


  • The Effects of Terpenoid Compounds from Bletilla striata on HUVECs Apoptosis and Cytoskeleton

    白芨 化合物对人脐静脉内皮细胞凋亡和细胞骨架的作用

  • The antitumor activity and the internal stress of partial conjugated five and / or six-member rings of natural terpenoid

    天然 分子中部分共轭五员环的内应力与抗肿瘤活性

  • Terpenoid is a class of isoprenoids isolated from plants of which volatile terpenoids are directly involved in aroma formation in plants .


  • Tea saponin as three glucoside terpenoid has much of physical chemical and biological physiological activity and always stimulates the development of the chemical industry agriculture animal husbandry and fishery .

    茶皂素(Teasaponin)是 三甙 糖甙 化合物,具有许多物理化学性质及生物生理活性,对化工业、农业、牧渔业等的发展 均有促进作用。

  • Terpenoid aldehydes from induced cotton plants inhibited the germination of conidia of Verticillium dahliae Kleb .

    用孢子萌芽法鉴定该物质的抑菌活性,证实对棉花黄 病菌分生孢子萌发有抑制作用。

  • Taxol a novel antitumor agent is a terpenoid secondary product with ringed formula structure .

    抗癌新药紫杉醇是具有 环状结构的 天然次生代谢产物。

  • Studies on the Total Synthesis of Several Terpenoid Natural Products

    几个 天然产物的全合成研究

  • Saturated cyclic steroid and terpenoid compound is the better reductant .

    含有饱和环的甾 是良好的还原剂。

  • Uv / fenton Treatment on Terpenoid Fragrance Wastewater

    Uv/fenton法处理 香料废水研究

  • A study on hop oils by static HS-GC / MS was conducted . A total of 74 compounds including terpenoid hydrocarbon fraction and fractions consist of chemically bound oxygen compounds and chemically bound sulfur compounds were isolated and identified .

    采用静态顶空气相色谱质谱法(HSGC/MS)对酒花油的成分进行了分析研究,共分离和鉴定了74种化合物,它们分别 属于 萜烯 碳氢化合物、含氧化合物和含硫化合物。

  • Terpenoid compounds from aromatic plants have been found to inhibit asparagine synthetase . Chemically synthesized 1 derivatives display a degree of weed control activity .

    在芳香族植物中发现 化合物有抑制天冬酰胺合成酶的作用,化学合成1桉树脑衍生物也有一定除草活性。

  • Terpenoid consisting of isoprene units is one kind of hydrocarbons or their oxygen-containing derivatives in the nature .

    化合物是指自然界中 分子 为异戊二烯单位倍数的烃类以及其含氧衍生物。

  • QSSR study on ~ ( 13 ) C NMR chemical shift of terpenoid


  • Terpenoid substances including sterols carotenoid dolichol plant hormones and quinines are widespread in the nature .

    自然界中的 物质非常普遍,包括甾醇类、类胡萝卜素、多萜醇、植物激素和醌类等。

  • There were 149 lower expressed genes which were mainly concentrated in terpenoid metabolism and carbon metabolism .

    低表达的有149个基因主要集中在与 代谢和碳代谢相关过程。

  • This study detected eleven terpenoid compounds in vidal grape lots of them have flowery and fruity aroma . The content of Geraniol which has peach aroma is higher than others . It is the typical aroma of ice wine .

    本实验共检测到11种存在于威代尔葡萄中的 萜烯 化合物,大多都具有花香和果香,香叶醇含量相对最高,兼有花香和桃子的味道,是典型的冰酒的香味。

  • The Determination of Terpenoid Compounds Emitted by Plants Using GC-MS Method

    GC-MS法测定植物排放的 萜烯 化合物

  • At present the research of terpenoid biosynthetic pathway and control of key enzymes have become a hot point in biology filed .

    植物 生物合成途径的调控以及该途径中关键酶的研究已成为目前国内外生物学领域的一大热点。

  • These groups contained the compounds as hydrocarbon terpenoid ester hydroxybenzene and acid matter .

    这些组分中包含了烃类、 、酯类和酚、酸类等物质。

  • Compared different collection methods the volatile compounds collected by steam distillation and solvent extraction could not really reflect the maize volatile compounds constituents under the natural state but steam distillation and solvent extraction are suitable for extracted aromatic compounds and terpenoid compounds among maize volatile compounds .

    比较不同的收集方法发现,溶剂萃取法和水蒸气蒸馏法所获得的挥发性物质不能真实反映自然条件下玉米叶片挥发物的组分,但是适宜于提取玉米叶片中的芳香族化合物和 化合物。

  • Experimental Study on Enrichment and Purification of Total Terpenoid Components from Alisma Orientalis with Macroporous Resin

    大孔树脂法纯化泽泻总 醇类成分的实验研究

  • To discover the method of enrichment and purification of total terpenoid components from Alisma Orientalis with macroporous resin .

    探讨用大孔树脂富集纯化泽泻总 醇类成分的方法。

  • Pinane can be prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of turpentine and can be used as a starting material in the synthesis of many terpenoid perfumes .

    将松节油催化加氢可制得蒎烷。蒎烷是合成多种 香料的原料。

  • The petroleum ether fraction was analyzed by GC / MS resulting in the identification of 15 acyclic compounds 6 other chemical constituents including terpenoid and sterol .

    运用GC/MS分析技术从石油醚相中鉴定了15个 脂肪酸类化合物,6个 及甾体 等化合物。

  • Advances on the Plant Terpenoid Isoprenoid Biosynthetic Pathway and Its Key Enzymes

    植物 生物合成途径及关键酶的研究进展

  • The main ingredients of Tripterygium wilfordii are total alkaloids and terpenoid lactones .

    雷公藤生物碱和总 内酯是雷公藤主要有效成分。

  • The other two components are respectively anthraquinone and terpenoid in character .


  • Terpenoid is a class of secondary metabolites which is widespread in nature with a variety of structural variation . They play not only important biological roles in all forms of life but has been widely used in industry medicines and healthcare products .

    化合物种类繁多是自然界广泛存在的一类次生代谢物,不仅在生物体的生命活动中扮演重要的作用,而且还在医药卫生行业、 农业 方面得到了广泛的应用。

  • Study on synthesis of nitro compound from terpenoid


  • Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted by paper chromatography ( PC ) and high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) methods on the kinds and content of terpenoid in cotton varieties .

    以纸色谱(PC)和高压液相色谱(HPLC)对棉花中 萜烯 化合物的种类和含量进行定性定量分析。