Y operator

[计] Y算子

  • Y I 'm not passing an x and I 'm not passing a Y & y I 'm passing an ampersand x and ampersand y and can you take a guess as to what the ampersand operator must mean ?

    我不是传递 X,也不是传递,我传递的是x和,你们可以猜一 ,这个符号是什么意思?

  • A : X → Y is bounded linear Fredholm operator with zero index .

    A:X→ Y是零指标Fredholm有界线性 算子

  • The CNot ( x y ) operator tests the value of y and if it is 1 it flips the value of x.

    CNot(x, y运算符测试y的值,如果是“1”,则对x的值取反。

  • The y operator in the regular expression y / A-Z / a-z / is used for

    正则表达式y/A-Z/a-z/中的 y 操作符用于进行

  • It also supplies the Lagrangian operator and the Lagrangian equations for the cross rotation of the coin .

    本文还以 XYθφ,ψ为广义坐标,给出了硬币作横向转动时的 拉格朗日 算符,得到了相应的拉格朗日方程。

  • In this algorithm Y-conditional cloud generator is used as the cross operator and basic cloud generator as the mutation operator .

    该算法 模型 Y 条件云发生器实现交叉 操作基本云发生器 实现变异操作。

  • The continuations in CMP direction ( x direction ) and ine direction ( y direction ) are respectively performed using two dimensional operator within each continuation step .

    在每一延拓深度步长内,分别用二维 算子对CMP方向(x方向)和测线方向( y方向)依次进行延拓。

  • On the operator topological algebras ∑( X Y )

    关于 算子拓扑代数∑(X, Y

  • The classical Kantorovich theorem states that every positive operator from a majorizing vector subspace of a Riesz space into a Dedekind complete Riesz space always has a positive extension .

    经典Kantorovich定理称:从Riesz空间X的majorizing子空间 GDedekind完备的Riesz空间 Y的正 线性 算子能扩充为全空间的正 算子

  • In this paper we study complete space-like hypersurfaces with constant normal scalar curvature in a locally symmetric Lorentz space satisfying some curvature conditions . With the operator L_1 introduced by Cheng S Y and Yau S T a classified theorem is obtained .

    讨论了在局部对称Lorentz空间中的具有常标准数量曲率的满足一定曲率条件的完备类空超曲面,利用ChengS Y和YauST介绍的自伴随 算子L1,得到了一个分类定理。

  • By the method of reproducing kernel and the tensor product of operator the explicit representation of the best Hermite interpolation operator ( H U 2m 2n u )( x y ) for the bivariate functions is given which is not in polynomial form .

    利用再生核与 算子张量积方法,给出了二元实函数非多项式型的最佳Hermite插值逼近算子(HU2m,2nu)(x, y)的具体表达式。