
[ˌtɛmprəˈmɛntl:, ˌtɛmpərə-][ˌtemprəˈmentl]


  • She 's a good actor but she can be a little temperamental .

    她是个好演员,但 脾气有点 变化无常

  • She is a temperamental person and likes to make tasteless jokes .

    她是个 喜怒无常的人,而且喜欢开粗俗的玩笑。

  • I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines

    我刚开始驾驶游艇航行时, 的汽油发动机 毛病

  • She wanted to be Queen . Unfortunately for Anne the temperamental King had another change of heart and ordered her execution in 1536 .

    她想要做的是皇后,不过不幸的是, 喜新厌旧的亨利八世之后却又变了心,1536年时下令处决安妮。

  • A temperamental opera singer .


  • He is very temperamental and critical .

    好使 性子 毛病

  • Had to handle the temperamental artist with kid gloves .

    必须审慎地对待这个 喜怒无常的画家。

  • So my temperamental sister is still alive ?

    我那 喜怒无常的妹妹还活着?

  • When parents and children are temperamental opposites the results can be explosive .

    当家长与孩子们 脾气相反时,其结果可能是爆炸性的。

  • The actress is so temperamental that many people refuse to work with her .

    那位女演员 喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。

  • Ramkumar did not at first oppose the ways of his temperamental brother .

    拉姆库玛儿并不是第一次反对这个 喜怒无常的弟弟。

  • If the most temperamental player in my team was still capable of bringing me qualification I would take him on board .

    如果我的球队里的这名最 喜怒无常的球员可以为我带来 世界 资格,我将把他放在名单上。

  • They 're a very temperamental couple .

    他们这对夫妻 喜怒无常

  • She 's spoilt and temperamental .

    她被宠坏了,而且 神经质

  • She was an intelligent attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor .

    简的父亲是一位非常富有的医生,她聪明、丽, 就是有点 喜怒无常

  • These machines can be temperamental and the secret is once they 're running smoothly leave well alone .

    这些机器有时 稳定然而,其奥秘在于,一旦它们运转平稳以后就不用去管了。

  • A vain and temperamental person .

    虚荣并且 喜怒无常的人。

  • In fact he was considered a terrible grouch a very mean-spirited and temperamental person .

    事实上,他是个出了名的坏脾气,大家都觉得他心胸狭窄、 喜怒无常

  • Nigel is temperamental but he 's very highly strung you know .

    奈杰 变化无常,但你知道他是很容易激动的。

  • He has a temperamental dislike of sports .


  • The image of the fountain pen as temperamental fragile and prone to spills no longer holds true .

    钢笔 变化无常、脆弱不堪又容易溢水的形象已经不再是事实。

  • It 's the temperamental predominance of courage over timidity it 's the confidence faced setback and disappointment .


  • It is a temperamental imaginative half-imaginary shift from one metaphysical climate to another .

    这是一种哲学到另一种哲学的转变,是一种 气质、想象力和半虚构的转变。

  • This photocopier 's a bit temperamental .

    这台复印机性能有点 稳定

  • Vickers machine-guns could be temperamental .

    维克斯机枪有时会 故障

  • Many political and temperamental differences still exist between them .

    他们之间仍存在着许多政治和 性格 的差异。

  • The temperamental divide between western leaders will continue to be crucial .

    西方领导人之间的 禀性差异将继续扮演关键角色。

  • He 's avery temperamental player ie plays well or badly accordingto his mood .

    他是个 情绪波动的演员(演得好坏由心情而定)。

  • The complex of all the attributes behavioral temperamental emotional and mental that characterize a unique individual .

    个体所具有的精神上的、情感上的、 气质 的、行为 的特性的复合体。

  • Chefs are too temperamental .

    厨师们太 喜怒无常了。