test recipe

[化] 试验配方

  • This approach has been tried with good results ; Test this recipe .

    这个方法经检验结果不错; 检验一下这个 处方

  • The test results showed that the processibility physical properties and performance of test inner ply compound were similar to those of original compound by adjusting the recipe .

    试验结果表明,通过 配方调整, 试验胶料的工艺性能、物理性能和实际使用性能与原配方 生产的内层胶接近。

  • Divide patients into two groups of test team ( ku bi chun xiao yin fang ) and control team ( capsule of compound recipe Qingdai ) in successively order . 2 .

    方法:1.将患者随机分配到 试验组(苦必春消银方组)和对照组( 复方青黛胶囊组)。

  • Susceptibility test effective dosage test safety test clinical therapeutic and preventive test and comparative therapeutic test with western medicine were all done by using self-made compound recipe of Chinese herbal medicine in colibacillosis of egg chickens .

    自拟中草药复方对蛋雏鸡大肠杆菌病进行了病原菌体外药物敏感试验、中西药疗效对比 试验及临床治疗和预防试验,并对自拟中草药复方进行了有效治疗剂量筛选试验和安全性试验。

  • General effect Comparison between test team and control group has no statistical significance which show ku bi chun xiao yin fang has therapeutic equivalence with capsule of compound recipe Qingdai on general effect . 3 .

    综合疗效比较: 试验组与对照组比较无统计学意义(P0.05),说明苦必春消银方治疗寻常性银屑病在综合疗效方面与 复方青黛胶囊疗效相当。

  • This test included recipe of vinegar capsule va lue of security toxicology adjusting blood-fat . It also discussed the result of test

    文中详细介绍了恒顺醋胶囊 配方 设计、安全性毒理学评价、调节血脂功能 试验,并对结果作了讨论

  • The production process was discussed in this paper . Through orthogonal test design the optimal recipe for the beverage was determined : rice wine broth 28 % medlar 10 % aspartame 0.03 % citric acid 0.12 % pH 4.2 ~ 4.5 .

    探讨了加工工艺,并采用正交 实验设计,确定枸杞黄酒复合饮品的最佳 配方为:黄酒清液28%,枸杞10%,白砂糖8%,阿斯巴甜0.03%,柠檬酸为0.12%,pH4.2~4.5。

  • Waiting until the night before a test to study is a recipe for disaster .

    直到 考试前的晚上才 看书 考试糟糕的由因。

  • Standardized research and test center and chemicals recipe base .

    标准化的科研 实验中心及药物 配方基地。

  • The test results show that : By holding time is 6 hours at 1330 ℃ performances of synthetic cordierite by the 4 # recipe are better and the cordierite samples have low thermal expansion and content of synthetic cordierite is most .

    试验研究结果表明:采用4 配方经烧成温度为1330℃,保温时间为6小时后合成堇青石的常温指标较好,而且该试样具有较低的热膨胀性、合成堇青石的含量较高。

  • This paper studied the synthesis of super water-absorbed resin by using graft copolymerization of acrylic acid of corn starch and used intersection test methods for optimum recipe .

    在玉米淀粉上接枝丙烯酸制得高吸水树脂,并采用正交 试验找出了最佳 配方

  • Methods : The test group ( 31 cases ) had been treated by hormone added recipe for resolving turbid pathogenic factor and reinforcing kidney the control group ( 26 cases ) by hormone added hexanicit .

    方法: 治疗组31例,用 自拟化浊保肾 配合激素治疗,对照组26例用烟酸肌醇酯配合激素治疗。

  • According to orthogonal test the best recipe of the functional beverage was that concentrated solution was8 % sugar was5 % .

    通过正交 实验,确定了饮料的最佳 配方:8%提取液、5%白砂糖。