xylenol orange


  • Determination of Content of Calcium in Gelatin by Xylenol Orange

    甲酚 体系测定明胶中的钙含量

  • Determination of zirconium and hafnium with the xylenol orange spectrophotometric method & application of the uniform experimental design method on the selection of the best coloured conditions

    甲酚 分光光度法测定锆和铪&应用均匀设计试验选择最佳显色条件

  • Application of the xylenol orange in colorimetric analysis ⅰ . colorimetric determination of small amounts of scandium

    甲酚 在比色分析的应用&Ⅰ.少量?的测定

  • Adsorption of xylenol orange by chitosan

    壳聚糖对 甲酚 的吸附

  • The formation of the complex between lead ion and immobilized xylenol orange caused a large reflected light intensity change and lead ion in the solution can be determinated .

    铅离子与固定在 阴离子 交换 树脂上的 甲酚 的络合反应,使 试剂 光反射强度发生了很大的变化,从而使溶液中的铅离子得以测定。

  • A new chelate-forming resin bearing xylenol orange group was prepared by stirring a solution of xylenol orange ( XO ) with a common anion exchange resin .

    本文介绍了一种用二 甲酚 (XO)溶液与强碱性阴离子树脂以简便的搅拌方式,制得具有XO基团的新螯合形成树脂的方法。

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Calcium and Magnesium with Xylenol Orange and Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide

    甲酚 -溴化十六烷基三甲基铵分光光度法测定钙和镁

  • The Additivity of the Absorbances of Europium and Zinc Complexes with Xylenol Orange and Its Application in Spectrophotometric Determination of Europium and Zinc

    铕、锌 甲酚 配合物吸光度的加和性及其应用于铕、锌的光度测定

  • Dual Surfactants Coordinate Enhancement for Spectrophotometric Determination of Cadmium by Xylenol Orange

    双表面活性剂协同增敏 甲酚 光度法测定镉的研究与应用

  • Mixed color reagent of xylenol orange and phenanthroline were used as a selective chromogenic system in pH2.8 with the presence of Emulsifying agent OP The application of H-point standard additions method to the simultaneous determination of Fe (ⅱ) and Fe (ⅲ) was studied .

    pH2.8时, 甲酚 -邻菲罗啉混合显色剂中加入乳化剂OP,采用H点标准加入法-分光光度法同时测定水中的Fe(Ⅱ)和Fe(Ⅲ)。

  • Methods Ascorbic acid was determined by inhibition kinetic spectrophotometric method which was based on the inhibition effect of ascorbic acid on the nitrite catalyzed oxidation of xylenol orange by potassium bromate in dilute sulfuric acid medium .

    方法在稀硫酸介质中,利用抗坏血酸对亚硝酸根催化溴酸钾氧化 甲酚 的阻抑作用,用阻抑动力学光度法测定抗坏血酸。

  • Spectrophotometric determination of trace aluminum in water with xylenol orange based on sensitivity-enhancing effect of Tween 20

    Tween20增敏 甲酚 分光光度法测定水中痕量铝

  • Ln pH 9 solution copper ( Cu  ̄( 2 + ) ) can react with Xylenol Orange ( XO ) & CTB to form red compound .

    在pH=9氨性溶液中,铜(Cu ̄(2+))与 甲酚 (XO)和CTB反应生成紫红色化合物。

  • We found that increasing pH value or increasing the amount of the chromogenic reagent xylenol orange can correct the measuring result .

    增加pH值或者增加显色剂 甲酚 的用量,可以对 的测定结果进行修正。

  • The effect on the removal rate on Xylenol Orange with respect on adsorbent time initial solution concentration pH and adsorbent dosage was investigated .

    探讨了吸附时间、溶液初始浓度、吸附剂用量及溶液初始pH对 甲酚 去除率的影响。

  • Study on mechanism of fading spectrophotometry via xylenol orange for the assay of norfloxacin lactate

    甲酚 褪色光度法测定乳酸诺氟沙星含量及其机制研究

  • Separation of xylenol orange from semixylenol orange and its applications

    甲酚橙和半二 甲酚 的分离及其应用

  • The main contents were as follows : ( 1 ) The level of alumina in aluminum electrolyte sample was determined respectively by xylenol orange spectrophotometric method weight method and improved weight-spectrophotometry .

    主要研究内容如下:(1)分别采用 甲酚 分光光度法、重量法、改进的重量-光度法测定了铝电解质样品中氧化铝的含量。

  • Chelate Formation Between Thorium ( IV ) and Xylenol Orange

    钍和 二甲苯 形成络合物的研究

  • A fiber-optic reflected sensor has been developed by immobilizing xylenol orange on717 anion ion exchange resin .

    研究了一种将 甲酚 固定在上海717阴离子交换树脂上作为试剂相的光导纤维反射型传感器。

  • The separation and determination of microgram amounts of scandium and thorium 5 and xylenol orange as reagents

    微克量钪与钍的萃取分离和测定用5二氯-8-羟基喹啉和 甲酚

  • Detection of molybdenum with Xylenol Orange

    苯酚 检出钼

  • Study on absorption performance of lead and cadmium on xylenol orange impregnated resin

    甲酚 浸渍树脂对铅和镉的吸附性能研究

  • Study of the Chromogenic Reaction of Ni (ⅱ) with Xylenol Orange and Tea Saponin

    镍(Ⅱ)- 甲酚 -茶皂素显色反应的研究

  • Colorimetric determination of zirconium with Xylenol Orange

    二甲苯 作锆测定的比色试剂

  • Determination of zirconium in uranium ore concentrate by xylenol orange spectrophotometric method

    GB/T11848.13-1991铀矿石浓缩物中锆的测定 甲酚 分光光度法

  • Kinetic spectrophotometric determination of trace cadmium based on its inhibitory effect on discoloring reaction of xylenol orange and peroxide hydrogen

    阻抑过氧化氢氧化 甲酚 褪色动力学光度法测定镉

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Calcium in Water Using Xylenol Orange

    二甲苯 分光光度法测定水样中的钙

  • Study on colour reaction of xylenol orange with Pb (ⅱ) complex and its application

    甲酚 与铅(Ⅱ)配合物显色反应的研究及应用

  • The chelates of xylenol orange containing hydrophile groups are not sorbed by the resin .

    而含有亲水基团的 甲酚 螯合物不被树脂吸附。