test glasses

[医] 试管

  • Impact test method of safety glasses for road vehicles

    GB/T4125-1984汽车安全 玻璃抗冲击性 试验方法

  • Talking about the Quality Test of Glasses

    浅谈 眼镜质量 检验

  • Test Research of Grinding and Drilling with Ultrasonic Vibration on Hard and Brittle Glasses

    在硬脆材料 玻璃上超声振动研磨钻孔 试验研究

  • Accompanied by their parents to Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention Center students were conducted by professional eye doctors routine eye examination and refraction eye test and glasses naked eye axial length intraocular pressure and dilated eye examination and computerized corneal curvature measurements .

    由家长陪同到上海市眼病防治中心,由专业眼科医师进行眼部常规检查和屈光检查, 裸眼和 视力、眼轴长度、眼压,并散瞳电脑验光和测角膜曲率。

  • According to the national criterion for testing shock-resisted eye protection device established by the National Standard Bureau the shock tester for eye protection device has been introduced in this paper which can reliably and precisely test the safety capability of eye protection glasses or masks .

    根据国家标准计量局制订的防冲击眼护具试验方法的国标要求,提出一种眼护具冲击测试仪的研制方案,实现对防护 眼镜和防护面罩的安全性能进行可靠精确的 检测

  • It shows that it is a reliable and micro test method to determine the identity of the nature and quantity of bits of broken glasses .

    实验证明,这是一种对 玻璃碎屑进行同一性认定的可靠的、微量的定性以及定量的 检验方法。

  • For the eyesight test remember to bring your glasses or wear your contact lenses if you are short-sighted .

    如果您近视,请在进行视力 测试时戴上 眼镜,或者是隐形眼镜。

  • Synoptophore examination is the most valuable method for diagnosing and evaluating SOP . An acquired SOP is sensitive to be detected by diplopia test with red and green glasses

    同视机检查对SOP的诊断、评估最有价值, 红绿