temporary repair

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri rɪˈpɛr][ˈtempərəri riˈpɛə]


  • A temporary repair job got us across the river and a few miles further to a small river town called Zhongtang where we got stuck again .

    临时 修理之后,我们过了江。往前又走了几英里,来到一个叫做中堂的江边小镇,车子又再次抛锚。

  • But at present there are new buses temporary repair tasks in order to improve work efficiency is no longer removed each gear box axle and so on .

    但是目前有新的客车 任务时,为了提高工作效率已经不再每次都拆除齿轮箱、轴箱等。

  • Company executives say privately that any dip in appetite will be temporary and that demand will bounce back once more details about the flight emerge and Malaysia takes steps to repair its reputation .

    公司高管私下里都认为,投资人气降温 只是 暂时的,一旦更多有关失踪客机的详情被公布,而且马来西亚采取行动 修复名誉后,需求就会回暖。

  • The article gathers statistic data concerning electric locomotive failure and temporary repair eventuated on all electrified railway lines from 1980 to the first half of 1985 and plots them .

    本文汇总了1980~1985年上半年全路电力机车机破、 的统计数据,并绘成了图表。

  • Because the regular maintenance has some drawbacks such as insufficient temporary repair excessively repair blindly repair or overhaul trigger off accidents etc. We must promote condition monitoring that based upon On-line monitoring and fault diagnosis .

    因为现行的定期维修体制存在一定的弊端,例如 临时 维修不足、维修过剩、因盲目维修或检修不当引发检修事故等,所以要大力推广以状态监测与故障诊断为基础的状态维修体制。

  • Therefore the hydraulic wheel machines top of a corresponding solid device designed to be able to adapt to this new Temporary repair processing requirements .

    因此轮对加工机床的液压顶固装置要有相应的新式设计才能够适应这一 加工要求。

  • When we do maintenance scheduling with man power problems come forth such as frequent temporary repair inadequate or excess maintenance blind repair and other serious problems . It will easily waste resources threaten the stable operation of the equipment which leads to blackouts .

    人工安排检修计划往往考虑不周全,存在的 临时 检修频繁、检修不足或检修过剩、维护工作量大等严重问题,具有一定的盲目性,容易导致资源浪费、威胁设备稳定运行造成停电事故。

  • The reason of thinning out of the upper shell and spherical head for coke tower was analyzed briefly . The temporary repair measure was proposed .

    对焦炭塔上部壳体和球形封头的减薄原因进行了简要分析,提出了 临时 修复措施。

  • A common temporary repair method for the defects and damages caused in process and service of aeronautic composite structures is to bond composite patch on the out-surfaces of the damage laminates .

    对于飞行器复合材料结构在制造和服役中产生的缺陷损伤,一种常用的外场 临时 修理方法是在受损结构的外表面胶接复合材料补片来进行补强。

  • Temporary repair technology for Shanghai Metro vehicles & Temporary repair for running gear and brake system

    上海地铁车辆的 技术1]&走行部分及制动系统的临修

  • Thinking on reduction of DF_4 locomotive temporary repair failure

    关于DF4型机车 故障的几点思考

  • Design targets and main functions are presented for the statistic and analysis network system for electronic certificate of depot in out and temporary odd repair parts of locomotives . Design essentials and software architecture is analyzed .

    阐述机车出入库电子合格证及机车 、碎 活件统计分析系统的设计目的及主要功能,分析了设计要点和软件结构。