


  • Zoology A sensory or tactile organ such as an antenna a tentacle or a barbel .

    感觉或触觉器官,例如触角、 触手或触须。

  • I see Draeni ( who I predicted ) who now look like blue handsome tentacle people .

    我看到了这些德莱尼人(我已经预测到了是这样),他们看起来是群 触须的蓝皮肤帅哥和美女。

  • Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells ( cnidocytes ) that can sting or kill other animals : most jellyfish use them to secure prey or for defence .

    它的 触须从体内伸出,每根触须上都带有可以伤害甚至杀害其他动物的毒刺。水母大都用这些刺来捕食或自卫。

  • The team 's findings will be presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting tomorrow where the shrimp and the tentacle will be a hot topic for discussion .

    这个研究结果将于明天在美国地球物理学联盟会议上公布,那时 发现的虾和 触须将是讨论的热门话题。

  • Stretched inertia tentacle guarantee the electronic contacting of sensor and metal to be tested .

    传感器 前端 磁铁 到对传感器的 固定和对密封胶提供压力的作用,弹性的惰性 触头可以解决传感器与待测金属的电接触问题。

  • The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

    arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的 触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

  • The epithelium of intestine differentiates respectively into two and five types of cells in larva with pallial tentacle and 45 d old juvenile .

    在上足分化幼虫,肠上皮分化为纤毛细胞和 微绒毛细胞两种细胞;

  • The ground-breaking effects used in The Abyss to digitally depict the water tentacle convinced Cameron that his liquid metal villain was now possible .

    在《深渊》一片中破天荒使用了数字特效技术 制作液态 生物 触手后,卡梅隆 终于充足的信心来 制作续集里的液态金属反派机器人了。

  • Each tentacle is designed as a structure with Fin Ray Effect .

    每个 触角 都设计成鱼鳍鳍条结构。

  • Digestion defecation and tentacles ' growth were observed by marking the food with 0.01 % neutral red operating the tentacle and cutting sections .

    用中性红标记水螅饵料、手术 触手及组织切片等方法,研究水螅的消化、排遗和触手生长 模式

  • In the mantle tentacle many round cells and wavelike nerve fibers presented strongly NOS-positivity .

    外套 触手内有较多近圆形细胞和大量波浪形神经纤维呈NOS强阳性;

  • The results show that the bearable strength of tentacle is as 0.7 times only as that of its body weight and the jigging-off rate caused by tentacle broken is nearly 100 % .

    结果表明, 乌贼的每根触腕仅能承受的拉力相当 体重的0.7倍,因此,钓捕过程中,因触腕断裂造成的脱钩率接近100%;

  • The jigging-off rate is relative higher the average value of machine jigging is above 45 % that from handed jigging was 7 % to 12 % which mainly consist of underwater jigging-off and tentacle jigging-off .

    鸢乌贼的脱钩率较高,机钓脱钩率平均达45%以上,手钓脱钩率也在7%~12%间,其中主要为水中脱落和 触须脱落。

  • Acanthopanax sessiliflorus adaxial leaf epidemic cells arrange tightly with tentacle distribution . Most air holes are distributed around leaf veins .

    短梗五加的叶的近轴面表皮细胞排列紧密,有 腺毛分布,远轴面表皮具气孔,气孔多分布在叶脉处。

  • Spindle shaped cells were seen in homogeneous form on day 7 in culture with few tentacle .

    培养7天见较 多长梭形细胞,形态 相对单一、 触角少。

  • Habituation of the tentacle withdrawal response in the land snails

    蜗牛 触角收缩反应的习惯化问题

  • Results : The description and transverse features of transverse section of the rhizome were described and in the powder the microscopic features such as cluster needle crystals tentacle ring-thread vessel were found .

    结果:描述了中华秋海棠根茎的性状和横切面结构特征,发现其含有簇状针晶、 腺毛、环螺纹导管等显微特征。

  • If a gluey tentacle grabs too little of a big fly the bug may suffer injury but still struggle to freedom .

    大个子苍蝇,即使没被粘性 触须粘上多少,也受伤了,在竭力挣扎,为自由而奋斗。

  • The debris of food was piled up on the top of tentacle cavity and was evacuated when the top tissue aged and cracked .

    触手腔食物 残骸 逐渐贮存于 触手腔顶端, 顶端衰老 死亡组织破裂时 喷出体外。

  • Extrude selected polygons if you extrude it more then you will have longer tentacle .

    挤压选择的多边形,如果你再次挤压他,你会得到更长一些的 触角