


  • International good Templar youth federation ;

    国际 戒酒 青年联合会;

  • She was worming out of him shameful secrets about the Templar family .

    她正在从他那里探知有关 普勒家族的丑闻。

  • Currently the High Templar has their original abilities Hallucination and Psi Storm .

    现在 圣堂的技能依旧是幻象和心灵风暴。

  • The ways of the Templar are steeped in ancient rites and rituals .

    圣堂 武士 践行着祖先的习俗。

  • They brought the treasure back to Europe and took the name the Knights templar .

    他们把财宝带回了欧洲,并自称为“ 圣殿骑士”

  • The Templars'Order House allows the recruitment of veteran Templar knights .

    圣殿骑士据点能够招募 圣殿骑士。

  • I am Templar I am the sword of Truth !

    我是 圣堂 武士,我是真理之剑!

  • Shield of the Templar now also reduces all damage taken by1 / 2 / 3 % .

    圣殿 骑士 盾”现在同样减少受到的所有伤害1/2/3%。

  • These defilers can attain powerful positions in the templar hierarchy and can achieve great personal power .

    这些亵渎者能够达到 圣堂 武士级的权位,并具有更强的个人力量。

  • Templar are the true believers the keepers of the faith and the destroyers of evil .

    圣堂 武士是虔诚的信徒,信仰的守护者,同时也是邪恶的掘墓人。

  • The dark templar hail from very different roots but the powers at their command are no less awe-inspiring .

    黑暗 圣堂 武士的力量来源与 传统神族完全不同,但他们拥有的力量却一点都不逊色。

  • The cerebrates had refused to follow her leadership and now with the dark templar 's assistance they were all but destroyed .

    那些不服从她指挥的脑虫,在黑暗 圣堂 武士的协助下,已经全部被摧毁了。

  • The treasure of the Knights Templar is the treasure of all treasures .

    圣殿 骑士的财宝,可是财宝中的财宝啊。

  • Hand of Light ( Mastery ): A percentage of the damage done by Templar 's Verdict Crusader Strike and Divine Storm is done as additional Holy damage .

    圣光之手的改变,附加在十字军打击,神圣风暴和 圣殿 骑士的裁决上的神圣伤害,已知。

  • These are ancient rites that greatly augment the offensive or defensive capabilities of the Templar for short periods of time .

    这些是古老的习俗,它们可以在短时间内提高 圣堂 武士的攻击与防御能力。

  • The Knights Templar were here in13th century .

    圣殿 骑士在13世纪时就在这个地方。

  • Why would a Knight Templar try to steal their own treasure ?

    为什么 圣殿 骑士要偷他们自己的宝藏?

  • Parkins hit his ball and then told the Colonel about finding the old whistle in the Templar church .

    帕金斯击了一下球,接着把自己在 圣殿 骑士教堂找到那个旧口哨的事儿告诉了上校。

  • I want to know what you know about the treasure of the Knights templar .

    我要知道你对于 圣殿骑士宝藏的了解。

  • While the high templar unleash fire and lightning the dark templar stalk the shadows swathed in darkness .

    高级 圣堂 武士用火焰和闪电攻击,而黑暗圣堂却能够潜行于阴影之中,黑暗就是他们最好的朋友。

  • What was really going on there at the fall of Aiur and really digging out all the political things that were happening with the Conclave and the Judicators and the Templar .

    在Aiur陷落之后究竟发生了什么,以及所有关于枢机会,执行官和 圣堂 武士的政治方面的事情。

  • An augmentation that increases the strength and wisdom of the templar 's ally .

    提升牧师 盟友的智慧和力量。

  • Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar .

    一些人就把玛丽亚和圣杯与圣 骑士连接在 一起

  • Leliana : You must have been a brother before you became a templar no ?

    你在成为 圣殿 骑士之前一定也是位修士对吗?

  • Dark Templar : I am sure the Matriarch will be eager to hear your tale as well .

    黑暗 圣堂 武士:相信女酋长也会对你的故事感兴趣的。

  • The Knights Templar a fearsome and uncompromising order were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims .

    圣殿骑士团,是 作战勇猛 手段强硬的骑士 团体,第一次十字军东征后为护卫朝圣者而组建。

  • Only the potent energies wielded by the dark templar could ensure a cerebrate 's permanent destruction .

    只有黑暗 圣堂 武士强大的能量才能确保脑虫永远地被摧毁。

  • The High Templar and Dark Templar are really two that have changed the least .

    圣堂 武士和暗黑圣堂武士是名副其实改变得最少得两个单位。

  • Templar 's Verdict is now a primary skill of Retribution .

    圣堂 武士的裁决现在是惩戒系的专精技能。