test pressure


  • Determined by characteristics of sedimentagraph undersize sedimentary faces and field test pressure in Ordos lower Paleozoic Ordovician reservoirs are of a pressure system of oil gas .

    依靠沉积相、沉积微相以及 实测地层 压力的差异对鄂尔多斯盆地古生界含油气系统进行划分,论证了奥陶系天然气藏落在一个含油气压力系统中。

  • This paper firstly presented the scheme of a highly automatic steady test bench on which the valve lift and test pressure are all computer-controlled .

    根据 流体机械多相流动试验台管路系统存在的问题,对管路系统存在的问题作了若干改进,明显地减小了 水头损失,提高了 试验台设计参数。

  • The errors between adjusting values and measuring values are related to the material characteristics but also to test pressure time and original high of samples .

    修正值与非接触测量值的误差大小除与材料性质有关外,还与 试验 压力、时间和试样原始高度有关;

  • Construction of testing system is compact and it can apply to test rest pressure flowing pressure and temperature .

    测试系统结构紧凑,可广泛应用于 井下 静压、流压和温度等的 测量

  • In this paper by using reliability design methods the test pressure of ultrahigh cylinder is studied . It is analyzed what the fixed quantity relation of test pressure with influencing factor .

    应用可靠性设计方法,对超高压圆筒耐压 试验 压力进行探讨,定量分析试验压力与影响因素之间的关系。

  • Researching on External Pressure Test Pressure Coefficient of External Pressure Vessels

    薄壁外压容器外压 试验 压力系数研究

  • Try the best to approach pump test hydraulic pressure .

    尽可能接近泵 测试 水压

  • Formation damages resulted from large test pressure difference include particles migration formation sand production retrograde condensation and early water production and so on .

    测试生产 差过大产生的危害包括微粒运移、地层出砂、反凝析、早期出水等。

  • Factory products using the water-gas mixed test pressure test .

    出厂前本产品采用水气混 加压实验。

  • The calculation of the outlet velocity of pressure vessel jet and the nozzle-duct system are led into the gas line pressure test and the relationship between the test pressure Ps and the pressure drop △ P w_1288 has been obtained .

    把受压容器喷出口的流速计算和喷管&直管体系引入煤气管道的试压过程,得到 试验 压力Ps与允许压力降△Pw_1325间的关系。

  • Connect test pressure gauge and lines to the fuel lines .

    测试 压力表和管路连接到燃油油管。

  • Test is made with EU standard EN 12205-2001 and USA standard DOT-39 . It is suggested explosion pressure for GB 17268-1998 type test should not be lower than twice the test pressure armor plate is used as the impact surface .

    建议GB17268-1998型式试验的爆破试验压力以不小于2倍的 试验 压力作为合格指标,跌落试验采用钢板作为撞击面,增加钢瓶挂重试验要求。

  • Aluminum-plastic composite pipe connection cards are nested and therefore construction First we must pass a stringent test pressure test connection is solid .

    铝塑复合管的连接是卡套式的,因此施工中一是要通过严格的 ,检验连接是否牢固。

  • Smooth spline filter for pre-processing well test pressure data

    光顺样条滤波在 试井 压力数据预处理中的应用

  • Hydrostatic test Pneumatic test Test pressure Test temperature Vacuum vessel Combination units .

    液压试验,气压试验, 试验 压力,试验温度,真空容器,组合容器。

  • Controls the test pressure when measuring .

    测量时控制 测试 压力

  • The test pressure performed with compressed air .

    用压缩空气进行 压力 试验

  • The test pressure shall be within the limits set forth by the Hydraulic Institute .

    测试 压力应该在美国水利协会规定的范围内。

  • The block is then tested hydraulically to its full design test pressure on each stream separately .

    然后,石块被分别在每条小溪上以水压的方法来测试它被设计出的最大限度的 测试 压力

  • The test pressure coefficient and safety factor are searched for thin-wall vessels with minimum virgin reliability of burst strength in different working conditions .

    从控制薄壁内压容器在不同工况下最小初始可靠度的角度,对其 试验 压力系数与安全系数进行了探索。

  • In the test the pressure and liquid-level in LNG tank container were measured .

    试验 观测了液化天然气罐式集装箱的 压力、液位等变化情况。

  • Analysis of Test Pressure for High Temperature Vessels

    高温容器 液压 试验 的分析

  • Automatic matching of drill - stem test pressure history curves by computer

    计算机自动拟合分析 DST 压力历史曲线

  • In experimental measurement F P laser interferometry and auto measurement system are used to take F P interference pictures and test pressure distributions .

    实验测试应用F-P激光干涉仪和自动测压系统,得到流场 F-P干涉照片和 压强分布。

  • The test pressure of target service is controlled by using tokens and the load balance of distributed testing is realized by token migration .

    采用令牌方式来控制目标服务的 测试 压力,通过令牌迁移实现分布式测试的负载平衡。

  • Electrical Control System of Hydrostatic Tester and Research & Development of Test Pressure Recording Instrument

    钢管静水压试验机电控系统及 试验 压力记录仪的研制

  • The article discusses the cause of deformation in the hydraulic test of pressure tubing and suggests some solutions on the basis of analysis .

    阐述了 耐压管水压 试验变形的根本原因,在分析的基础上,指出了解决问题的方法。

  • Hydraulic testing bench has the characteristic of lower test pressure and small out flow .

    液压实验台 测试 压力较低、输出流量比较小。

  • Equip with the automatic adjustable boosting test pressure device in system .

    系统内配置气压自动调节增压 试验 压力装置。