There was no yell from the telescreen .
电 幕 上没有吆喝声。
The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously .
电 幕 能够同时接收和放送。
The telescreen had changed over to strident military music .
电 幕 上换了种吵人的军乐。
He thought of the telescreen with its never-sleeping ear .
他想到通宵不眠进行窃听的 电 幕。
Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen .
温斯顿背朝着 电 幕。
With the voice from the telescreen nagging at his ears he could not follow the train of thought further .
由于 电 幕 上的声音在他耳 旁聒噪不休,他无法再照这个思路想下去。
After the stopping of the telescreen the room seemed deadly silent .
电 幕 关掉以后,屋子里像死一般的静寂。
He is a face on the hoardings a voice on the telescreen .
他是标语牌上的一张脸, 电 幕 上的一个声音。
Through the midday hours he sat with glazed face the bottle handy listening to the telescreen .
在中午的几个小时里,他就面无表情地呆坐着,旁边放着一瓶酒,听着 电 幕。
It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen .
耽在公共场所,或者在 电 幕的范围内,听任自己的思绪信马由缰,这 简直是种 骇人的危险。
The blissful feeling of being alone with the forbidden book in a room with no telescreen had not worn off .
在一间没有 电 幕的屋子里一个人关 起 门 来 读禁书的世外桃源之感还没有消失。
The music from the telescreen stopped and a voice took over .
电 幕 上 乐声中断,有人说话。
The voice from the telescreen paused .
电 幕 上的声音停了下来。
The orders already issuing from the telescreen recalling them to their posts were hardly necessary .
电 幕 上已经发出 指示,要他们回到工作岗位, 不过完全没有必要发这指示。
At this moment the telescreen let out a piercing whistle .
就在这时, 电 幕 上一声刺耳的哨 音响。
Something changed in the music that trickled from the telescreen .
电 幕 上的音乐声有了变化。
The telescreen was giving forth an ear-splitting whistle which continued on the same note for thirty seconds .
原来 是 电 幕 发出了一声刺耳的尖啸,还依样持续了三十秒钟长。
Yelled a voice from the telescreen .
电 幕 上一个声音嚷道。
Winston sprang to attention in front of the telescreen upon which the image of a youngish woman scrawny but muscular dressed in tunic and gym-shoes had already appeared .
温斯顿跳到 电 幕前面,来了个立正。 电幕上早出现了个年轻女人,瘦骨嶙峋的,然而刚健有力,身穿紧身上衣,脚蹬体操鞋。
Already an excited voice was gabbling from the telescreen but even as it started it was almost drowned by a roar of cheering from outside .
电 幕已经开始播放,广播员的声音极其兴奋,但是刚一开始,就几乎被外面的欢呼声所淹没了。
For some reason the telescreen in the living-room was in an unusual position .
不知什么缘故,起居室里 电 幕 安放的位置挺特殊。
The telescreen barked at him to keep still .
电 幕发出吆喝,要他保持安静不动。
There was a furious deafening roar from the telescreen . A ragged shout went up from the small crowd .
电 幕上 马上 发出一声 震耳的怒吼。这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。
Luckily when he unrolled it it had been upside-down from the point of view of the telescreen .
可幸他打开纸卷时,从 电 幕 那边 看,照片是颠倒的。
Whichever way you turned the telescreen faced you .
不论朝着哪 一边, 电 幕都对着你的脸。
There was no telescreen but there must be hidden microphones : besides they could be seen .
周围没有 电 幕,但很可能有隐藏的话筒,而且,他们是在光天化日 之下。
Winston was listening to the telescreen .
温斯顿在听着 电 幕 的 广播。
He was waiting with his hand on the switch that controlled the telescreen .
他把手放在 电 幕开关上等他 走。
Winston walked over to the window keeping his back to the telescreen .
温斯顿走到窗前,背对着 电 幕。