讲述的正是他们的 故事,这本书今夏由上海三联出版社出版。

  • I mean I don 't want to tell any tales out of school .

    我不喜欢 背后 坏话

  • I hesitated not wanting to tell tales about my colleague .

    我犹豫了,不想 同事的 坏话

  • Educators tell tales of students who grew up taking for granted not only that their highly involved parents would help with schoolwork but that the help would strain the definition of the word .

    教育工作者 一些学生的 故事,他们在成长中不仅把父母高度参与帮忙做作业当成理所当然,而且把这种帮助会扭曲帮助的本义也当成理所当然。

  • The gangsterkilled the only witness to his crime on the principle that dead men tell no tales .

    因为死人是不会 告密的,所以那歹徒把他犯罪的唯一见证人杀害了。