test chart


  • Defection distortion test chart of transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.14-1986透射式电视偏转畸变 测试

  • Refer to the Cylinder Combustion Pressure Leakage Test Diagnosis chart .

    参看汽缸燃烧压力泄漏 测试诊断中的

  • The VEP with optimal stimuli and threshold stimuli were recorded then the relational universal test chart was analyzed statistically .

    结果视觉诱发电位的最佳刺激视角和阈刺激视角与主观 视力水平存在显著相关。

  • Grayscale test chart of A transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.12-1986透射式电视灰度 测试 A型

  • The investigation and analysis of visual acuity test chart illumination

    视力 照明现状调查及分析

  • Aiming at ground system optimization and simplification of Dagang Oilfield the pilot test of merit chart measurement technology was made .

    针对大港油田地面系统优化过程中简化油井计量的难点问题,进行了功 法计量技术的先导 试验

  • Checkerboard test chart of transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.6-1986透射式电视棋盘格 测试

  • We have investigated 1519 pupils using Stereoacuity Test Chart edited by Yan Shao-ming .

    采用 颜少明等编著的《立体视觉检查 》对1519名小学生进行了立体视锐度调查。

  • Test charts of reflection for television-Radiation stripe test chart

    GB/T13170.12-1991反射式电视测试图辐射条 测试

  • Test charts of reflection for television-Linear test chart A

    GB/T13170.2-1991反射式电视 测试 线性 测试 A型

  • This paper introduces especially standardization of commissioning organization and program of each test in commissioning management and the commissioning schedule test flow chart is provided .

    本文重点介绍了HTR-10调试管理中的调试组织的规范化和试验活动的程序化,并给出了 试验活动程序流程

  • The Millimetric Visual Test Chart and Its Mode of Recording

    毫米视力 及毫米记录法的探讨第一部分,设计及制作语音模式

  • It is an objective evaluation method in which the Fourier frequency spectra of the resolving power test chart are analyzed and processed according to the optical information processing principle .

    这是一种用光学信息处理原理 对标板图案傅里叶 进行分析处理的客观评价方法。

  • Test chart for electrostatic copying process

    GB/T4591-1992静电复印 测试

  • Demonstrated general aptitude for other skills listed in Engineering – Test Laboratory Skill Chart .

    具有其他的一般性的工程技术能力,能运用及掌握 测试 图表分析技巧。

  • Finally discussed the approach of two-dimensional map display and a half arid two-dimensional respectively and give the test results chart .

    最后分别讨论了二维和二维半地图显示的方法,并给出了 试验效果

  • Application of laser holographic stereovision test chart in patients after phacoemulsifications

    激光全息立体视觉 检查 在白内障超声乳化术后的应用

  • To verify the accuracy of this method the results are compared with the MTF values obtained by the original method in which the gray level of the test chart pictures are read and calculated .

    将这种方法所 测量的结果与实际读取胶片时由 分辨率板的图案中黑白条纹灰度值计算出的MTF值进行了比较,验证了这种方法的准确性。

  • Registration test chart B of transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.9-1986透射式电视重合 测试 B型

  • High resolution test chart of transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.5-1986透射式电视高分辨率 测试

  • Standard gray and color test chart for photography & Specifications Don 't drop your ashes on the floor !

    GB/T3556-1983摄影用标准灰 、色板的技术规范别把烟灰掉到地板上!

  • Test charts of reflection for television-Registration test chart B

    GB/T13170.10-1991反射式电视 测试 重合 测试 B型

  • Test charts of reflection for television-Area test chart

    GB/T13170.13-1991反射式电视 测试 区域 测试

  • Familiar color test chart for photography

    摄影用常见色 模拟 色板的研制

  • Quality of distribution test chart of transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.10-1986透射式电视均匀性 测试

  • A criterion to determine the maximum resolving power of a resolving power test chart by using Fourier power spectrum is proposed .

    提出傅里叶功率 评价分辨率标 极限分辨率值的理论判据。

  • Circular zone test chart of transparencies for television

    GB/T6996.11-1986透射式电视区域 测试

  • Tolerance test certificate test flow chart incuded .

    公差测试证书, 测试流程 中。

  • Test charts of reflection for television-Amplitude response test chart

    GB/T13170.8-1991反射式电视测试图辐值响应 测试

  • Test charts of reflection for television-Circular zone test chart

    GB/T13170.11-1991反射式电视 测试 圆域 测试