term of payment

[tɚm ʌv ˈpemənt][tə:m ɔv ˈpeimənt]

[经] 偿还期限

  • The term bonded goods means goods which have entered the territory with formalities of duty payment being exempted upon Customs approval and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored processed or assembled in the territory .

    保税货物”,是指经海关批准未办理 纳税手续进境,在境内储存、加工、装配后复运出境的货物。

  • I am sorry to say the only term of payment we can accept is 100 % irrevocable documentary letter of credit .

    抱歉地说,我们能接受 付款 条件只有100%不可撤销跟单信用证。

  • If possible we 'd like to revise the term of payment .

    如果可能的话,我们想修改一下 付款 条件

  • Now comes the question of term of payment . Maybe there 's something wrong with the program .

    接下来是 付款 方式问题。或许问题发生在程式上。

  • We are willing to accept your counter - offer but term of payment must be considered together with the price .

    我们愿意接受您的还盘,但 付款 条件得与价格一起考虑。

  • But term of payment must is consider together with price .

    但是 付款 条件得与价格连带考虑。

  • We may consider the longest payment term of60 days after receipt of payment in the future .

    今后可以考虑提供最长 结60天的 付款

  • Would you accept bill of exchange as the term of payment ?

    公司是否接受 汇票 支付 方式

  • The security of the pension insurance fund is to ensure the safe operation of the pension insurance system . It is a general term for overall co-ordination of the pension fund raising management payment system management .

    养老保险基金安全是为实现养老保险 收支平衡目标,对养老保险基金筹集、管理、 支付等环节全面统筹和系统管理的 总称

  • Now comes the question of term of payment .

    接下来是 付款 方式问题。

  • You have a way talking me Into accepting your term of payment .

    您真有办法说服我接受您的 付款 条件

  • Term of payment : ours be cash against document or exchange at sight .

    付款 条件是凭单据付现金,或见票即时。

  • Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and term of payment .

    兹附上你们所要求的商品目录和价目表,并附上我们的售货条件和 付款 方式

  • In recent years has become a main term of payment in the foreign trade .

    近年来, 信用 支付已逐渐成为我国企业在对外贸易中最主要的一种贸易 结算 方式

  • Our usual term of payment is cash against document and we hope they will be acceptable to you .

    我们通常的 付款 方式是凭单据付现,希望贵方可接受。

  • The term of payment will be three months net or15 % discount for cash on total invoice amount .

    支付 条件为3个月内付清货款。如付现款,可按发票总金额打15%折扣。

  • The system contains various modules in term of function setup generally including accommodation management payment management daily management and system maintenance . Each module also contains various sub-modules with the purpose of realizing different function .

    因此,在功能设置 包含了多种不同模块,主要有:住宿管理、 交费管理、日常管理、系统维护等十二个模块,各个模块又包含若干不同的子模块,用来实现不同的功能。

  • The disadvantage of this new capital system is that the proportion is low of ini - tial capital contribution of the shareholders the term of whole capital payment is rather long which is not propitious to business security especially on the background of insufficient credit system .

    但该资本制度的缺点是股东 的法定出资比例稍低, 清全部出资的 期限稍长,特别是在我国信用制度不健全的背景下,不利于交易安全。

  • Our Quantity supply can be larges quantity based on our agreed with our customers and their term 's of payment .

    我们的供应数量,可拉尔数量根据我们同意我们的客户和他们的 长期 支付的。

  • But lessee retailers may have to pay for this indirectly in the form of higher costs Would you accept bill of exchange as the term of payment ?

    但是零售业承租人可能必须支付更高的费用间接作为这 研究的代价,贵 公司是否接受汇票的 支付 方式

  • The term of the payment will be agreed beforehand

    将提前就 付款 条件达成协议

  • Will you explain specifically your proposition about the term of payment ?

    请您具体讲一讲关于 付款 方式的建议好吗?

  • We cannot proceed without settling first the term of payment .

    不首先解决 付款 条件,我方无法继续进行。

  • As to the term of payment we have agree to use rmb .

    关于 付款 条件,我们同意使用人民币 支付

  • We have settled the price . now what about the term of payment ?

    我们已经谈妥了价格,现在来谈谈 付款 条件如何?

  • As a big developing country in the period of economic takeoff China should select the feasible short-term and long - and - medium - term objectives of adjusting balance of payment to promote the sound stable and sustainable development of economy .

    作为处于经济起飞阶段的发展中大国,我国应选择切实可行的国际 收支调节的 近期目标和中长期目标,以促进经济健康、稳定和可持续发展。

  • Owing to the existing difficulties for constituting and implementing canonical transfer payment institution in short term author suggests to properly shrink the scale of inter-governmental transfer payment by adjusting tax distribution management mode in order to enhance the operation efficiency of tax distribution financial management system in China .

    鉴于我国目前 短期内尚难以制定与实施规范的转移支付制度的情况,作者建议通过调整分税制管理模式适当缩小政府间转移 支付的规模,以便提高我国分税制财政管理体制的运行效率。