term of trade

[tɚm ʌv treid][tə:m ɔv treid]

[经] 贸易条件

  • By comparing and distinguishing the related conceptions the paper considers that the term vertical specialized trade is defined consistently with the definition of processing trade in China so we can utilize the theory related to vertical specialization to analyze issues of processing trade in China .

    通过对相关概念的比较界定,论文认为, 国外对垂直专业化贸易的定义与我国加工 贸易的内涵基本一致,可以借鉴有关理论来分析我国加工贸易的相关问题。

  • The term of Market Access stemmed from the Tariff and Trade Negotiations after World War II and attracts much attention from Economics Politics the Management Science and Jurisprudence because of its ever-growing contents .

    市场准入 译自英文MarketAccess,产生于二战后关税与 贸易的谈判中,其蕴涵的丰富内容日益引起经济学、政治学、管理学和法学研究者的关注。

  • It 's not good for the longer - term growth of European trade and investment relations with China and Vietnam he said .

    这不利于欧洲与中国和越南 贸易及投资关系的 长期发展,他表示。

  • Our country now is still in the term of economic system transition and suffers from large amounts of loss every year in the frequent trade frictions when protectionism rises .

    我国尚处于经济体制转型 ,在贸易保护主义抬头的形势下, 贸易摩擦频发,每年遭受巨额的损失。

  • As the important part of the dissertation it is the specific practice for the regional integration theoretical framework under the term of trade integration . First two important sustaining factors are discussed for integration of trade they are specialization and institutional harmonization .

    首先,论述了东亚 贸易一体化的两个重要支撑因素:专业化 分工和制度协调。

  • In other words standards would improve the industrial structure of our country in the long term and encourage the development of intra-industry trade .

    标准的进入将在 长期 改善我国的产业结构,促进产业内 贸易发展。

  • An Analysis on the Trade Term of China s Foreign Trade to USA in the Modern Time

    近代中国对美国 贸易的贸易 条件分析

  • The prospect of changing this in the medium term with the Doha round of Global trade talks in limbo looks bleak .

    考虑到多哈(doha)回合全球 贸易谈判陷入僵局,在 中期 改变这一现状的前景看上去比较黯淡。

  • So it is quite unilaterally to evaluate the international coke trade from monetary term . A favorable balance of trade maybe brings the loss in ecological capital .

    只用货币形式来评价国际贸易是相当片面的,经济上的 贸易顺差也许带来了生态资本上的亏损,评价贸易的可持续性发展需要从环境效应分析的 角度考虑

  • The theory mainly introduced the impact of the fluctuation in exchange rate upon commence and from the theory of mercantilism to flexible analysis law Purchasing Power Parity and term of trade theory .

    汇率理论主要介绍了汇率变动对贸易的影响,从弹性分析法、购买力平价说、到 贸易 条件理论。

  • In the short term outward direct investments in emerging economies of East Asia have inhibitory effect on import and export trade but not obvious ; On the contrary the import and export trade of East Asian emerging economies can significantly stimulate outward direct investment .

    短期 来看,对外直接投资对东亚新兴经济体母国进出口 贸易具有抑制效应,但是不明显;相反,东亚新兴经济体的进出口贸易却能明显带动对外直接投资的增加。

  • So in term of whole macroscopical aspect of the trade they shall be unified into the principle of trade security in the obligation law ;

    交易的整个宏观层面上来 ,在债权法中,我国对无权处分行为与善意取得制度之规定应是统一于交易安全原则之中;

  • The wages and welfare during the term of office of the full time chairman vice-chairman of the trade union of enterprises institutions and other organizations shall be contrasted with the related regulations of country or city .

    企业、 单位和其他组织专职 工会主席、主席 任职期间的工资和待遇按照国家和本市有关规定执行。

  • Which drew a conclusion that Chinese knowledge intensive service trade will have low competitiveness in short term but this situation will be improve in long term . This means that the competitiveness of Chinese knowledge intensive service trade has a strong development potential .

    得出了我国知识型服务 贸易在短期内竞争力较弱,但 长期中这一状况将会逐步改善的结论,即我国知识型服务 贸易具有较强的竞争力提升潜力。

  • Granger causality test showed that the short term the above three variables were granger reasons of trade balance and the trade balance was coefficient result of the six selected variables .

    格兰杰因果检验表明 短期 人口年龄结构、劳动力流动与人力资本不是贸易差额的格兰杰原因, 贸易差额是本文所选变量共同作用的结果。

  • I.The term enterprises'external credits under the item of trade in goods as mentioned in this Notice includes both advance payment in import and deferred receivables export .

    本通知所称企业货物 贸易项下境外 债权包括进口预付货款和出口延期收款。

  • Any quotation of trade terms ( such as CIF FOB and CFR ) shall be deemed as the quotation of the relevant term under the2000 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms ( INCOTERMS ) .

    本合同对任何贸易术语(如CIF、FOB、CFR)的援引都视为是对2000年国际商会 贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)的相关 术语的援引。

  • In the econometrical analyzing part this paper estimated the short and long term association between technological progress and the terms of trade by establishing vector error correction model .

    在计量分析部分,本文通过建立向量误差修正模型对技术进步和 贸易条件之间的长期和 短期关联进行了估计。

  • In term of trade surplus China iterated that her trade policies die not mean to pursue a trade surplus but hope for a relative balance between import and export .

    贸易 顺差问题上,中国提出,中国的贸易政策并不刻意追求贸易顺差,而是希望进出口贸易能够大体平衡。

  • There is no causal relationship between real effective exchange rate and Sino-U.S. trade balance which means both in the long term and short term RMB exchange rate is not the cause of Sino-U.S. trade imbalance .

    人民币实际有效汇率与中美贸易收支间不存在因果关系,这也就意味着,无论在长期还是 短期,人民币汇率并不是中美 贸易失衡的原因。

  • The result shows : ( 1 ) The increase of the term of trade the productivity and net foreign asset can make the equilibrium exchange rate appreciation but the increase of money ( M_2 ) can make the equilibrium exchange rate depreciation .

    研究结果显示:(1) 贸易 条件、劳动生率和净对外资产对均衡汇率具有正向作用,而广义货币供应量M2对均衡汇率具有负向作用;

  • Basic economic factors such as term of trade openning-up affect REER of RMB more markedly than fiscal policy monetary policy and foreign exchange reserve ;

    贸易 条件、开放度等基本经济因素对人民币实际有效汇率影响显著,财政政策、货币政策、外汇储备的规模对人民币实际有效汇率的影响不显著;

  • The factors of influencing agricultural trade term were analysed by the change of agricultural trade term in 1952 & 1992 and some proposals were put forward .

    本文从分析1952~1992年农业 贸易条件变化 出发研究了影响农业贸易 条件变动的因素,并提出了相应的对策。

  • The coastal part not only exports more goods increases much quickly in export volume but also gains better trade benefit based on the term of trade .

    沿海地区不仅出口量大,增长速度快,而且以 贸易 条件衡量的贸易效益好。

  • This barrier mode will for a long term exist and will accompany the uncertainty of the world economic recovery and play an active role in international trade .

    这一壁垒模式将 长期存在,并伴随世界经济复苏前景的不确定性,在国际 贸易领域“大显身手”。

  • In recent years has become a main term of payment in the foreign trade .

    近年来,信用证支付已逐渐成为我国 企业对外 贸易中最主要的一种 贸易 结算方式。