term vector

[tɚm ˈvɛktɚ][tə:m ˈvektə]


  • The unsteady state term was discretized using the full implicitly schemes . For the diffusion terms the normal direction vector ( the first diffusion ) and the tangent direction vector ( the second diffusion ) were calculated by using the intersectant and iterative algorithm .

    对于非稳态 采用全隐格式,对于扩散项,采用法向 扩散项(一次扩散项)和切向扩散(二次扩散项)进行相互交叉迭代的算法。

  • The term weight vectors are defined according to the text paragraphs ' context . The N-Level vector model can distinguish the documents more efficiently than the classical TF-IDF method .

    N层 向量空间模型将文档按照重要程度划分成N层,对每一层的检索单元分别赋予不同的 权重,相比传统TF-IDF方法,更能体现文档的特征,能够更好地描述文档。

  • But now we have a third term namely this position vector and this force and so now we 're going to-get this distance which is d cosine alpha times this force .

    第三个量,也就是位置 向量,这个力,现在我们要,这个距离-,等于 dcosα,乘以这个力。

  • According to the text term distribution and content representing ability of different fields of HTML document an improved Vector Space Model is proposed in this paper .

    根据HTML文档不同标签域的分布特征和对文档内容的代表能力不同,本文提出了一种改进的 向量模型;

  • So term weight multiplied by the weight we got in topic keyword extraction is used to revise the document vector before similarity calculation .

    基于以上分析,本文又提出了利用主题关键词抽取过程中的权重乘以其在文档 向量 权重,对 文本 向量进行修改,然后进行相似度计算。

  • The control law consists of an accurate linear feedback term feedforward terms and the time-delay compensation which is the limit of the sequence of the adjoint vector .

    得到的控制律包含精确反馈 、前馈项和伴随 向量极限形式的时滞补偿项。

  • Geometric vector shapes are often called features leading to the term feature data which is synonymous with vector data or shape data .

    几何矢量形状通常称为特征, 的是特征数据,它与 矢量数据或形状数据是一个意思。

  • The obtained control law consists of an analytical feedforward and feedback term and a time-delay compensation term in the limit of adjoint vector sequence . This controller can guarantee the closed-loop system without steady-state error meanwhile optimizing the quadratic performance index .

    得到的控制律由解析的前馈反馈项和伴随 向量序列极限形式的时滞补偿 组成,该控制律在达到二次型性能指标最优的同时保证了闭环系统无稳态误差。

  • In the method some important words extracted from accumulated questions are selected as features to construct a feature space and represent each category as a vector in the feature space .

    该方法从累积的问题集中抽取出一些重要的词( Term)作为特征来构造一个特征空间并将每个类别用特征空间中的一个 向量来表示。

  • In this model Decision-maker 's subjective preference is reflected in term of preference restraint rather than a specific weight priority vector as in conventional models .

    该模型把决策者的 偏好信息视为一种约束,而非传统模型中的确定权重 向量

  • This paper compares the performance of combinations of various Chinese indexing strategies ( word bi-gram and extracted term ) and retrieval models ( PLSA and vector space ) .

    本文比较了在概率潜在语义检索模型中不同中文索引技术对检索效果的影响,考察了基于分词、二元和 关键词抽取三种不同的索引技术,并和 向量空间模型作了对比分析。

  • In the econometrical analyzing part this paper estimated the short and long term association between technological progress and the terms of trade by establishing vector error correction model .

    在计量分析部分,本文通过建立 向量误差修正模型对技术进步和贸易条件之间的长期和 短期关联进行了估计。

  • Secondly based on the principal component analysis to the price term structure this paper withdraws the latent factor which reflects the dynamics of term structure and examines the relation between the latent factor and inflation by the vector auto regression ( VAR ) model .

    其次,在对价格期限结构进行主成分分析的基础上,本文提取反映商品期货价格 期限结构变化的潜在因子,通过 向量自回归(VAR)模型,考察价格 期限结构的潜在因子与通货膨胀指标的关系。

  • The bilinear term described by a product of the state vector and the control vector in the systems ' equation is considered as the perturbation of systems .

    对于由系统的状态 向量和控制向量的乘积描述的双线性 ,将其看成系统的摄动加以处理。

  • Moreover this paper proposes a domain-specific term extraction method based on the weight of linear support vector machine .

    本文还提出了基于线性支持 向量机权重的 术语抽取方法,实验结果表明,该方法能有效地抽取领域 术语

  • Because using a single term vector as event representation has some deficiencies this paper presents an approach which uses a semantic frame as event representation for topic tracking .

    针对传统的 向量 空间模型的不足,文章提出了一种利用语义框架来表示话题和报道的方法,并应用于话题跟踪。

  • This paper discusses the existent typical ranking technologies of term frequency count and hyperlink analysis in virtue of vector space model the author proposes a new ranking technique document similarity ranking with a basis on similarity of concept-semantic query term .

    对现存典型的 词频统计排序技术和超链分析排序技术进行了分析,并借助 向量空间模型,提出了一种基于概念语义的查询词-文档相似度排序方法。

  • Articles describing vector-space searching usually begin with a description of vector spaces and how to project a specified query into a term space .

    介绍向量空间搜索的文章通常都从介绍 向量空间并说明如何将指定查询投射到 空间( termspace)中开始。

  • Having comprehensively analyzed the current documents of WDSL ( Wireless Digital Subscriber Line ) we proposed a new algorithm based on fuzzy set to select term set that characterize Web services in service corpora and a generating means of Web service vector spaces .

    在综合分析了现有的Web服务描述文档的基础上,提出了一种基于模糊集的服务特征 集选取算法以及Web服务 向量空间的生成方法。

  • Layers of raster data are more often called bands although the term layer still applies to raster as well as vector data .

    光栅数据的层通常称为段,而 术语层仍然用于光栅和 矢量数据。

  • It is the chiefly term for map publishing to symbolize vector map data of all elements .

    把地图 矢量数据在MicroStation中进行全要素符号化是实现其地图生产出版的首要 条件

  • This expression not only contains the term of dot product of velocity vector and temperature gradient but also contains the dot product of velocity vector and the pressure gradient .

    该式不仅含速度 矢量与温度梯度 矢量的点积 ,还含有速度矢量与压力梯度 矢量的点积项。

  • Medium and Short Term Electric Power Load Forecasting Based on Support Vector Machine

    基于支持 向量机的中 短期电力负荷预测

  • Vector space model ( Vector Space Model ) turns every article into a high dimensional vector space vector calculation each component represents a term weights that is to transform the procession of every article into the calculation of vector .

    向量空间模型(vectorspacemodel)将每篇文章的处理转化为高维向量空间的向量计算,每一个分量表示一个 元权重,也就是把每篇文章的处理转化为了 向量的计算。

  • The Estimation of the Term S ( r ) of the Second Main Theorem of Vector Valued Nevanlinna Theory

    向量值Nevanlinna第二基本定理的 余项S(r)的估计

  • On the basis of sufficient study and comparison of a variety methods of short term load forecasting a new methodology called Wavelet Support Vector Machines ( WSVM ) is presented .

    在充分研究和比较多种负荷预测方法的基础上,提出一种称为小波支持 向量机(WaveletSupportVectorMachines, WSVM)的负荷预测新算法。

  • Furthermore by finite iterations of the solution sequence an approximate optimal tracking control law is obtained which consists of an analytical state feedforward and feedback term and a time-delay compensation term in the limit of adjoint vector sequence .

    进而通过其解序列的有限次迭代,得到了一个由解析的状态前馈反馈项和伴随 向量序列极限形式的时滞补偿 组成的近似最优跟踪控制律。

  • The analytic functions can be solved by a Riccati equation and matrix equation . The compensation term can be obtained by a recursion formula of adjoint vector equations .

    其解析函数由求解离散Riccati方程和矩阵方程得到,而补偿 由求解伴随 向量方程的递推公式得到。