territorial water

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl ˈwɔtɚ][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl ˈwɔ:tə]


  • At present the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources is concentrated in the Bohai sea area of China territorial waters . While South China Sea as three fourths of our territorial water the gas and oil resources development is nearly empty .

    目前,我国的海洋油气资源开采主要集中在渤海海域,而占我国 领海面积3/4比例的南海 海域,油气资源开发近乎空白。

  • Article 7 The comprehensive plan for a city shall be coordinated with territorial planning regional planning water space planning and comprehensive planning for the use of land .

    第七条城市总体规划应当和 国土规划、区域规划、 江河 流域规划、土地利用总体规划相协调。

  • Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state including inland water and territorial sea .

    日内瓦领海及毗连 公约 领水是一国主权管辖下的 全部 水域,包括内水和领海。

  • This study has positive meaning to the development of territorial resources and sustainable development of water resources .

    该研究对 流域 国土资源开发和 资源的可持续发展都有积极意义。

  • According to the difference of legal status sea can be divided into inter waters territorial sea contiguous zone archipelagic water exclusive economic zone continental shelf high seas international seabed and international straits .

    依据法律地位的不同,海洋可划分为内水、 领海、毗连区、群岛 水域、专属经济区、大陆架、公海、国际海底区域、用于国际航行的海峡。

  • Violating the integrity of a country 's territorial waters means committing aggression to it . The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state including inland water and territorial sea .

    对一国领水的侵犯意味着破坏该国的领土主权。 领水是一国主权管辖下的 全部 水域,包括内水和领海。

  • The Application of the Multi-Object Model on the Carrying Capacity of Territorial Ground Water Resource

    多目标分析法在小 区域 地下水承载能力评估中的应用

  • Oil and gas exploration has been limited not only by territorial claims but also by typhoons and technological challenges including limited local ability to drill in deep water .

    油气勘探活动不仅受到 领土主张的限制,也存在台风和技术方面的挑战,比如缺乏足够的 深水开采能力。