


  • Research and Implementation of Intelligent Fault Recovery System on Terabit Router

    T 比特路由器智能故障恢复系统的研究与实现

  • Research on and Design of a Novel Switch Core for Terabit Routers

    一种 比特路由器交换核心的研究与设计

  • Architecture and Design of Terabit Router Software

    T 比特 性能路由器软件系统结构与设计

  • In the article we will research the architecture of terabit router switch in g fabric and forward in g technology .

    论文主要研究了 T 比特路由器的实现架构,以及交换结构和转发处理等关键技术。

  • Finally according to the implementation requirement of QoS in the terabit router we present a two-stage QoS scheduling architecture including the VOQ queue management based on output ports in the input side and priority based queue in the output side .

    最后通过 T 比特 路由器QoS实现的需求,提出了输入侧基于输出端口VOQ排队和输出侧基于优先级排队的两级调度QoS实现结构,并给出了该 结构T 比特 性能路由器的QoS实现方案。

  • Latency of multi-ary hypercube switching fabric in the terabit router ;

    研究了基于多级交换结构的 比特路由器分组调度算法。

  • Design and Implementation of Terabit Router Embedded Realtime Operating System

    T 比特路由器嵌入式实时操作系统设计与实现

  • These analyzed results discussed above offer some reference base which can be used to implement scalable BGP in Terabit router .

    这些研究结果对于在 T 比特路由器中实现可扩展的BGP协议提供了良好的参考依据。

  • Finally based on the forementioned analysis and according to the system structure of863 Terabit router and other factors a scheme of implementing VPLS in terabit router system is presented .

    基于上述研究成果,在结合 T 比特路由器系统结构并综合考虑各种因素的基础上,本文给出了VPLS在T比特路由器中的实现方案。

  • The Mechanism of Realization and Critical Technology of Terabit Router in High-speed IP Networks

    高速IP网中 T 比特路由器的实现机制及关键技术

  • Routing Algorithms for the Service Quality of the Switching Fabrics in Terabit Routers


  • Line card is one kind of network interfaces of terabit routers connected the router with gigabit Ethernet .

    接口千兆以太网线路接口卡是 T 比特路由器的多种网络接口之一,实现路由器与千兆以太网互连的功能。

  • Research is carried on a novel switching fabric E-2D torus network which is the core of the terabit router .

    研究了 比特路由器核心交换网络拓扑的一种新结构-E-2DTorus网络。

  • It will have the capability to process data at a rate of one terabit per second equivalent to the data transmitted by ten thousand weather satellites .

    它将具有以每秒1 兆位的速度处理数据的能力,等同于一万个气象卫星传输的数据。

  • The switch core can also provide quality of service guarantees and support scheduling of IP packets so it can be used in terabit routers .

    该交换核心能够提供服务质量保证,支持IP分组调度,可应用于 比特路由器中。

  • Gigabit Ethernet line-card as one of the most important line-cards supported by Terabit Router its design and implementation is an important content for research .

    吉比特以太网线路接口是 T 比特路由器的重要接口之一,它的设计和实现是 T 比特 路由器课题的一个重要研究内容。

  • Network management system is the important part of Terabit Router system It takes charge of operation administration and maintenance of the network devices .

    网管系统是 T 比特路由器系统的重要组成部分,它担负着对路由器系统及组网环境下的操作、管理和维护功能。

  • This thesis studies the theory and implementation of high speed forwarding engine under the 863 High-technology Program The fundamental platform and experimental system of the high performance IPv4 / v6 terabit scalable router .

    结合国家863计划重大项目一可扩展到 T 比特的高性能IPv4/v6路由器基础平台及实验系统,从理论分析和工程实现两个角度对高速转发引擎进行了深入的研究。

  • On the Topology of Terabit Switches


  • Meanwhile research on terabit switching becomes hot because of the rapid development of the Internet .

    因特网的迅速发展使对 T 比特交换技术的研究成为热点。

  • Use of MPP Interconnection Network in the Design of a Terabit Router

    MPP互连网络在 T 比特路由器设计中的应用

  • With the rapid development of IP networks terabit router will become the kernel equipment of next genera-tion networks .

    随着IP网络的飞速发展, T 比特 路由器将成为下一代网络的核心设备。

  • Application of direct interconnection network in Terabit router

    直连网络在 比特路由器中的应用

  • The routing algorithm of switching fabrics is an important technology in terabit switching fabrics .

    交换网络路由算法是 T 比特交换 网络中的关键技术之一。

  • Furthermore the key technologies of terabit core router are discussed in details including the high speed backplane high density interface routing lookup packet classification resource management core router operating systems core software and QoS guarantee .

    文中详细叙述了 比特核心路由器的关键技术,其中包括高速背板、高密度接口、路由表查找、数据包分类、资源管理、高性能核心路由器操作系统和核心软件以及QoS保证。

  • A New Switching Mechanism in Switching Fabrics of Terabit Router


  • This paper designs the hardware implementation scheme of feedback-enabled PLC_LBA algorithm which is applied successfully in national 863 programme Terabit scalable high performance IPv4 / v6 router basic platform and its experiment system .

    本文设计了带反馈PLCLBA算法的硬件实现方案,该方案在国家863重大课题《可扩展到 T 比特的高性能IPv4/v6路由器基础平台及实验系统》中得到了成功应用。

  • It is currently being widely used in the multi-processor multi-computer cluster system and terabit router .

    目前 直连 网络已经广泛地应用于多处理器系统、多计算机系统,集群系统以及 比特路由器中。

  • Introducing multi-ary hypercube static internetworking technology into switching fabrics design this paper proposes a new distributed multi-chassis terabit level switching fabric : multi-ary hypercube switching fabric ( MHSF ) and related Hamming random routing algorithm ( HRRA ) .

    在交换结构的设计中引入多元超立方体静态互连技术,本文提出了一种新的分布式多机架 太比特级交换网络:多元超立方体交换结构(MHSF)和相关的汉明随机路由算法(HRRA)。