


  • The effect of phytohormones on rapid propagation of Pinellia ternate was studied . The explants in the experiment were budlet and the leave .

    实验以半夏的珠芽和叶片作外植体,研究了外源激素在 半夏快速繁殖中的作用。

  • The Bioactivity of Ethanol Extracts of Pinellia ternate against Plutella xylostella

    半夏乙醇提取物对小菜蛾幼虫生物活性的 研究

  • The effects of Pinellia ternate Breit protein on early murine pregnancy were studied .

    本文观察 半夏蛋白对小鼠的抗生育作用并初步探讨了该药抗早孕的机理。

  • Effects of different exogenous additives on growth and contents of total alkaloid s guanosine and adenosine in P. ternate callus .

    不同外源添加物对 半夏愈伤组织生长和总生物碱、鸟苷及腺苷含量的影响。

  • Studies on Principal Agronomic Traits of Pinellia ternate in Stereo Culture under Different Soilless Media

    无土基质立体栽培条件下 半夏主要农艺性状的研究

  • Determination for Free Total Organic Acids in Pinellia Ternate ( prepared by ginger ) by Potential Residual Titration

    电位返滴定法测定姜 半夏中有机酸含量

  • Results and Conclusion Chinese medicines such as radix ranunculus ternate have obvious effects of anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis .

    结果与结论猫 草等中草药具有明显的抗结核分支杆菌的作用。

  • Population Dynamic of Thrips on Pinellia ternate and the Control Technique

    贵州 地道 药材 半夏蓟马 田间消长动态及防治技术

  • Study on Rapid Propagation of Pinellia ternate


  • Study on mathematical model of optimum fertilizer application to Pinellia ternate cultivation

    半夏 高产 高效栽培最佳施肥数学模型研究

  • There were different states of morphogenesis when leaves of Pinellia ternate were cultured on MS medium containing different phytohormones .

    在附加不同外源激素的 MS培养基中,叶片的形态发生 表现出不同的状态;

  • Progress on Research of Pinellia ternate


  • Objective : To optimize the extraction process of total free organic acids in Pinellia ternate Breit .

    目的:研究 半夏 药材中总游离有机酸的最佳提取条件。

  • Transgenic Pinellia ternate ( Thunb . ) Breit Plants Containing ipt Obtained by Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation

    利用农杆菌介导法获得转ipt基因 半夏植株

  • Determination of Heavy Metal Elements in Rhizome of Pinellia ternate ( Thunb . ) Breit . and Its Cultivated Soils

    土壤与栽培 半夏重金属含量的测定与认识

  • In this article one-step culture method condition research results and effect of different hormones ' cooperation were summarized and the technology of one-step culture in Pinellia ternate was forecasted .

    综述了一步 法,半夏一步成 的培养条件、研究成果及不同激素组合对一步 苗的影响,并展望了 半夏一步 苗技术的应用前景。

  • Using the medium of different hormone proportion the differentiation of one-step-seedling formation with the different explant of Pinellia ternate was researched .

    研究采用不同激素浓度配比的培养基,对 半夏不同外植体进行一次性成苗的诱导分化培养研究。

  • In addition in recent years the market situation is better for pinellia ternate . During its circulation appeared a lot of counterfeit and confused goods which have great influence on the quality of drug safety and effectiveness of pinellia ternate .

    另外,近几年 半夏 药材的行情较好,在其流通环节出现了很多伪品、混淆品,给半夏药材的质量、用药的安全性及有效性带来了很大的冲击。

  • In order to explore appropriate fertilizer application in Pinellia ternate plantlet perfect the system of tissue culture and rapid propagation the Randomized Blocks Design was adopted in the experiment .

    采用随机区组设计法,对组培 半夏 不同 底肥施用量与 产量 关系进行研究。

  • At present although there are artificial cultivation of Pinellia ternata in production there exist low yield plant diseases and insect pests serious problems . Therefore the construction progress of pinellia ternate cultivation base is very slow .

    目前半夏虽然已有人工栽培,但在生产上存在着产量低,病虫害严重等诸多问题,因此 半夏种植基地的建设发展缓慢。

  • Clustered Shoot Induction and Rapid Propagation on Pinellia ternate


  • Suppressive Effects of Ethanol Extracts of Pinellia ternate on Myzus persicae


  • Study on Standard for Harvesting and Processing of Pinellia Ternate


  • Preliminary Study on the Germplasm Resources of Wild Pinellia Ternate in Wuling Mountain Area of Eastern Guizhou Province

    黔东武陵山区野生 半夏种质资源初步研究

  • Effect of Seed Coat Matrix Ratio on Germination Rate of Pinellia ternate Artificial Seeds


  • Objective : To provide the reference for standard of harvesting and processing of pinellia ternate .

    目的:为 制定 半夏采收加工标准提供参考。

  • Occurrence and Damage of the Main Pest Insects on Pinellia ternate in Guizhou and the Control Technique

    贵州 地道 药材 半夏主要害虫发生危害与防治技术

  • Expression Purification and Antifungal Characterization of Pinellia Ternate Agglutinin


  • The changes of the physiological and biochemical characteristics during callus culture of Pinellia ternate ( Thunb ) Breit .
