term of validity


  • Article 26 The term of validity of a contract shall not exceed ten years .

    第二十六条合同的 有效 期限不超过十年。

  • The term of validity for the registration certificate of medical devices is four years .

    医疗器械产品注册证书 有效 四年。

  • Studying on term of Validity of Compound tinidazole gelatin by initial average rate method

    初匀速法测定复方替硝唑凝胶 有效

  • Electronic sensor controls auto-bias and failure alarm with advanced technology sensitive and accurate movement no damage on the belt dual protection to increase belt 's term of validity .

    电子传感器控制自动调偏及失效报警,技术先进,动作准确灵敏,对网带无损伤,双重保护,增加网带 使用 寿命

  • Within the term of validity it will enjoy the life of two exemption three half corporate income tax and other incentives to support research funding .

    有效 内享受“企业所得税两免三减半”,以及科研经费支持等优惠政策。

  • Preliminary observation on term of validity of iodophors skin disinfectants after starting using

    安尔碘皮肤消毒剂启用后 有效 的初步观察

  • The tonnage amount shall not be readjusted within the term of validity of the tonnage licence already obtained even if the net weight of a vessel is increased or reduced due to repairs .

    船舶因经修理,原净吨位有所增减,在原领吨税执照 有效 内,不再调整税额。

  • The certificate 's term of validity ;

    证件 有效

  • Objective : To predict the term of validity for Compound tinidazole gelatin and provide the evidences for its quality control by chemistry kinetics method .

    目的:用化学动力学方法预测复方替硝唑凝胶 有效 ,为 评价其质量提供依据。

  • The offer must state the term of validity .

    发盘必须标明 有效

  • This Power of Attorney shall be applied to more than one litigations within the term of validity .

    该授权书可合用于在授权有用 内发生的多个诉讼行为,均有 授权 效力

  • The term of validity is about two years .

    结论 盐酸 小檗碱 湿均不 敏感有效 为两年。

  • The term of validity of identification papers or residence certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry .

    身份证件或者居留证件的 有效 期限,根据入境的事由确定。

  • Before the on-site measure certification the vehicle detect station should ensure the quality system operating in the term of validity and control every activities in quality during detecting also record the operating .

    在计量认证现场评审前,汽车检测站应确保其质量体系的 有效运行, 检测有关的 各项质量活动及其 结果进行控制并做好运行记录。

  • Complete the G2G work task with Party A within the term of validity of the contract ;

    责在合同 有效期限内与甲方共同完成 g2g工作任务;

  • 3 Check its stability against light and heat and test its content and pH value . The result is no obvious change . The temporarily determined term of validity is 2 years .

    3通过甲磺酸罗哌卡因注射剂对光和热的稳定性试验,测定含量和pH值,结果无明显变化,暂定 有效 为2年。

  • According to the stability of test results and in the light of market control sample is valid for 3 years the term of validity of product was tentatively designed for 3 years .

    根据稳定性试验结果,并参照市售对照样品的有效期为3年,暂定本品 有效 为3年。

  • The medicine 's term of validity were directly influenced by the methods of preparation and package .

    栓剂的制备工艺及包装材料、包装方式直接影响药物的 有效

  • The pesticide Registration Certificate and Temporary Registration Certificate shall specify the term of validity of the registration .

    农药登记证和农药临时登记证应当规定登记 有效 期限

  • The permit for dumping shall clearly indicate the waste-dumping entity term of validity quantities and categories of the wastes and method of dumping .

    倾倒许可证应注明倾倒单位、 期限和废弃物的数量、类、倒方法等事项。

  • The agreement term of validity expire agreement is stopped at once ;

    本协议 有效 期满,协议即行终止;

  • The results of accelerated test demonstrated that the quality of dry suspension was stable in aluminium foil bags and the final term of validity should be based on the results of long term stability test .

    加速试验结果表明本品在铝箔袋包装条件下性质稳定,而最终 有效 的确定要根据长期试验的结果来确定。

  • Objective : To study stability of stable chlorine dioxide and predict its half life and term of validity .

    目的:研究稳定态二氧化氯的稳定性能,并预测其半衰期及 有效

  • We do not need to take into consideration with its term of validity when the product is merged into fuel which is used in vehicles with good condition .

    为氧化而下降。对于正常使用的车辆设备,本产品溶入燃油后的 有效 ,基本可以不予考虑。

  • Ministry of Commerce may revise the term of validity of export license for some goods and the application time in light of concrete conditions .

    商务部可视具体情况,调整某些货物出口许可证的 有效 和申领时间。

  • The number of licenses necessary to set up a new business was also reduced by26 percent while the average license term of validity had grown and licenses were granted more rapidly .

    不仅执照的平均 有效 延长而且执照的发放速度加快,同时,创办新企业所需要办理的执照数量也减少了26%。

  • The preservative conditions and term of validity of the standard sample are fixed on the basis of relevant experiments .

    另外,通过对酸解烃标准样品的保存试验研究,确定了该样品的包装和 有效