term discount

[tɚm ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt][tə:m ˈdiskaunt]


  • Payment term : 4 % discount .

    付款 条件4% 折扣

  • If you pay for your term insurance with automatic debit you may be able to get a discount .

    如果你对你 来说保险支付自动扣,你可以得到 折扣

  • The term of payment will be three months net or15 % discount for cash on total invoice amount .

    支付 条件为3个月内付清货款。如付现款,可按发票总金额 15% 折扣

  • This infelicitous term partly refers to offering consumers a discount to build their own furniture .

    这个不太恰当的 词汇,部分意思是指向顾客提供 折扣,由他们自己组装家具。

  • All monthly fees calculation is based on monthly rental rate not long term discount rate .

    所有软体租用费将不 享有任何 优惠 折扣,以单月租用费率计算。

  • And all orders are cumulative so additional purchases over the two-year term may qualify you for an even better discount level .

    所有订购量均可累积计算,所以如果您在两年有效 继续订购,则可获得更优惠的 折扣级别。

  • Our term as our invoice state is 2 % cash discount only within ten day of date of invoice .

    我司的支付 条件:以现金支付。自发票开出之日起10天内付款者, 2%的 折扣

  • METHODS : The data of above-mentioned 4 sorts of drugs were collected from analysis system of drug-use of Shanghai in 1994 ~ 1999.The cost of each sort of drug was calculated in term of fixed price of 1994 and the amount of consumption was discount to DDDs .

    方法:选取1994年~1999年上海市医院用药分析系统中以上4类药物数据资料,每种药品的费用 1994年的不变价格计算,每种药品的用量 折算成DDDs。

  • The commercial paper emerged in year 2005 . Its appearance provides the various enterprises a new short term financing channel apart from the short term loan and discount note .

    短期融资券于2005年问世,它的出现为各类型的企业提供了除 短期贷款、 贴现票据以外的一种融资工具。

  • Those include discount window and Term Auction Facility loans to banks currency swaps with other central banks purchases of commercial paper and financing for investors in asset-backed securities .

    上述流行性安排包括 贴现窗口、根据定期 拍卖安排( Term AuctionFacility)向银行发放贷款、与其它央行的货币互换、收购商业票据,以及为资产支持证券(ABS)投资者提供融资。

  • They understand that to sell their interest in private equity funds to a secondary fund before full term usually requires a discount particularly in today 's market .

    他们明白在 投资 结束前出售他们在私募股权基金中的投资给次级基金通常需要 折价处理,尤其是在当今的市场 条件下。

  • The Fed also shortened the term of some discount window loans and raised the minimum bid in the term auction facilities it uses to supply overnight funds to banks .

    美联储还缩短了部分 贴现窗口贷款 期限,并提高了向银行提供隔夜资金的短期拍卖工具(termauctionfacilities)最低竞价。

  • In the long term investment budget Attention must be paid to capital demand budget capital cost discount rate cash flow and investment risk .

    长期投资预算中必须注意研究资金需求预算、资金成本、 折现率、现金流量和投资风险等问题。