temperature element

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ˈɛləmənt][ˈtempəritʃə ˈelimənt]


  • Temperature field finite element during flat hot continuous rolling process with compact double stand reversing rolling mill was researched which is the only one in China .

    实现了对国内唯一一架双机架紧凑式可逆炉卷轧机板材热连轧的 温度场有限 研究。

  • In chapter 5 the important status of visualization technology in temperature field finite element analysis system is introduced the content and main function of visualization in the system are set forth and synchronously realized .

    第五章,阐述了可视化技术在有限 分析系统中所处的重要地位,给出了 温度场有限 分析系统可视化的内容和主要功能,并对其分别进行了实现。

  • Hardware designs included the selection of temperature measuring methods and sensor the studying of orientation mode of temperature measuring element the selection and the introduction of temperature data logger and the development of transit equipment .

    硬件设计包括测温方式与传感器的选择、 测温 元件定位方式的研究、温度巡回检测仪的选定和介绍以及巡检仪转接装置的研制等。

  • Using a more general equation of heat balance about the temperature sensitive element the equation is obtained of instantaneous gas temperature and wall temperature in the case of the third boundary condition of heat transfer .

    从感 元件热平衡更一般的表达式出发,导得了第三类边界条件中燃气的瞬态温度和壁面的瞬态温度的表达式。

  • A copper-constantan thermocouple reference junction temperature compensator which is based on the compensating brige method and in which a thermistor is used as the temperature sensitive element is descr - ibed .

    本文描述了一种利用桥路补偿法,采用热敏电阻作感 元件制成的铜&康铜热电偶参考端温度补偿器。

  • The formula and method has an important direction for the design of temperature sensors that is using thermal resistant as measure temperature element .

    对以热敏电阻作为 测温 元件的温度传感器的设计具有参考意义。

  • Fuel Heater Temperature Sensor and Element Location

    燃油加热器 温度感知器和 元件的位置

  • Operating temperature of electrothermal element is estimated .

    估算了电热 元件的工作 温度

  • Below figure shows the relation between fumace temperatures element temperature and element surface load under the condition that the element radiation isn 't obstructed .

    下图示出了 元件辐射在不受阻碍情况下的炉温、件 温度与表面负荷之间的关系。

  • To Measure Instantaneous Temperature by a Finite Dimensional Temperature Sensitive Element

    以有限尺寸的感 元件测取瞬态温度的方法

  • The change in strength of cryogenic austenitic steel with temperature and alloying element content was studied .

    研究了低温奥氏体钢的强度随 温度及合金 元素含量的变化规律。

  • A wrist watch with temperature generating element

    体温发电 手表

  • In order to decrease the temperature grads element balance method is presented in this paper to analyze the influence of some parameters on temperature grads of an air-cooling-plate-fin heat exchanger .

    平衡法对板翅式风冷换热器进行分析,从降低换热器的 温度梯度入手,分析一些参数对温度梯度的影响情况。

  • Numerical computation of solid rocket motor insulation layer temperature by finite element method

    固体火箭发动机绝热层 温度 的有限 计算方法

  • A kind of three layered 32-node temperature shell element is presented for the transient temperature field FEM analysis of the honeycomb sandwich composite shell .

    提出一种三层32结点 温度单元,对蜂窝夹芯复合材料壳体的瞬态温度场进行了有限元分析。

  • Molten Quartz Optical Rod & A New Temperature Sensor Element

    熔融石英光导棒&一种新颖的 温度传感 元件

  • S Electrothermal characteristics of a self-limited temperature heating pipe a new self-limited temperature heating element for polymer composite that could be continuously produced was presented .

    介绍了一种新型的可连续化批量生产的复合型高分子自限 发热 元件&自限温发热管的电热特性。

  • Design of the tyre temperature finite element analysis system

    轮胎 温度 有限 分析系统的设计

  • Study and application of a new type of high temperature double element delay crosslinking fracturing fluid

    新型 高温延迟交联压裂液的研究与应用

  • Study of material for elevated temperature elastic element of deep-well-detector

    超深井测井检波器 高温弹性 元件材料的研究

  • Development on superhigh temperature heating element

    高温发热 STH)的研制

  • Effects of Temperature and Alloy Element on Hot-dip Aluminizing Process for Decreasing Fe-Al film Thickness

    不锈钢热浸镀铝中 温度及合金 元素对膜厚的影响

  • A measuring device for melting and crystallization parameters of slag has been developed using single thermal couple which not only is as a measuring temperature element but also as a heating element with the characteristics of higher speed of temperature going up and lowering and higher measuring efficiency .

    研制了热丝法炉渣熔化和结晶参数测定仪,该测定仪用一根双铂铑热电偶丝既作加热元件又作 测温 元件,具有升、降温速度快,测量效率高的特点。

  • The finite element model of the cable was simulated and calculated by ANSYS software that verify the fact if cable Transient conductor temperature could be calculated accurately by the cable temperature field finite element model or not .

    利用ANSYS软件对电缆有限元模型进行仿真计算,验证电缆 温度场有限 模型能否准确计算电缆暂态线芯温度。

  • Temperature Fields Finite Element Analysis on the Twin Roll Strip Casting

    双辊铸轧薄带钢 温度场的有限 分析

  • It adopts high precision and wide range thermocouple as temperature sensing element . This sensor has the characteristics of fast response speed better capability vibration and impact resistance long working life high product rate and produce in quantity .

    该传感器采用测量范围宽的热电偶为感 元件,具有响应速度快、性能稳定、抗振动、耐冲击、工作寿命长、成品率高、适合于批量生产等特点。

  • The Numerical Simulation Calculation for Tube Wall Temperature of Pedant Superheater of Power Station Boiler ; Fuel Heater Temperature Sensor and Element Location

    大型电站锅炉屏式过热器壁温数值模拟燃油加热器 温度感知器和 元件的位置

  • The test results show that the micro temperature sensing element on PI film exhibits good linearity and a temperature coefficient of resistance is close to 0 . 0023 / ℃ .

    实验测试结果表明,PI村底上的铂薄膜热敏电阻具备良好的线性度,其电阻温度系数接近于 0.0023/

  • PN node temperature sensor is used as temperature sensing element in PID temperature controller . It features high sensitivity high accuracy fast response and high resistance ability to interference .

    PID温控仪采用PN结温度传感器作为感 元件,它具有灵敏度高、精度高、响应快、抗干扰能力强等特点。

  • The Research on the Temperature Sensing Element of the Thermostatic Valve

    温控阀感 元件的特性研究