term time

[tɚm taɪm][tə:m taim]


  • In this paper the term for time time noun phrase adverb of time for analysis .

    本文主要针对 时间 名词、时间名词短语、时间副词进行分析。

  • Firstly a pre-experiment is conducted to determine the time limited term under time pressure condition .

    首先进行预实验确定了有 时间压力条件下的时间限制 条件

  • Internship positions are available for one year semester and summer term time frames .

    实习职位可以为期一年,一学期,和暑期 特定 时间

  • A boarding school is a school where some or all students not only study but also live during term time with their fellow students and possibly teachers .

    寄宿学校BoardingSchool寄宿学校不仅是学生学习的场所,还是在 学期 期间与同学和老师一起生活的地方。

  • A pupil who lives at school during term time .

    在学习 期间在学校居住的学生。

  • He trains five times a week during term time .

    他在学校上课 期间每周训练5

  • Because data frames arrive in term of time slot for the communication interface integrated chips the pipeline data path is an effective optimization method .

    对于通信接口芯片设计,数据帧依照 时间顺序依次到达,因此,采用流水线数据通道对帧数据进行处理是有效的优化方法。

  • One girl wanted to go on holiday with her parents in term time .

    一个女孩想要在上学 期间与父母去度假。

  • In section 2.2 by defining a class of functions we examine the oscillation of the second-order dynamic equations with forced term on time scales .

    2.2节,通过定义一类函数,研究了 时间尺度上一类二阶具有强迫 的动力方程的振动性。

  • Results To change of every term with primary SAH were acute term 69 time absorbent term 78 time repair term 86 time and list analysis .

    结果原发性SAH后各期的变化为急性 69例 ,吸收期78例次,修复期86例次,并列表进行分析。

  • They think bringing sons to term is wasting time and resources .

    他们认为将男婴养至 足月是浪费 时间和资源的。

  • The contamination degree of insulators in substation is monitored by long term real time detecting of the leakage current of insulators in this paper .

    采用 长期 实时监测运行中绝缘子污秽泄漏电流的方法来监测变电站绝缘子的污秽程度。

  • Time Division Multiple Access ( TDMA ) network protocol uses the orthogonality of time to achieve channel sharing . Each node of the network works in term of time slot mode so collision and competition do not exist .

    TDMA(时分多址)网络协议是利用时间的正交性实现信道共享,网 各个站点 按照 时隙方式工作,不存在发生碰撞和相互竞争问题。

  • As you know our exchange quota be Insufficient . I hope you will accept d / p payment term this time .

    您知道,我们的外汇不足,希望 这次你方同意我们用付款 交单方式支付。

  • Then we proceed to analyse the distribution of the solar radiation energy in term of time and space in Sichuan .

    进而对 全省太阳辐射能的 时空分布进行了分析。

  • Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time .

    经济有困难的学生通过入息审查后,可获发津贴,资助 学年 往返居所和学校的交通费。

  • We use the term time series to refer to any group of statistical information accumulated at regular intervals .

    按照相等的 时间间隔收集起来的一组统计数据叫 时间数列。

  • The subsidy is calculated on the basis of the average unit fare relevant to the districts in which the student studies and resides during term time .

    学生 车船津贴是以学生在 学期间往来居所同学校所属地区的平均车船费计算。

  • Stages of development were divided in term of time .

    并可在 时间 序列上划分为4个不同的发展阶段。

  • Because obesity is a chronic condition unlikely to be cured behavioral interventions need to focus on broader outcomes including quality of life good psychological quality and lowerer cardiovascular risk a continual treatment model rather than short - term time - limited approaches .

    因为肥胖是个不易治愈的慢性状态,所以行为干涉需要覆盖面广,包括生存质量,良好的心理素质,较低的心血管危险因素,持续的治疗模式而非 短暂的、 限时的收效。

  • Worst of all for families travel and hotel prices can be twice as high as in term time .

    对家庭来说,最糟糕的是旅行和酒店价格可能高达 学期 期间的两倍。

  • Phased aging and progressive accommodation in term of time ;

    时间上具有阶段性和 累进的性质;

  • The fluctuation in business means aircraft and ferries often travel with empty seats during term time .

    业务的波动,意味着飞机和渡船在 开学 期间往往不会客满。

  • In the short term time will not be a consolation .

    短期 来看时间不会带来慰藉。

  • We lodge students during term time .

    我们在 学期中供宿给学生。

  • As term waiting time is the meaning of idle between consecutive leasing contracts that is incurred by their arriving velocity the dissertation propose the resolve that lessee compensate lessor for the above .

    对于因 合同运动速度而引起的合同间租赁资产的闲置,从而导致等待 时间出现的问题,论文提出了由承租人向出租人提出补偿的方式解决。